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Novelux Sparkwright Polytechnic

Gare spun around, flecking a bit of ink onto his face as he tried to look at the paper. He paused, stumbled, and gasped, "Why? Why didn't it work this time?! It's worked every other time!" The Spinda thrusted his free hand towards the exhaust to feel the cool air blowing through. "It should be working; it's doing what it always does! Augh, it's makin' my head spin!"

A few onlookers glanced over at the robot, vexed by its voice and posture. A smaller Totodile student seemed particularly keen on trying to take notes before being snatched away by his friend.

The Spinda hunched over as his ears flopped down. "I swear, it should be workin'..." It seemed there was a moment of downtime for the guests to ask questions of the invention, the family, or just to look around.
"I'm not sure why it makes those at all!"

Kimiko shot a side-eye at Dave; apparently he didn't feel the need to break the news lightly. Then she, too, rounded on Lucis. "You didn't intend for it to create statues of you?"

She let that hang for a moment before continuing. "So, you said it lays eggs once it's filtered out... resources. What exactly are these statues made of?"

"Why? Why didn't it work this time?! It's worked every other time!"

"Well... you're a scientist, aren't you? Or, uh... an inventor, anyway." She shook her head. "You've got smarts. If you got it to work before, then what's different this time compared to the times it worked? And please don't say 'the message written on the paper'."
"Basic stone! I don't have it configured to filter out anything specifically other than gold on a whim, but I doubt we've found any gold in simple piles like this. So it simply returns what it got in!" Lucis nodded. "But think about it. You'll never lose your keys again! Simply excavate the ground and you'll find your keys in no time! I was thinking of advertising it as the ultimate lost and found machine..."
Dave blinked. The thing made statues of Lucis without even being programmed to do that? What the fuck kind of sorcery was that? Could you even be impressed when the kid didn't even control what the thing did?

"What if you lose your keys indoors? Or in grass?"

Meanwhile, the Spinda was beside himself. Dave took a couple of step towards the invention, holding a paw in front of the exhaust, feeling the cold air. "So how is this thing meant to work exactly? I mean... is this basically just a cooling device? In a giant-ass hall full of people?"
"I suppose it could also handle grass or stone. Then you'll simply have to look around for it, or, oh! I could find ways to configure it..." Lucis mumbled as he spoke, pacing as more ideas came to mind. "Yes, a key finder. It will go through anything to get your keys!" Even your other keys!"

"Nearly had one there," Gerome drawled. "One day he'll get it."
"Well... you're a scientist, aren't you? Or, uh... an inventor, anyway." She shook her head. "You've got smarts. If you got it to work before, then what's different this time compared to the times it worked? And please don't say 'the message written on the paper'."
"The only thing I could think of is—"

"So how is this thing meant to work exactly? I mean... is this basically just a cooling device? In a giant-ass hall full of people?"
"—Yes! Exactly! Its super-spinning fan-tastic technology brings about the coolest of breezes, lettin' the ink dry faster than a tauros on a tuesday durin' happy hour!" Gare declared as he proudly looked upward. "So that's it then; it's the room size! Which means I gotta add more power, more fans, make it bigger and spinnier...!"
"Then maybe you should just sell it as air conditioning. Drying ink is great and all, but it seems kind of specific for a selling point if what the thing's actually doing is air conditioning."

Dave looked back at Lucis as the kid paced, bursting with ideas. Jean could be a fountain of off-the-wall ideas, too, but Lucis definitely had her beat in terms of actually delivering them.

"Well, good luck figuring out those use cases, kid." He turned to Gerome and Floinsa. "I bet he's a handful around the house, huh?"
"He invented something that's still in the walls," Gerome replied to Dave. "Ain't Lucis that's the handful."

Floinsa giggled. "He's my little inventor. One day, he's going to change the world..."

"I've got it!" Lucis suddenly declared. "Why not give it a dowsing function? Yes! That's what I must do! Come on, Tyrexcavatar! Let's go!"

Lucis tried to pick it up... to no avail. He huffed and puffed, and eventually Gerome sighed and approached to do the hauling for him, plucking it from the ground with one hand.

"Well, it was real good seein' you," Gerome said. "You can visit our place. I'll be stayin' for a bit. Hope the bar's been fine without me."
"Then maybe you should just sell it as air conditioning. Drying ink is great and all, but it seems kind of specific for a selling point if what the thing's actually doing is air conditioning."
"Hair conditioning? It's not a shampoo, though!" Gare shook his head as he patted his contraption. "But I suppose if I consider the air like strands of fur and tried to condition each of them with a good spin... yes... yes I think we're onto somethin' here!"

Though the Spinda had stopped feuding with the other young inventor, it seemed few of those in suits paid the two much of a visit. Whether one sprinted ahead of the march of progress or spun in their wheels, it seemed that word traveled fast in Novelux — and all that was built into it.

[Ch06] Finale ~ Harnessing Ingenuity New
Today was the day. Dust covers came down from the machines and contraptions devised by the college's brightest minds. Food was supplied, but few had attention to spare for such things when marvellous electromantic apparatuses were on display to obsess over. Even some artistic pieces were present, sculpted out of spare parts by the more eccentric undergraduates who'd taken societal philosophy electives. This was Sparkwright Polytechnic, after all – the student body at once intently practical, and yet always uniquely eccentric.

The campus convention halls filled up with students, faculty, staff, guests – and the Wayfarer security detail. The rooms brimmed with pokémon of every species. As of yet, no invasion or infiltration of Covenant forces had made its way in... Just an invasion of people who, by the sounds of it, were talking all at once.

"—excuse me, so sorry, do you mind? Just gotta get through, I'm hosting a table—"

In the west wing of the convention halls, a central platform enshrined Sparkwright's new invention. The Rift-Mender, he'd dubbed it – though only after an aide had threatened to shred his documentation if he didn't give it a short, pronounceable name.

"—there any goddamn bathrooms in this fuckin' place? Oh— uh, thanks, ma'am..."

The thing was small enough to fit in a 'mon's travel trunk, little larger than a cash register, but it was set into a throne of copper wiring, halogen bulbs, and strange nodules about the size of a car. This, then, was the portal unit's charging and calibration station. The assembly as a whole wore a sort of faint corona of energy, like dungeon artifacts sometimes did...

"Woah, would you look at that! How much d'you think—"

In only a few minutes, it would be time to demonstrate the invention. As such, a minor false-dungeon bound to an antique cabinet had been brought in for this purpose. Sparkwright himself was not yet at the podium – off to the side, Chesnaught Sam leaned casually back against the wall, her eyes on anyone who approached it.

"Behold! Through ingenuity and uncanny natural philosophy, I have unshackled the field of meteorology!"

Not long left...
Gladion did his best to remain out of sight. After all, he was an ARK Unit. As much as he didn’t trust there weren’t multiple Coven factions running around doing stupid shit at the same time, there were still pretty decent odds that this faction had heard that there were ARK Units amidst the Wayfarers. And even if they didn’t know what an ARK Unit was, his presence would still be a dead giveaway for Wayfarer presence on-site.

So he lurked, out of sight or in large crowds with people larger than he was, the hood of his cloak pulled over his distinctive crest, and waited to spring the trap. They would show. He was as sure of it as he could be.
Dave stood warily near the stabilizer, scanning the crowd and occasionally the ceiling. Any one of them could be part of the Covenant, really. Couldn't say until they struck.

The Chesnaught definitely was, although it sounded like some of the team had talked with her before and swore she was all right. Why she'd associate with the organization anyway was anybody's guess.

For now, at least, everything was calm. Dave was sure that would change.
Astrid liked to think she blended in well enough in the swarm of adolescence, small as she was. On the flipside, she had given up trying to preempt the attack minutes ago due to… well, where to even start. There was nothing obscure about this place, which meant the incoming heist would command discretion. Astrid bit her lip in mild frustration and accepted that they may have to start on the back foot here.

But it was freeing, in a way. For the duration of the current calm, she marveled at what she could. Some inventions showed promise and needed time, and a piece of her wished their creators success for their sheer dedication to whatever-the-fuck. Others she couldn’t comprehend in the short glances she afforded them between scanning for danger. Real pity she wasn’t a student here.

Even as she moved among the crowd, she tried to linger relatively close to the other Wayfarers so they could form up quickly.
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Grace wasn't sure if she understood half the things being presented within the hall-- but it was definitely quite interesting! She could still happily go from table to table, recieving explanations and nodding excitedly through each demonstration. Even if she couldn't fully understand, she wondered if Lucis would. This sort of thing seemed right his alley.

Instead she'd focused her time on the makings and goings on of the event itself. If there was a way for any thievery to happen under their noses, she wanted to be ready!
For a time, the watchful tension continued. No dramatic entrances, no suspicious 'mon trying to seem inconspicuous... Then again, would this Covenant force, a secret faction within a secret faction, really send amateurs?

The bustle continued, marked by the occasional bold declaration from a Castform operating some sort of machine that created localised weather to precise specifications, amplifying their natural talents to summon tiny thunderclouds above the heads of onlookers, and whip miniature clouds to spell out numbers and letters.

At last, the campus clocktower rang out the hour. It was nearly time. Then came Betel's voice...

Wayfarers, be on your guard!

While I cannot discern powerful auras from within a crowded space, there are nonetheless aura fluctuations in your vicinity that suggest the use of battle techniques...!

They were here. Concealed? Disguised...?

Sparkwright took the stage. He hummed into the ornate broadcast mic on the podium to test it, adjusted it, and then spoke. His voice reverberated with staticky speakerphone graininess even more than it usually did, but his enunciation made it through all the same.

"Good day, esteemed colleagues and gentle guests. Allow me to introduce myself, and welcome you to this fine institution of learning, innovation, and artifice. I am Howard Sparkwright, founder and provost of this college..."

The fan-Rotom paused for a moment, as if uncomfortable with opening remarks or discussion of himself.

A tiny thunderclap from the Castform jolted him from his hesitance.

"Ah— I am not one for, hmm, pleasantries and oratory ornament... so I shall come directly to the substance of my address. I am here today to debut the first meaningful, practical achievement in synecheiomorphic diastrophotopology—"

There were widespread groans and mutterings at this tongue-twister of a term. Sam, over to the side, rubbed the back of her head in secondhand embarrassment.

"—that is to say, the, ahem, study of spacetime rifts, known commonly as Mystery Dungeons. I suppose it isn't the most succinct nomenclature... Synecheic diastrophology, perhaps? Ahem... Gentle 'mon one and all, please observe as I demonstrate the mending of this localised rift, a false-dungeon, by artificial means!"

The wooden cabinet accompanying the Rotom and his machine on the podium was an obvious antique, intricate and richly-varnished. It also displayed clear signs of dungeon distortion, its panels and drawers and glass faces all seeming to suck one's vision into an implausible spatial tolopogy within. Bigger on the inside. More drawers and shelves and hinges than could be possible.

But as the Rift-Mender hummed and crackled with electrical power, the cabinet shifted... Like an optical illusion that fades if stared-at overly long, the interior of the cabinet aligned itself. The distortion gone, it looked... ordinary, if ornate.

"Stratospheric!" exclaimed a voice, through the ensuing, hearty applause.

And with that, the room filled with a thick, nebulous fog – almost like a smokescreen...

Materials & Meteorology filled with fog! Electromancy Exhibits filled with fog! Rift-Mender Demo Stage filled with fog!
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Gladion pushed his way towards the stage, muttering “security” to the attendees as he pushed past. The fog would conceal his own approach too, at least.

Nulls we’re supposed to be able to operate with minimal visuals, but he wasn’t sure if ARK Units held to the same philosophy. He’d gotten used to fighting without being able to see foes when his helmet was on, but all the noise was ruining any shot of hearing a foe. Especially if there were trained in stealth, which they were going to be. In the time without his helmet he seems to have gotten back into the habit of using his senses like a human, too. He needed a cue before he could do anything.
One moment the invention was being demonstrated, the next you couldn't see a fucking thing. Dave tensed, ears flattening, concentrating on his canine nose.

Dave used Odor Sleuth!
Sparkwright's fan whirred to life as he made an attempt to clear the fog. His spinning blades clattered against some obstacle thrust inside the fan-cage, and he cried out in an electrical whine.

"Unhand me, damn you!" shouted the Rotom. "Help! I say, protect the device!"

A heavy thumping of Chesnaught feet signalled Sam barrelling onto the podium. There was a series of wet thumps and a muffled "Shit!" as she took some kind of coordinated attack.

The convention hall tannoy sounded out a tinny warning in Julius' voice:

"All guests, please make your way out of the Innovation Expo in an orderly fashion. There seems to be some technical trouble in the demo wing..."

Through the fog, Dave's Odor Sleuth detected wet skin, poisonous discharge... one more potent, and another distinct scent signature. Any Wayfarers trying to make out a foe would see a rush of dark bodies, some tall and limber, others squat...

"Keep sharp," came a new, cold voice – quiet, but authoritative. "We've got company. Switch to the fallback, make sure they can't follow."

"Understood," came a thick, baritone reply.

The amphibian figures, as they came into focus through the gradually-thinning fog...

Matthias' Deceit!

...were fully six identical Greninja.

Matthias' Deceit disguised the enemy! +3 Eva!
The enemy squad is copying Matthias' Evasion...??
The Greninja ate their Cautious Seeds. +2 Def, +2 Res!
The Greninja used their Healthy Orbs!

"Play this smart, rubberneckers," continued the cold voice. "Back off, forget you saw this, and nobody gets hurt."

"Sod that," spat another Greninja, in the same voice. "Let's hurt them."
Dave clambered up onto the stage, sparks flying around his teeth. "Think again, fucker."

Dave (160 STM, 5 TMP, +1 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Walk to Demo Stage
- Hone Claws (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- STRONG Thunder Fang @ Greninja A (ACTIVATE: effect, Hex Adept) (-24 STM, -5 TMP, +4 TMP) [Flinch]
- Activate ability (Pickpocket) @ Greninja A's Eva
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Relentless Soul @ Greninja A (-30 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP, +27 RAD)
Net change: -68 STM, +0 TMP, +0 SHD, +27 RAD
Net totals: 92 STM (140 after regen), 5 TMP, 0 SHD, 27 RAD
Gladion burst onto the stage. The loudest voice onstage was Sparkwright, so that was the first thing Gladion locked onto. Had they grabbed him personally, or just thrown a spike into the fanblade so he couldn't clear the fog? He wanted his Ghost memory, but he'd never really stopped to figure out what it was after he first used it. Ghost energy came from memories, and Articuno had sent him thinking back with their remarks. Some kind of anti-nostalgia? Reflection? That shouldn't be hard. (He'd been to events like this before, never willingly.)

Electronics sparked as a type he'd just have to trust was Ghost came over him. It must have been, because he even without fully understanding how he was doing it, he felt Sparkwright's presence. Ghosts were exposed to other ghosts.

"It's me," he whispered, forgetting he hadn't properly introduced himself earlier. "I gotchu, hold on."

He still couldn't see what he was doing particularly clearly, though. Couldn't tell if Sparkwright was stuck on something or someone. He made an effort to clear the Rotom's blades before averting his attention to keeping the nearest probably-not-a-Greninja from escape.

Gladion (142 STM, 5 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Walk to Demo Stage
- Interact @ Sparkwright (-3 TMP)
- Soul's Volition (-30 STM, +2 TMP) [Ghost]
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ AI
- Mean Look @ Greninja B (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
- Protect (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -70 STM, +8 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 72 STM (114 after regen), 13 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
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