Fire emblem is great
Sky city is a huge floating city, a mile above the ground. You have come by Blimp, and marvel at its…uniqueness. But you haven’t come to challenge the Sky City Gym, or tour the Pokémon Creation Factory. You have come to explore the caves in the mass of land on which the city sits. Going down to the entrance from an elevator at the edge of the city, you cross a rickety rope bridge and come to the entrance of a cave. Next to the cave is a desk, behind which is a mid-teenager fiddling around on a Nintendo DSi. Upon seeing you, he snaps the device shut, and walks around the desk to talk to you.
“Welcome to the Sky City Caverns. Entrance fee is nonexistent, but Pokéballs do cost stuff. See, here you can encounter Pokémon and try to catch them with one of three kinds of pokéballs: Regular pokéballs cost $1 each and have a 60% Capture rate, Great Balls cost $2 each and have a 75% capture rate, and Ultra balls cost $3 each and have a 90% capture rate. You don’t have to buy pokéballs when you enter, but you can buy them as you go. If you don't specify which ball you wanna use, though, you'll by default throw a pokéball. Oh, and this cost will be taken from you after you finish. If a pokémon escapes from the pokéball, you will have to either escape or try again, but you will not be able to change rooms. This won't count toward your room count.
“As for the tunnels, several Pokémon live inside them, but they present a maze. After you’ve gone through thirty rooms, I’ll forcibly remove you from the complex, and you’re free to keep anything you happen to find in the tunnels after that. If you happen to find one of the seven additional exits of the tunnels, you’ll have to exit, but then you, but only you, can re-enter from that exit rather than from the start. You’ll keep all your stuff when this happens. If you ever get horribly lost and want out really badly, just say so, and I’ll be there in a flash.
“Additionally, this place is said to be a resting place of Ho-oh. Be wary of that. Its nest is somewhere in these caverns…But only I know where! If you’re interested in what’s in here for you, just look at that poster over there.” He points to a poster hanging near the entrance to the cave. “Good luck,” he says, and sits back down, re-opening his DSi.
You walk in, and there are three passageways: Right, Left, and Center. Choose one, and view your fate…
The poster says…
Extremely rare:
“Happy exploring!”
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