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Sojaveña Wilds Silver Ravine Mystery Dungeon

"Oh. All right." It wasn't, not really, not when it raised approximately seventy-three more questions (so did that mean they didn't know about the trouble button? did he prefer to be called "Nidoran" or "Spike"? did he even know the difference? did the list writer? how many different people was he hanging out with? what about, and what about...), but it clearly wasn't what Ayda and Razael were here for. Wasn't what they were here for, either. Better to focus on that, in the end. For now. Heck, maybe being able to do more exploring around here would mean she could actually find Nidoran's other friend. (And if all else failed, there was always the letter.)

She shook it off for now and squared up. The chief seemed ready enough, aside from being thrown by the question, and Razael, well, he'd said as much anyway. "Whatever it is you're looking to see, we brought it," Leaf said. "I wanna do more here. I wanna learn more. I want whatever help you can offer. And if we gotta earn that help, then that's just what we're gonna do. No question." She pawed the ground eagerly, business end of the horn at the ready.

"You sure you're up for this?" she added in the graydian's—Nova's—direction. "Help's always appreciated, but you don't have to if you were busy with something else."
So, they were here to fight the Dewott, and the Haxorus, but not the Nidoran, who appeared to be… Some kind of tame wild Pokemon? So like a pet? Humans of course kept Pokemon as pets back in his original universe, but the idea of a Pokemon having a fellow Pokemon as a pet was somewhat odd to the Oshawott. Well, probably not the weirdest thing he’d encountered since arriving here, and it likely wouldn’t be the last thing that caused him to do a mental double take, either. For now, though, he needed to keep his head in the game, and that meant sizing up his actual opponents.

The Dewott was more immediately interesting to Archie, being his evolutionary superior. He’d heard it said that no two members of their evolutionary line fought the same way, each developing their own style of scalchop swordplay. This would be a good chance for him to learn a few pointers in watching the way a – presumably natural – Dewott would fight, for things he could incorporate into his own fighting style. As for the Haxorus, although it was considered the lesser Unovan dragon compared to Hydreigon, Archie knew it to be a dangerous combatant in its own right, more than capable of knocking out opponents in one swipe of its axe blade tusks. He was glad he thought to take the time to learn a new Ice Type attack after his previous run in with Dragons in the orchard.

The Oshawott nodded to himself, then drew his scalchop. He had to do well here, for Leaf and Koa’s sake. He’d do his very best not to disappoint them.

“Name’s Archie,” he said, with a grin, “I’ll try to provide an interesting match.”
Ayda made a face somewhere between a grin and a grimace as she looked to Archie.

"Another 'ott, huh?" she drawled. "Let's see what you're made of, then!"

The Dewott backed up, and dived into the river, only to leap out and spin to face the party on the opposite bank. Razael seemed to axe his way through the water to join her, as she unholstered a scalchop and aqueous energy flickered into blade-form at its end. Rain and river-spray began to fill the air around her, as if willed by her movements. Meanwhile, Razael's scales seemed to gleam, as if he were a beacon in the storm, drawing all eyes away from the ranger chief...

"Let's see what you're all made of, fighters from distant worlds!"

Enemy Phase, Turn 0

Ayda's Rapids – Her speed rose by 2, and she gained Aqua Ring. The weather became rainy.
Razael's Composure – His defenses rose by 2. He became the centre of attention.
While a pokémon is the centre of attention, all single-target moves in their zone must target them.

Good luck, heroic spirits! I am rooting for you!
"Help's always appreciated, but you don't have to if you were busy with something else."
Nova looked across the water, head tilting slightly. He didn't initially acknowledge Leaf, because the voice suddenly interjected, informing them of what the two rangers were doing.

'Rooting for me?' Nova's fur bristled slightly. 'If that were the case, you wouldn't have given me this mask.' The voice seemed idealistic. Much as Nova wanted to chalk it up to just a naïve mistake, with the life he lived, he instinctively defaulted to more... malicious lines of reasoning.

His eyes seemed even duller than before. "It's a classic tag-team system," Nova whispered. It was... far from a proper response to Leaf's statement. "One to defend the other so they can launch devastating strikes. The monk might have some counterattacking abilities."

He blinked, then looked down at the running water between them and the rangers. "I bet they're expecting us to stay. Especially with rain up over there. If we book it over, we might disrupt their typical flow of battle."

And, along that line of thinking, having the big, bulky, slow-looking one of the bunch be the first across could also throw off their routine. So, that was what Nova was going to do. He leaped into the water without much of a care. As Nova kicked up a spray, his muscles tensed and there was a brief sheen that could easily be mistaken for dungeon light glinting off his now wet fur.

Nova used Iron Defense!

Almost reflexively, Nova forced himself to bound through the water. There was a strange taste in the back of his throat, like when he'd used that odd seed. The energy faded when he was under the rain, but Nova kept the momentum going to unleash the strange sounds made by rubbing his helmet against some of the available cover. The monk was boosting his defenses. Nova was fine with nonverbally telling ascetic composure to kiss his fuzzy and scaly ass.

Nova (49 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk + Dash to River Crossing (-2 TMP)
- Iron Defense (-13.5 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dash to Fishing Spot (-2 TMP)
- AGILE Metal Sound @ Razeal (-22.5 STM, hit, -3 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -36 STM, -3 TMP
Net totals: 13 STM (25 after regen), 2 TMP
Nova's Iron Defense raised his defense by 2!
Nova's AGILE Metal Sound lowered Razeal's resistance by 2!
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Astrid (60 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to River Crossing
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to River Crossing (-2 TMP)
- Nasty Plot (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dash to Fishing Spot (-2 TMP)
- AGILE CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Razael (-15 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Razael (-10 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- {Spotter t0: Razael’s Resistance and Defense}
Net change: -43 STM, +0 TMP
Net totals: 17 STM (32 after regen), 5 TMP

1. Nova
2. Archie
3. Astrid
4. Koa
5. Prim
6. Leaf
7. Jade
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What was with that face? Was the Dewott trying to hide discomfort with bravado? Was there something about him that she found upsetting? Or maybe just discomforting? It was unlikely she was going to explain herself, at least not now, but that was something that was most certainly going to nag at Archie. For now, he reminded himself he had to focus. It seemed much like the battle with Sonora, the Dewott’s strategy involved letting her tankier comrade draw the heat. So be it, they’d have to wear down the Haxorus first.

One thing he knew for sure, was that his skillset was not built towards lobbing attacks from a distance. The river was an obstacle he would have to cross. And it seemed like he wasn’t the only one with that idea!

“I’ll back you up,” he said, flashing the chimera a thumbs up and his best reassuring grin. The Pokemon seemed almost listless, which didn’t bode well. Maybe a little encouragement and comradery would help bolster him? A little show of trust? Either way, when Nova bounded across the river, Archie was quick to follow along behind. As he charged across the river, he mimicked the Dewott’s earlier action of drawing a blade of Water Type energy out of the sharpened tip of his scalchop, and then launched himself at the Haxorus, slashing twice in quick succession!

“So you’re on decoy duty today, big guy?” he teased. This was ultimately a friendly bout, even if they were trying to prove themselves. No reason to be outright hostile with the Haxorus as long as it didn’t impede the Oshawott’s focus!

Archie (55 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to River Crossing
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to River Crossing (-2 TMP)
- Dash to Fishing Spot (-2 TMP)
- AGILE Razor Shell @ Razael (-24 STM, hit, -1 TMP, +3 TMP)
- Razor Shell @ Razael (-16 STM, hit, -1 TMP, +3 TMP)
Net change: -40 STM, +0 TMP
Net totals: 15 STM (28 after regen), 5 TMP
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Sick. "Let's do this," he declared. Time to try out his latest technique that he'd been working on the past couple nights. Darkness, the burning wagon, and that Thing lunging from the darkness. Another counter to use in battle and distract the opponent.

With a burst of energy he surged across the river. A rush of energy, both almost electric yet not, built in him. If Razael wanted to be the center of attention, then so be it. Light exploded from him right in the dragons face.

Koa used Flash!

Koa (59 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to River Crossing
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to River Crossing (-2 TMP)
- Bulk Up (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dash to Fishing Spot (-2 TMP)
- STRONG Mach Punch @ Razael (-9 STM, +6 TMP)
- Flash @ Razael (-10 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -37 STM, +6 TMP
Net totals: 22 STM (36 after regen), 11 TMP
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Well, that took long enough jabbering. A plume of sand puffed behind Prim as she shot towards the river, poncho flapping. The water was at just the right temperature so that she couldn't feel it at all. Pretty weird. She sucked in a breath and turned her eyes to the sun. Its warmth didn't feel right on her skin, and it was dimmer than she would have liked through the just-visible shimmer of the dungeon sky and its bizarrely whirling clouds. For her purposes, though, it would get the job done.

Prim (52 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- **Bonus Action:** Walk + Dash to River Crossing (-2 TMP)
- Solar Beam @ Ayda (if possible!?) (-25 STM, -2 TMP, +3 TMP)
Net change: -25 STM, -1 TMP
Net totals: 27 STM (40 after regen), 4 TMP
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Huh. Nova'd just jumped straight to analyzing the situation. Maybe he was more eager to battle than she'd thought? He didn't sound excited about it, but at least he seemed to know what he was talking about.

Well, okay then. This was important. They needed to get this right. As long as he really wanted to help, then however he felt best doing it was good enough.

So, follow me. Or... something. Was that a thing haxorus could do? It didn't seem like a thing that was a thing they should be able to do. But he'd gone and done it anyway, all right, cool (no really, that was pretty cool), and the point was it was hard for Leaf to tear her attention away from him, and that meant risking Ayda setting up whatever she merry well pleased. If she could just resist all the shiny-shiny-shiny and punch through enough energy to target both of them at once...

Time to see what these ponyta legs could really do, yeah? She threw herself forward, crossing the shallows in just a few bounds, and snarled at both of the rangers, focusing hard on whatever the dewott was planning so she could call it out to the others.

Spotter @ Ayda's Gear/Items

That jolted Jade into action. Her allies were already rushing forward, fighting against the river current in their push to reach the rangers. Jade eyed the rocks jutting from the river further downstream and made a snap decision, and maybe it wouldn't work, but she was going to try it anyway.

The Meowth leaped awkwardly from rock to rock, struggling to keep her balance until she got on all fours like a--well, like a cat. A flying leap at the end and she'd made it across. It'd been slower than the rest of the team, but if she could stay out of the direct line of fire, maybe she could get close without being spotted, call things out to her teammates...

Razael's gleaming scales drew her eye, but there was something else gleaming as well. A crystal amulet, glinting in the sunlight, just barely peeking out from beneath a silky gray scarf with wavy auburn patterns woven across it.

Maybe if she watched how he reacted to the attacks aimed his way, she could get a better idea of what they did...

Jade's Spotter Aux - Razael's Gear! Clear Amulet & Cover Band
Player Phase, Turn 1

'Rooting for me? If that were the case, you wouldn't have given me this mask.'

But I am rooting for you, Nova!
I am so, so sorry about your mask. I do not know what it is like to wear such a thing.
I just hope it is temporary. I do not want you to suffer.

Ayda gave the party a 'bring it' gesture with her free paw as they followed the rangers across the river. The ground was already slick from rain and spray.

"Don't hold back!" she crowed.

Razael took up a defensive stance...

Nova’s Agile Metal Sound lowered Razael’s Resistance! Res... -1!

Archie’s AGILE Razor Shell dealt 6 damage to Razael!
Archie’s Razor Shell dealt 8 damage to Razael!

Astrid’s AGILE CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 28 damage to Razael!
Astrid’s CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 37 damage to Razael!
Astrid's Spotter Feat! Razael has 66 Resistance and 74 Defense!

Koa’s STRONG Mach Punch dealt 7 damage to Razael!
Koa's Flash lowered Razael's Accuracy! Acc -1!

Leaf's Spotter Skill! Ayda's Gear:

Mystic Water – Boosts the power of the holder's Water-Type moves by 10%.
Twist Band – Prevents the holder's offenses from being lowered by the enemy.

Jade's Spotter Aux - Razael's Gear:

Clear Amulet – Once per turn, reduces a debuff inflicted by another Pokémon by 1 stage and lowers the timer to [1].
Cover Band – Each turn, the user may guard an ally. The first single-target attack targeting that ally will instead strike the user, ignoring Evasion.
Enemy Phase, Turn 1

Ayda gave a fanged smile. "Not bad! Let's see how you handle what we can do...!"

The Dewott seemed to psych herself up, unholstering her other scalchop and letting out a lutrine cry, and then a rain of attacks came down on the party from both rangers.

No sooner had they struck than they sped back across the river, the rainstorm growing as they went.

Boss Action: Razael buffed himself! +2 Spd!
Razael Focused...
Cover Band! Razael is guarding Ayda!
Razael's Breaking Swipe dealt 6 dmg to Koa!
7 dmg to Archie! Archie's Defiant!
Razael's AGILE Brick Break dealt 8 dmg to Nova! It's super-effective!
Razael's Brick Break dealt 24 dmg to Astrid! It's super-effective!
Razael dashed to River Crossing!
Razael walked to Rocky Bank!
Ayda Focused...
Ayda Focused...
Boss Action: Ayda's Chilling Water hit everyone in the zone!
Koa took 9 dmg! -1 Atk!
Archie took 9 dmg! It wasn't very effective... Defiant!
Nova took 7 dmg! -1 Atk!
Astrid took 9 dmg! -1 Atk!
Ayda's STRONG Water Pulse dealt 18 dmg to Nova! Nova became Confused!
Ayda dashed to River Crossing!
Ayda's Aqua Jet dealt 10 dmg to Prim! It wasn't very effective...
Ayda used Rain Dance! The weather became rainy.
Ayda walked to Rocky Bank!
Boss Attack! Ayda is preparing Rain Dance, targeting Rocky Bank and Verdant Bank!

It looked like Razael was going to keep intercepting attacks, but maybe some could get past his guard...
The fishing spot exploded into a frenzy of action, attacks flying everywhere, and again, Jade was amazed that the team managed to avoid hitting each other. It almost felt like cheating after all the time and effort she'd put into multi battle training back home.

Jade did her best to stay out of the line of fire, calling out opportunities for her teammates as she saw them, ducking underneath the frenzied water strikes from Ayda as the otter counterattacked relentlessly. And any strikes aimed her way just kept getting intercepted by the big guy. After spawning yet more rain clouds overhead, the Dewott rushed back across the river until she was on the far bank, soon joined by her bodyguard.

And after it had taken all that effort just to get to this side of the river, now they had to get back across...

Everyone was preparing to do it. And the river would sap more of their energy and they'd have less time to attack before Ayda just ran circles around them. Unless...

A wonderful, insane idea suddenly dawned.

"Hey wait--Astrid!" Jade yelled, jumping up and waving a paw to get the ice fox's attention. "Can--can you freeze the river to make a path?"

Jade's Support Aux - Astrid gained +1 Spd!
Thinking like a trainer! Koa couldn't resist a grin as he heard Jade's call. Now they stood a real chance against the rangers tactics of trying to wear them out. Shaking the icy water from his pelt, he scarfed down a berry and charged once more to the other side of the river, this time across the icy path Astrid created.

Time to try and slow Ayda down.

He let his electricity flow freely, spreading across his body, cloaking him. "How's this?"

Koa used Spark!

Koa (36 STM, 11 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
*Activate ability (Static) @ Razael (-7 TMP)
- Walk to River Crossing
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Bulk Up (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Dash to Rocky Bank (-2 TMP)
- Mach Punch @ Ayda (-6 STM, +3 TMP)
- Spark @ Ayda (-16 STM, effect, -7 TMP, +3 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, -8 TMP
Net totals: 36 STM (50 after regen), 3 TMP
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Their advance was stymied by the terrain as she’d feared, punishing them not on their initial assault but on the back end. Ayda splashed them with bone-chilling water and Razael swung wildly as they passed, frustrating Astrid with how effortless it seemed. She tried to keep light on her feet but the range of his tusk erased any chance of fancy footwork. Wham—! Already, she was seeing stars.

"Hey wait--Astrid!" Jade yelled, jumping up and waving a paw to get the ice fox's attention. "Can--can you freeze the river to make a path?"

Freeze the river? Huh. “Yeah, for sure!” Astrid called without an inkling of a clue if it were true. But with the strange surge of energy setting fire to the muscles in her legs—from Jade? Leaf?—she couldn’t afford to hesitate.

With a heave, she jammed her feet in the sediment and whirled around, lining her hips up with the Ranger pair across the river, and lunged forward—forward, forward, then up and over rushing water. Shimmering ice collected along her jaw and released in one haphazard burst, practically sizzling when it touched the surface. Gravity followed suit and her feet found purchase on… the river. A flat platform that accepted her weight.

So she jammed in her foot again and skated forward in a single motion, right to the shore, smiling with genuine glee all the while.

“We should race sometime!” she called out, seeking eye contact with Ayda in an adrenaline-fueled blur of motion. Then, snake eyes—she threw out another burst of ice, this one sharper, designed to hurt, and Razael reacted. And as she’d been planning all along, she unloaded her salvo into him instead before taking up position next to the others advancing across the new bridge.

Astrid (32 STM, 5 TMP, +2 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Receive +1 Speed from Leaf
- Receive +1 Speed from Jade
- Walk to River Crossing
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
- Nasty Plot (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Freeze-Dry @ River’s Surface (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- Interact @ River’s Surface (-3 TMP)
- Dash to River Crossing (-2 TMP)
- AGILE CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Ayda (-15 STM, hit, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Razael (-10 STM, Sure Hit, +2 TMP)
- Draining Kiss @ Razael (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -22 STM, +3 TMP
Net totals: 10 STM (25 after regen), 8 TMP

Combat Intel: Razael’s Attack and Magic
1. Leaf
2. Jade
3. Astrid
4. Archie
5. Koa
6. Prim
7. Nova
Leaf’s Support granted Astrid +1 Speed!
Jade’s Support granted Astrid +1 Speed!

Astrid’s Freeze-Dry froze the surface of River’s Crossing! MC is now 1!
Astrid’s AGILE CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 35 damage to Razael, who intercepted the attack!
Astrid’s CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 47 damage to Razael!
Astrid’s Draining Kiss dealt 22 damage to Razael!

Archie’s Aerial Ace dealt XXX damage to Ayda!
Archie’s Assurance dealt XXX damage to Ayda!

Koa’s Static Paralyzed Ravael!
Koa’s Mach Punch dealt XXX damage to Ayda!
Koa’s Spark dealt XXX damage to Ayda! Ayda is Paralyzed!

Prim's Solar Beam dealt XXX damage to Ayda!
Prim’a Giga Drain dealt XXX damage to Ayda!
Prim’s Charm reduced Razael’s Attack by 2!
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This wasn't just some little skirmish. There was definitely something going on. These rangers were looking for something. Fighting spirit, maybe? Nova had one... but he couldn't draw it out. Not with a body like this. That voice's actions were different than their words. The mask wasn't temporary. How could a weaker body break it when he couldn't back home with all the power he had?

What the hell was even doing other than standing around and taking a hit or two? Just like at the gala. But that was what he wanted, right?

... No. Not like this. This was... too much like how he was forced to act back home. Which only meant...

Whenever I met with something painful or heartbreaking... I couldn't help but wonder why life was so unfair.

So unfair. So unfair. S̶͉̈́o̴̟̓ ̵̪̈û̶̠ṋ̸̔f̴̲̐ä̸̱ì̴̬r̴̩͊.̶͕͝

Nova's head was swirling trying to force His mental image away. He heard vague shouts. The river? Someone had an idea.

... Right. Tons of trainers in this team. People who strategized for fighting all the time. They didn't need him for that, either. What fighting spirit or resolve did standing around doing nothing constitute? Stubbornness? Being a nuisance?

Stop. Breathe. She hit you with Water Pulse. Was he confused? Could he focus? Clear his mind?

It was colder around him. The water wasn't moving. Even Nova's blurry vision could tell. So, he had a way across. To keep being a nuisance.

Maybe this routine would make him crack if he kept it up. But Nova couldn't change course for this fight. Relatively useless nuisance was his only play. He stumbled his way over the ice bridge. The weird bangle he'd purchased making odd noises like it had before.

Nova (25 STM, 2 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to River Crossing
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Rocky Bank (-2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: +0 STM, +3 TMP
Net totals: 25 STM (49 after regen), 5 TMP

Nova takes a breather to recover from his Confusion!
Well, this wasn’t too bad. The rangers likely weren’t going all out, and seemed content to mostly try to wear them out by making them repeatedly cross the river. Astrid, with the Meowth’s suggestion, soon put a stop to that plan, freezing a bridge across, ready for them to take advantage of. That gave the rest of them the opportunity they needed to keep up the pressure!

The chimera seemed somewhat out of sorts, and the Oshawott briefly considered taking a moment to check in, but, he didn’t want to waste the opportunity they’d been given. So he rushed across the bridge, following Koa. The Water Type energy from his blade fading to be replaced by Flying Type, Archie dodged around Razael as the Haxorus moved to intercept Astrid’s follow up attacks, and jabbed his Scalchop forward at Ayda with his right paw, then swung his body around left to follow that up with a left hook!

Archie (28 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Walk to River Crossing
- **Bonus Action:** Dash to Rocky Bank (-2 TMP)
- Aerial Ace @ Ayda (-8 STM, Sure Hit, +3 TMP)
- Assurance @ Ayda (-15 STM, +3 TMP)
Net change: -23 STM, +4 TMP
Net totals: 5 STM (18 after regen), 9 TMP
Prim (40 STM, 4 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC)
- Fire Solar Beam @ Ayda
- Walk to Rocky Bank
- Giga Drain @ Ayda (-17 STM, +3 TMP)
- Charm @ Razael  (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Bonus Action:** Item (Leppa Berry) (+40 STM)
Net change: +5 STM, +5 TMP
Net totals: 45 STM (52 after regen), 9 TMP
Player Phase, Turn 2

Ayda's face broke into a wild grin. "Wild winds," she exclaimed, "y'all plan to do that, or what? Nah – improvisation, teamwork... that's what we like to see!"

She met Archie's attacks with parries and rolled with the hits, but her face gave away that she was impressed.

"Well now," she growled, "you sure don't fight like a coastal 'wott! That ain't like any kinda fightin' style I've seen. Let's teach each other!"

"How's this?"

Ayda's legs seized up, and she adopted a less loose stance to compensate, gritting her teeth with effort.

"Pretty good, kid! Just don't expect that trick to work on the big fella!"

“We should race sometime!”

"Some time when I ain't full'a sparks maybe," she drawled, wiping her mouth with the back of her paw.

Leaf’s Support granted Astrid +1 Speed!
Jade’s Support granted Astrid +1 Speed!

Astrid’s Freeze-Dry froze the surface of River’s Crossing! MC is now 1!
Astrid’s AGILE CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 35 damage to Razael, who intercepted the attack!
Astrid’s CRITICAL Frost Breath dealt 47 damage to Razael!
Astrid’s Draining Kiss dealt 22 damage to Razael! Astrid recovered 16 HP!

Archie’s Aerial Ace dealt 8 damage to Ayda!
Archie’s Assurance dealt 14 damage to Ayda!

Koa’s Static couldn't paralyse Razael! Razael's Limber!
Koa’s Mach Punch dealt 8 damage to Ayda!
Koa’s Spark dealt 18 damage to Ayda! Ayda was Paralyzed!

Prim's Solar Beam dealt 33 damage to Ayda!
Prim’a Giga Drain dealt 23 damage to Ayda! Prim recovered 10 HP!
Prim’s Charm reduced Razael’s Attack by... 1!

Combat Intel: Razael’s 45 Attack and 28 Magic

Nova took a breather to recover from his Confusion!

As Nova gasped and swayed on the ice, Razael spared a look his way. The Haxorus looked... thoughtful.

But the battle pressed on all the same.
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