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Novelux Sparkwright Polytechnic

Turn 4
Player Phase
Grace's STRONG Life Dew healed Dave by 40 HP!
Grace's Blast Seed dealt 40 damage to Toxicroak!

Gladion called out to Matthias!
"So, If you're here, I guess you can't make it through the dungeon you're looking at properly?

"It's gotta be Whisperwind, then, isn't it? 'Cause I doubt any of you fuckers actually like each other enough to take that one on, even if you offered them double what they're being paid. Shocking, you all seem like such nice people, given...

"Where were we? Right. I was telling you to go to hell for the ARK Project. And everything else you're tied up in. Real piece of work, you are."

Matthias' face creased in a sort of poignant frown. His mouth moved wordlessly as he thought through responses and discarded them, still fighting and dodging all the while.

"Hopelessly naive," he muttered, at last. "You don't even know how little you know."

Even while dismissing what Gladion said, the taunts clearly bothered him on some level. Not enough to give him real pause, but enough to distract and unnerve, if only a little.

Matthias' Spd fell! Matthias' concentration faltered – his next turn will have less finesse!

Gladion's Interact...

The weather machine was a hefty piece of kit, fixed solidly to the ground, but in trying to upturn it, Gladion did manage to mess with the calibration on the thing.

"I beg your pardon?" exclaimed Bellwether, frantically adjusting the settings as the machine began to spew an unexpected whirlwind of dust and grit.

"Doctor, that wasn't the plan," called Matthias, with a vague, slightly bemused concern.

Weather Machine whipped nearby zones into a Sandstorm!

Dave's Play Rough dealt 32 damage to Toxicroak!
Dave's Rock Smash dealt 13 damage to Toxicroak! It's not very effective...
Dave's AGILE Relentless Soul dealt 67 damage to Toxicroak!
Dave's SHADOW Relentless Soul dealt a CRITICAL 129 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Dave's Interact...

Sparkwright fell from Toxicroak's grip, and his fan sputtered to life.

"I'll, ah— make my way to... t-to an exit," he stammered, rattled.

He'd be alright, but the eccentric inventor was no battler.

"The fuck are you talking about? You've heard me speak all of literally about five sentences. I'm supposed to take your expert psychoanalysis about my rage seriously?

"Aren't you all just the world's noblest fucking protectors of truth and goodness, huh? The sad thing is you're not even the first self-righteous fuckers I've seen turn to kidnapping."

Matthias allowed himself the faintest of smirks as his casual, simple goading was met with instant confirmation.

"You asked!" he jibed, almost teasingly. A moment of incongruity with his usual cold presentation.

Then it vanished with Dave's accusation.

"You are a vigilante," he admonished Dave, icily. "Or a mercenary, if we're being generous. What you are not is legitimate law enforcement – or a moral arbiter – or worth arguing with."

The Greninja pulled a face, and yanked unpleasantly on his own outsized tongue, momentarily grotesque. There was something here – reminiscent, in a way, of Nolan. Two Covenant agents, concerned with propriety and competency, frustrated with the assumptions and accusations and general interfering of people who felt they knew better.

No wonder they hated each other.

Dave earned special aggro...

Astrid's AGILE RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 74 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 90 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Draining Kiss dealt a CRITICAL 77 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Soul Rocket dealt 71 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Soul Rocket dealt 71 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective! KO!!

The boss-frog collapsed with a groan and a slurry of foul language.

Matthias glanced his way and momentarily rolled his eyes. Liability. There was little love lost there.

"Tag him out," he told the peons. "We're not getting grounded here."

Astrid's Spotter Feat learned Toxicroak's behaviour:
Without their commander, the Croagunk peons will be less coordinated. They can still be commanded by Matthias, but if he faints too, they will cut their losses and evacuate.

Astrid's Interact...
"He's not a civilian anymore," her voice thrummed. "Break his stupid sunshades."

Sam grimaced at her frozen limbs, but gave Astrid a grim nod. She'd focus on the Castform.

Sam gets the idea.
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