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Shit, that wasn't a dream?

I admit, during the summer I couldn't tell where the raves ended and Ceebeebies began.
I risk going off-topic here, but Horrible Histories - CBBC, not Cbeebies! And they actually made a version presented by Stephen Fry to air on the BBC because ao many adults loved it - is the BEST EVER (the books are fantastic, but the show is incredible and genuinely the funiest thing I've seen in a long time) and everyone needs to watch it. Just tell me this, this or this isn't utter genius.
So much cooler than ponies

Ooh, actually on-topic, I'm living with four other girls this year, and they all smoke, which is fine, but one of them smokes in her room sometimes (with the window open) and I'm getting a little worried that, at the end of the year, when the house gets inspected, we might lose some of our deposit because the house-inspectory-people might notice. But I don't know any of my housemates very well and don't really want to bring it up ><
It's a slow painful way to kill yourself. My grandpa's death from lung cancer spooked me away from even laying a single finger on any tobacoo products.
I'm not against smoking, but it should be done in private or open spaces, it's not really pleasant for a non-smoker to be caught in a cloud of tobacco smoke created by a smoker. Here where I live, smoking is banned indoors, which I think is alright.
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