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Novelux Sparkwright Polytechnic

Turn 4
Player Phase
Grace's STRONG Life Dew healed Dave by 40 HP!
Grace's Blast Seed dealt 40 damage to Toxicroak!

Gladion called out to Matthias!
"So, If you're here, I guess you can't make it through the dungeon you're looking at properly?

"It's gotta be Whisperwind, then, isn't it? 'Cause I doubt any of you fuckers actually like each other enough to take that one on, even if you offered them double what they're being paid. Shocking, you all seem like such nice people, given...

"Where were we? Right. I was telling you to go to hell for the ARK Project. And everything else you're tied up in. Real piece of work, you are."

Matthias' face creased in a sort of poignant frown. His mouth moved wordlessly as he thought through responses and discarded them, still fighting and dodging all the while.

"Hopelessly naive," he muttered, at last. "You don't even know how little you know."

Even while dismissing what Gladion said, the taunts clearly bothered him on some level. Not enough to give him real pause, but enough to distract and unnerve, if only a little.

Matthias' Spd fell! Matthias' concentration faltered – his next turn will have less finesse!

Gladion's Interact...

The weather machine was a hefty piece of kit, fixed solidly to the ground, but in trying to upturn it, Gladion did manage to mess with the calibration on the thing.

"I beg your pardon?" exclaimed Bellwether, frantically adjusting the settings as the machine began to spew an unexpected whirlwind of dust and grit.

"Doctor, that wasn't the plan," called Matthias, with a vague, slightly bemused concern.

Weather Machine whipped nearby zones into a Sandstorm!

Dave's Play Rough dealt 32 damage to Toxicroak!
Dave's Rock Smash dealt 13 damage to Toxicroak! It's not very effective...
Dave's AGILE Relentless Soul dealt 67 damage to Toxicroak!
Dave's SHADOW Relentless Soul dealt a CRITICAL 129 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Dave's Interact...

Sparkwright fell from Toxicroak's grip, and his fan sputtered to life.

"I'll, ah— make my way to... t-to an exit," he stammered, rattled.

He'd be alright, but the eccentric inventor was no battler.

"The fuck are you talking about? You've heard me speak all of literally about five sentences. I'm supposed to take your expert psychoanalysis about my rage seriously?

"Aren't you all just the world's noblest fucking protectors of truth and goodness, huh? The sad thing is you're not even the first self-righteous fuckers I've seen turn to kidnapping."

Matthias allowed himself the faintest of smirks as his casual, simple goading was met with instant confirmation.

"You asked!" he jibed, almost teasingly. A moment of incongruity with his usual cold presentation.

Then it vanished with Dave's accusation.

"You are a vigilante," he admonished Dave, icily. "Or a mercenary, if we're being generous. What you are not is legitimate law enforcement – or a moral arbiter – or worth arguing with."

The Greninja pulled a face, and yanked unpleasantly on his own outsized tongue, momentarily grotesque. There was something here – reminiscent, in a way, of Nolan. Two Covenant agents, concerned with propriety and competency, frustrated with the assumptions and accusations and general interfering of people who felt they knew better.

No wonder they hated each other.

Dave earned special aggro...

Astrid's AGILE RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 74 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 90 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Draining Kiss dealt a CRITICAL 77 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Soul Rocket dealt 71 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Soul Rocket dealt 71 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective! KO!!

The boss-frog collapsed with a groan and a slurry of foul language.

Matthias glanced his way and momentarily rolled his eyes. Liability. There was little love lost there.

"Tag him out," he told the peons. "We're not getting grounded here."

Astrid's Spotter Feat learned Toxicroak's behaviour:
Without their commander, the Croagunk peons will be less coordinated. They can still be commanded by Matthias, but if he faints too, they will cut their losses and evacuate.

Astrid's Interact...
"He's not a civilian anymore," her voice thrummed. "Break his stupid sunshades."

Sam grimaced at her frozen limbs, but gave Astrid a grim nod. She'd focus on the Castform.

Sam gets the idea.
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Turn 4
Enemy Phase
Sam's Zen Headbutt dealt 30 damage to Croagunk! It's ultra-effective!
Sam dashed to Meteorology!
Sam used Iron Defense!
Sam's STRONG Body Press dealt a CRITICAL 85 damage to Bellwether! It's super-effective! KO!!
The weather machine was damaged! It's about to change the weather again...

"Ha!" barked Sam, launching herself at the weather apparatus. "I'll put a stop to you!

The Castform scientist gulped, and punched in a final command. Then Sam's bulk hit them hard enough to TKO – and smashed an important-looking nodule on their equipment, overloading it. The next change in weather would be the last...

Matthias' stance changed from aggressive and dynamic, to solid and stable, and his Hidden Power went off as a Rock-type move. Clearly not what he'd been going for, and so less effective, but he was nothing if not adaptable.

Boss Attack: Matthias's Mercurial Soul dealt a reduced CRITICAL 45 damage to Grace! It's super effective!
Boss Attack: Matthias's Mercurial Soul dealt a reduced CRITICAL 38 damage to Gladion!
Matthias' Spd rose.

"Blinkers!" he shouted, directing the Croagunk with a sliver of spare attention.

"Sir!" replied the nearest one, sounding strained.

Toxicroak has fainted and can't give orders!
All Croagunk suffer -2 Def/Res/Eva from reduced leadership!

Croagunk walked to Electromancy!
Croagunk's Drain Punch missed Gladion! It wouldn't have been very effective...
Croagunk's Acid Spray dealt 18 damage to Grace! It's super effective! -2 Res!
Croagunk threw a Blinker Seed at Gladion! -1 Reflexes!

Croagunk walked to Hallway!
Croagunk's Drain Punch missed Dave!
Croagunk's Acid Spray missed Astrid!
Croagunk threw a Blinker Seed at Dave! -1 Reflexes!

Croagunk walked to Hallway!
Croagunk's Drain Punch dealt 46 damage to Dave! It's super effective! Healed 18 HP!
Croagunk's Acid Spray dealt 34 damage to Astrid! It's super effective! -2 Res!
Croagunk threw a Blinker Seed at Astrid! -1 Reflexes!

Boss Action: Matthias raised his Acc by +2!
Dashing to Hallway, Matthias's AGILE Water Shuriken dealt 12 + 14 damage to Astrid!
Matthias's Water Shuriken dealt 16 + 16 + 17 + 17 + 19 damage to Astrid!
Fast Draw: Matthias used a Protect Orb, and threw his Blast Seed at Astrid! KO!!

Matthias' face betrayed a sliver of satisfaction at landing a knockout hit on that lethal fox.

"Radiance is a fickle power," he said, quietly. "I prefer to battle clear-sighted."

He turned to Dave, and moved like a hurled stone, his body ricocheting off the wall to land an impressive strike from above...

Matthias's Acrobatics dealt 44 damage to Dave!
Matthias stole the Rift-Mender!

"You think you're fighting evil right now?" he asked, his voice thin and tense. "If you only knew what I know, you'd see differently..."

There was something strange in the youth's voice, as if he wasn't really talking to Dave in that moment. The words were over-rehearsed, familiar and painful...

But a battle like this was hardly the place to elaborate at length on anything.

The Greninja lashed out wildly, and kicked off from Dave, propelling himself into the east wing...

Protean turned Matthias Bug-type!
Matthias's U-Turn dealt a CRITICAL 69 damage to Dave, then fled to Main Aisle! It's super effective! KO!!
Boss Attack:
Matthias is preparing Mercurial Soul.
Target: Main Aisle

Enemy attention is spread pretty evenly... but Dave is no longer the focus.
Matthias was trying to get the Rift-Mender and get out? Again?

No. That couldn't work. He wouldn't allow it to work. Fuelled by desperation and a gnawing hunger for Matthias' fall, Gladion burst into a full-tilt pursuit of the Greninja. He let his defensive measures fall to the wayside. (Except the acrid feeling holding him poison-type. That didn’t take any effort to maintain while facing these guys.)

He fired a quick bolt of electricity, hoping the paralysis would hold long enough for him to catch up. Then he locked his eyes onto the Rift-Mender, hoping Matthias wouldn’t realize what he was about to do.

There were so many things Matthias could do to try to react and escape. But there were also a lot of things he needed to manage at the same time. He was heavily extended, surely, surely he couldn’t handle them all at once. Gladion had to believe it, because it was the only way he could see to stop the Greninja’s escape.

Shadow writhed out from beneath his skin. He closed to hit Matthias, and to steal from him. He doubted Matthias would fall for the same trick twice, he’d know to defend the Rift-Mender. But that wasn’t what Gladion reached for. He grabbed the spot of the cloak that the smoke bombs had come from and tore.

“Don’t you see? You can’t escape this.”

Matthias had had this coming for a long time. Longer than the Wayfarers had even existed. In fact, if he was attacking Brisa and Starr, then his gang would be why they were here on Forlas at all.

Gladion fired Matthias a trapping glare.

“We wouldn’t be here without everyone you hurt to set us after you.”

A beam of freezing cold. He believed what he was saying wholeheartedly. Needed it to be true.

“Without every enemy you made who helped bring us here today.”

The feathers puffed up on his neck, following some base impulse to appear larger than he actually was to Matthias.

“This is the consequences of your actions. And you can’t outrun it.”

Gladion (124 STM, 9 TMP, +0 SPD, +0 ACC, 16 SHD, 20 RAD)
- Walk to Hallway
- Dash to Convention Hall Main Aisle (-2 TMP)
- AGILE Tri Attack @ Matthias (ACTIVATE: effect, Hex Adept) (-43.5 STM, -6 TMP, +2 TMP) [Paralysis]
- **Act:** SHADOW Focus (+5 TMP)
- SHADOW Body Press @ Matthias (-16 STM, +2 TMP, +16 SHD)
- Interact @ Smoke Bombs (-3 TMP)
- Mean Look @ Matthias (-20 STM, +2 TMP)
- Tri Attack @ Matthias (ACTIVATE: effect) (-29 STM, -8 TMP, +2 TMP) [Freeze]
Net change: -109 STM, -6 TMP, +16 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 15 STM (57 after regen), 3 TMP, 32 SHD, 20 RAD
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"You are a vigilante," he admonished Dave, icily. "Or a mercenary, if we're being generous. What you are not is legitimate law enforcement – or a moral arbiter – or worth arguing with."
"Oh yeah, forgot about how if you aren't legitimate law enforcement it's everyone's civic duty to just stand around and watch when people get kidnapped and their work stolen. Obviously. My mistake."

The Greninja hurled blades of water towards Astrid and activated a Protect Orb before smacking into him from a flying leap, tearing off the device.

"You think you're fighting evil right now?" he asked, his voice thin and tense. "If you only knew what I know, you'd see differently..."
And then he kicked off Dave's head, and he smacked hard into the floor. When he came to a second later on the activation of his Reviver, he staggered to his feet, spitting blood, head spinning. Fuck.

Matthias was darting along the aisle. Dave staggered back to his feet and charged after him.

"You know what, no, mostly I think I'm fighting a pretentious, self-righteous dipshit member of the bigot society. One who's apparently here to get this device to chase down a girl who's been missing ever since you fuckers attacked her on a train. Please, fucking enlighten us about what you know that supposedly justifies all this."

Radiance sizzled against cold steel. Bring this fucker down.

Dave (112 STM, 7 TMP, +1 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Walk to Main Aisle
- Hone Claws (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- AGILE Rock Smash @ Matthias (ACTIVATE: effect, Hex Adept) (-16.5 STM, -3 TMP, +4 TMP)
- Activate ability (Pickpocket) @ Matthias's Acc
- Rock Smash @ Matthias (ACTIVATE: effect) (-11 STM, -5 TMP, +5 TMP)
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Relentless Soul @ Matthias (-30 STM, -8 TMP, +5 TMP, +27 RAD)
Net change: -71 STM, +5 TMP, +0 SHD, +27 RAD
Net totals: 41 STM (89 after regen), 12 TMP, 0 SHD, 27 RAD
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Astrid spat blood and wobbled to her feet. Raw power gathered in her haunches immediately, all muscle memory, but precious seconds of buildup gave her time to breathe. And to speak her mind.

“You haven’t tried—not one little bit—to convince us we aren’t fighting pure fucking evil,” Astrid snarled, sending a promise with her eyes. “But you’ll get your chance real soon.”

1. Grace
2. Astrid
3. Dave
4. Gladion
Astrid (84 STM, 18 TMP, +3 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Walk to Main Aisle
- **Act:** Item (Gravelerock) @ Matthias [Fast Draw x2 - first pops shield, second hits]
- Draining Kiss @ Matthias (-9 STM, +3 TMP)
- AGILE CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Matthias (-15 STM, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Matthias (-10 STM, +2 TMP)
- Sheer Cold @ Matthias (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-60 STM, -15 TMP, +3 TMP)
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Matthias [How long is his tongue]
Net change: -77 STM, -5 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 7 STM (43 after regen), 13 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
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Poison sapped at her strength. Rocks and more poison struck her directly, making her feel the growing exhaustion starting to sink in. Her weaknesses were easy to hit, and she was attracting attention with her efforts. "You can keep throwing things at me... but I'm not going down before you!" she declared towards the frogs as she flew towards Dave and Astrid. "I'll help make sure my friends can stop you!"

And once again her pinkish aura was linked to Astrid and Dave. They could once again feel her unwavering determination. "So keep going, guys! I'll make sure you don't fall before they do!"

Grace (77 STM, 8 TMP, +2 SPD, +0 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Walk to Hallway
- **Act:** Item (Ether) (+60 STM)
- STRONG Life Dew @ DaVe and Astrid (-45 STM, -8 TMP, +4 TMP) [Support Feat]
- Harmonic Soul @ Dave and Astrid (-30 STM, +2 TMP) [Grace takes -25%HP recoil]
- After You @ Astrid (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
Net change: -22 STM, +0 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 55 STM (92 after regen), 8 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
Turn 5
Player Phase
Grace's STRONG Life Dew healed Dave and Astrid!
Grace's Harmonic Soul buffed Dave and Astrid!
Grace's After You sped up Astrid!
“You haven’t tried—not one little bit—to convince us we aren’t fighting pure fucking evil. But you’ll get your chance real soon.”

Matthias' eyes narrowed, not in anger, but in focus. That counterattack of his would come soon...

"Do you often explain yourself at length partway through a battle?" he asked, sounding genuinely curious despite his ironic tone. "It doesn't seem a convenient setting."

It wasn't clear how Astrid's accusation – or her threat – affected him, or if it did at all.

Astrid's Gravelerock shattered Matthias' shield!
Astrid's Gravelerock dealt 40 damage to Matthias!
Astrid's Draining Kiss dealt 28 damage to Matthias! It's not very effective...
Astrid moved to attack Matthias...

"Now would be a good time to turn up the heat, Doctor!" called Matthias.

No reply came from the mad Castform, only a determined thumping of heavy paws...

"It's about to get a lot brighter in here!" shouted Sam, as she rounded the corner.

Bellwether's machine used Sunny Day! Several zones became Sunny!
Bellwether's machine damaged itself from the power surge! Destroyed!
The weather won't last...

Matthias took on his dynamic, aggressive pose from earlier, and his glistening skin rippled with heat.

Protean turned Matthias Fire-type!
Matthias used Mercurial Soul!

"Get down!" barked Sam, hurling herself in front of Astrid, turning her armoured back to the incoming attack. To Astrid, for a moment, bright flames silhouetted the Chesnaught like the moon in a solar eclipse.

Sam intercepted the attack!
Matthias' Mercurial Soul, boosted by sun, dealt a CRITICAL 92 damage to Sam! It's super-effective! KO!!
Astrid was spared from a catastrophic 151 damage!

Sam sprawled, fainted, on the floor. Her blackened shell gave off an acrid smoke – doubtless a more serious injury than she was prepared for. Matthias held a still pose for a moment, one fist extended, his face aghast.

"I'm truly sorry," he said, quietly.

His eyes flicked back to Astrid, already rallying herself for the attack.

Astrid's AGILE Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 29 damage to Matthias! It's not very effective...
Astrid's Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 38 damage to Matthias! It's not very effective...
In just one hit, Astrid's Sheer Cold dealt a decisive 240 damage to Matthias!

Matthias gasped and seethed at the nerve-searing crash in temperature, vapour billowing from his warm skin. But the Greninja could withstand an attack like this, it seemed...

"You know what, no, mostly I think I'm fighting a pretentious, self-righteous dipshit member of the racist society. One who's apparently here to get this device to chase down a girl who's been missing ever since you fuckers attacked her on a train. Please, fucking enlighten us about what you know that supposedly justifies all this."

"Christ," muttered Matthias, under his breath. "Where would I even begin? You've obviously never even met the person you're thinking of. You'll believe whatever you want to believe, no matter what I have to say – if I were even allowed to say it."

He gripped his tongue, and wielded it like a weighted rope or chain, to fend off more attacks.

Astrid's Spotter Feat learned the length of Matthias' tongue: it is sufficiently long.

Dave's AGILE Rock Smash dealt 14 damage to Matthias! Def -1!
Dave's Rock Smash dealt 15 damage to Matthias! Def -1!
Dave's RADIANT Relentless Soul dealt a CRITICAL 120 damage to Matthias! It's super effective!

"This isn't sustainable," Matthias mused to himself, his fingertips lightly brushing over a wet-looking bruise. "We'll have to withdraw."

“Don’t you see? You can’t escape this. We wouldn’t be here without everyone you hurt to set us after you. Without every enemy you made who helped bring us here today. This is the consequences of your actions. And you can’t outrun it.”

The Greninja's mouth quivered in a slight, pained smile for a second or two. He looked wistful, even strangely fond. As if Gladion's tone and words reminded him of something, or someone...

"You might find I'm pretty hard to catch up to," he said, softly. "But I sincerely hope you keep fighting for what you believe to be justice."

There was no wavering in his voice. He meant it.

Gladion's AGILE Tri Attack dealt 6 damage to Matthias!
Gladion's SHADOW Body Press dealt 26 damage to Matthias! It's super effective! KO!!

The final flurry of attacks bore Matthias down, his head smacking wetly into the concrete, his smoke canisters ripped from his belt.

Golden light billowed across his skin as a reviver item triggered. He pushed himself half-upright.

Around the party, the remaining Croagunk footsoldiers moved into position for further attacks. Matthias held out a hand, commanding them to hold their fire.

"It's alright," said the Greninja. "Stand down. This fight is over."

He took the Rift-Mender from its place clipped to his side, and tossed it to the nearest Wayfarer with a free extremity.

"I've never fought a battle quite like that," he said, wiping his bloodied mouth. "I'll answer your questions, then, if you have them. Just tell me this one thing..."

He looked into Gladion's eyes, his expression intense and inscrutable.

"Did Valere ever mention me?"
He looked into Gladion's eyes, his expression intense and inscrutable.

"Did Valere ever mention me?"

Gladion seemed confused for a moment. Had he fucked up, called them Coven while shadowed or something? Why would Valere have mentioned Matthias? Then it clicked. He glanced at Sam, silently grateful she was unconscious even if he felt scummy for thinking that.

Sure, he didn't plan to let Matthias scurry off just because the guy'd called the battle off, but the question felt earnest enough that he felt compelled to answer honestly. Couldn't hurt to get some extra information out of the guy?

"Valere, uh, didn’t. He talked about humans in a way that made it pretty clear the last one he met was a real piece of work, though." (Those two seemed kind of traumatized by whatever had happened between them. Another thing for Matthias' pile of wrongdoings.) "Suppose that would be you. Checks out, someone else told us to watch out for any weird Greninja."

Gladion's eyes burned. "My turn: You and your goons know what I am. But unless any of you are gonna pull a surprise degree in genetics on me, I doubt any of you are more than complicit in the ARK project. Who was responsible for that? For taking it on, fucking it up, selling them off for scrap, any of it. I want to know."
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Matthias' reaction to Gladion's answer was subtle, intricate. He gave little away. Could that be pain in the tightness of his jaw, or was that just the effect of his battle-won injuries? He seemed neither pleased nor deterred – neither did he seem surprised.

The Greninja blinked slowly, and began to fix his tongue into its resting position, wrapped around his neck.

"You don't already know?" he asked, the timbre of his voice shifting to match the conversation. "Come on. I thought you were certain of all sorts of things – you can piece together what you think you know, right?"

A slight, ironic smile. Matthias' insincerity was obvious from his choice of words, but there was more to it than sarcasm. Like he was pushing them to actually think about this...

"So far you've insinuated that I am part of a – conceited, prejudiced – clandestine organisation. You recognised the word 'Knight'. You said you were here entirely because my enemies have sent you, and you fought alongside... local allies. You were here anticipating the confiscation of that machine – you already concluded I must want it for Whisperwind Comb. You alleged that I attacked a 'girl' – so I'm sure you have some background knowledge for the incident you're describing. It sounds like you already have an answer for your own question. How about you answer it, and I tell you how right you are?"
Gladion scoffed. Prick.

“Well, that project didn’t have your fingerprints all over it. Figured it’d be a stretch to assume your one little Coven sect is responsible for every fucked up thing I know about. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered.”

Was that what Matthias was insinuating? That that pile of assertions should’ve also given him insight into the ARK project? So far, he didn’t have any real evidence of a connection there beyond the lot of them knowing about it.

“I want to know who’s responsible. Personally. I already know it’s a Coven thing. If you are working closely with them, I suppose it figures that you won’t tell me. Fine. I’ll find out who eventually either way.”

He hoped he would, at least. Maybe it was time to go back to Lovrina and ask some questions about who, exactly, she traded with. See if she’d give him a straighter answer than Matthias. (He doubted she would.)
Matthias cocked his head slightly, giving Gladion a quizzical look.

"You want... the names of individual researchers? You are right that if I were closely tied to them that I would not give them up to you to do whatever you mean to do to them, of course. And if I'm not working closely with them, why would I know who's responsible? I think you'd need more than names to find them, in any case. Residential addresses, for instance."

Something dark flashed in Matthias' eyes.

"What would you do with that information?"

He wasn't really asking Gladion. The question was rhetorical.

Sharp Wayfarers might notice that personally responsible was framed here as 'individual researchers' and not a project head or factional leader. That could imply that there wasn't one – or that Matthias was deliberately deflecting – or that he genuinely considered the makers personally responsible. The Greninja clear had a moral code of some kind – one concerned with intent, justification, and legitimacy. Understanding it would doubtless take some effort, but perhaps it could pay off somehow...

He blinked slowly, and flicked his eyes towards the rest of the party.

"Alright, you can have this one for free. Yes, the ARK Project is a Covenant program. I am aware of the project, but not involved. I was, however, briefed for the eventuality of having to battle one – which I now have."

Two of the Croagunk watching from the sidelines exchanged a glance. The bosses presumably weren't supposed to give confidential information to anyone, let alone hostile parties.

"But all this isn't just about Knights, is it?" he added, expectantly.

The Greninja finished the rearrangement of his tongue by tugging on it until it was flush with his skin, looking momentarily distressed at the way it spilled out of his mouth – impossible to retract.
"You and your goons attacked a Luxio and a Meowth on a train," Dave said. "The Meowth got away. The Luxio didn't. She's the one missing. We're looking for her. And we gather she fled into a dungeon from you." There was a low growl in his throat. They were probably wasting their fucking time talking to this irritating little dipshit about this, weren't they. Just going to get more of his vague, smug, lofty deflections about how they were all wrong about everything but he wouldn't say how because insert whatever fucking excuse here. Had the others found Brisa back in the Comb yet?
"Damn," Gladion deadpanned, "You've figured out my plan to hunt down every grunt who dealt with the project in any capacity and... do ambiguous bad things to them all."

He dropped the sarcasm. "Listen. It's not like a bunch of people got smashed one night and all decided to go make a chimera together. Someone wanted this, called the shots." He paused to collect his thoughts. As if he hadn't known where he was going with from the start of the sentence. Solidifying his idea of what holding people accountable for this project meant in real time. "And they need to be cut off from any kind of power or resources that would let them do it again. To make sure they can't do any further harm."

What on earth had Matthias been thinking he wanted? For a moment there, at the end of the fight, he'd came across as almost reasonable, but suddenly it felt like the guy had lost the plot again.

"Not unreasonable to think you might've known who called the shots there. And maybe for a second there I thought you might not have been cool with them either. I mean, if you wanted me to... pursue my idea of justice or whatever."

Gladion sighed. "You're a puzzling guy, you know that?"
Had the others found Brisa back in the Comb yet?

I am sorry to report that I have lost communications with the Wayfarers who entered Whisperwind Comb.

Betel sounded a little nervous. But they were holding it together. If the Wayfarers were just gone or dead or something, they'd surely say so. Just a call dead zone, it sounded like.

"You and your goons attacked a Luxio and a Meowth on a train. The Meowth got away. The Luxio didn't. She's the one missing. We're looking for her. And we gather she fled into a dungeon from you."

Matthias nodded, his expression placid once he recovered from gagging on his own tongue.

"Something similar to that," he replied, evenly. "I was hoping you might say why you think that, or how you're personally invested, or what you believe the motivation to be..."

He sighed, his gaze wandering. Matthias seemed preoccupied with getting into reasoning and rhetoric about this. He was a subtle personality. Maybe he just wasn't the type for unnuanced assertions or naked facts? He certainly reacted with a loss of enthusiasm whenever the Wayfarers levied insults and accusations – it was civility or nothing, most likely...

"You called her 'a girl'," mused the Greninja, quietly. "I thought that was funny. She's not a lost child, sir; she's older than I am."

"Damn. You've figured out my plan to hunt down every grunt who dealt with the project in any capacity and... do ambiguous bad things to them all."

Matthias chuckled at that. Was that... a real smile on his face?

"Good," he said, softly. "That's reassuring."

"Listen. It's not like a bunch of people got smashed one night and all decided to go make a chimera together. Someone wanted this, called the shots. And they need to be cut off from any kind of power or resources that would let them do it again. To make sure they can't do any further harm. Not unreasonable to think you might've known who called the shots there. And maybe for a second there I thought you might not have been cool with them either. I mean, if you wanted me to... pursue my idea of justice or whatever. You're a puzzling guy, you know that?"

Matthias' expression shifted subtly. Sober understanding, followed by wistful consideration, and finally that slight smirk he seemed to get whenever he perplexed someone...

"It's been said," he said, with a trace of irony. "To your other thoughts, though..."

The frog had to think about his reply, his wandering gaze passing over the Croagunk. Probably a delicate subject in front of his goons. He didn't seem fond of them. Maybe he'd have spoken more freely if all the peons had been knocked out during the fight?

"Suppose you had a moral objection to something carried out within or by an institution... I assume you would rather do anything than be complicit. Tell me— Would you try to effect a policy change from within, however long and compromising the effort – or would you take matters into your own hands, even if it meant collateral harm, illegitimate means, or the risk of failure?"

Matthias glanced again at the Croagunk. From their faces, they had no fucking idea what he was talking about. Good.

Gladion ought to get it, though – Matthias was implying that he had taken one of these two paths.
Grace didn't quite fully understand either-- she was busy trying to heal off her poison and make sure Sam, Astrid, Dave and Gladion were feeling slightly better. She wanted to check on the remaining civillians as well-- but hopefully campus staff could take of them. She was tired.

But something about Matthias' words made her wonder...

"Suppose you had a moral objection to something carried out within or by an institution... I assume you would rather do anything than be complicit. Tell me— Would you try to effect a policy change from within, however long and compromising the effort – or would you take matters into your own hands, even if it meant collateral harm, illegitimate means, or the risk of failure?"

"Mm... I think it would depend for me," the togetic said thoughtfully, regardless if anyone heard her or not. "...Why was I in that institution in the first place...? What would happen if I went against it? If I stayed? Everyone has a different answer... so I don't think there'd be a correct or incorrect one, either."

She'd been asked this question before, a long while ago.
Gladion turned that over in his head. Did Matthias fancy himself as doing some Odette kinda thing? Maybe he was just bullshitting them, but… Well, it would explain the snap change in behaviour Farin had described. The other puzzle was how to actually reply without tipping of the Croagunk.

“Got history with that question. I never want to put myself in the situation of having to look back on my life and see I’ve perpetuated a system I hated thinking I could change it. Working inside the system wouldn’t give me any less of a risk of failure. And fuelling everything I wanted to dismantle would do a fair bit of collateral damage. Seen that happen before—”

He looked straight into Matthias’ eyes. “—and I’m sure I’ll see it again some day.”
Matthias nodded, his expression placid once he recovered from gagging on his own tongue.

"Something similar to that," he replied, evenly. "I was hoping you might say why you think that, or how you're personally invested, or what you believe the motivation to be..."

He sighed, his gaze wandering. Matthias seemed preoccupied with getting into reasoning and rhetoric about this. He was a subtle personality. Maybe he just wasn't the type for unnuanced assertions or naked facts? He certainly reacted with a loss of enthusiasm whenever the Wayfarers levied insults and accusations – it was civility or nothing, most likely...

"You called her 'a girl'," mused the Greninja, quietly. "I thought that was funny. She's not a lost child, sir; she's older than I am."
Dave squinted at him. "I mean, yeah, she's an adult, barely. What, is that why you were so sure I'd never met her? I called her a girl? No, I'm just fucking forty, everyone under twenty-five is a kid."

Matthias said she was older than him? What was this guy, twenty? God. How long had he been with the Covenant?

Well, at least he seemed to have cooled down to be a little more willing to actually talk instead of spouting vague bullshit. Maybe they would get somewhere with this. "The Meowth's one of us, so she was there and met her. They got separated when you people attacked. As for why, you were supposedly there for a terrorist investigation when she bolted, but it sounds like a front for recruitment into your human club, which we've gathered is pretty fucking aggressive about trying to snatch up anyone with human ancestry. Close?"

"Suppose you had a moral objection to something carried out within or by an institution... I assume you would rather do anything than be complicit. Tell me— Would you try to effect a policy change from within, however long and compromising the effort – or would you take matters into your own hands, even if it meant collateral harm, illegitimate means, or the risk of failure?"
Dave peered at him. Was this fucker insinuating he was secretly working against the Covenant from within? Then what the fuck was all this about?

"Well, if we're talking effect a policy change from within, it can be a pretty thin fucking line between maintaining your cover and being complicit, can't it."
"Mm... I think it would depend for me. ...Why was I in that institution in the first place...? What would happen if I went against it? If I stayed? Everyone has a different answer... so I don't think there'd be a correct or incorrect one, either."

Matthias eyed the Togetic thoughtfully. "Everything depends," he said, after a moment.

It sounded like he agreed. Maybe even as if he appreciated Grace's openminded answer.

“Got history with that question. I never want to put myself in the situation of having to look back on my life and see I’ve perpetuated a system I hated thinking I could change it. Working inside the system wouldn’t give me any less of a risk of failure. And fuelling everything I wanted to dismantle would do a fair bit of collateral damage. Seen that happen before – and I’m sure I’ll see it again some day.”

Matthias' face wore that same poignant expression, again. Like before...

"I hope your decision was the right one to make," he said, his tone delicate. "I do understand that perspective."

"Well, if we're talking effect a policy change from within, it can be a pretty thin fucking line between maintaining your cover and being complicit, can't it."

Matthias' face drew into a dark smile.

"I am complicit," he said, casually. "Perhaps I am damned for that. But at least now there is some chance I might do some good."

What was the Greninja implying? That he'd tried another way and failed...?

"I mean, yeah, she's an adult, barely. What, is that why you were so sure I'd never met her? I called her a girl? No, I'm just fucking forty, everyone under twenty-five is a kid."

Matthias chuckled, quietly. Maybe he found it funny that he was a 'kid'. Maybe it was just Dave's attitude.

"You look good for your age, sir," he said, wearing his ironic smile. "Although I still don't believe you know her personally."

"The Meowth's one of us, so she was there and met her. They got separated when you people attacked. As for why, you were supposedly there for a terrorist investigation when she bolted, but it sounds like a front for recruitment into your human club, which we've gathered is pretty fucking aggressive about trying to snatch up anyone with human ancestry. Close?"

Matthias raised a brow.

"That's a plausible explanation," he said, coolly. "I was... aggressively recruited, myself. Although as it happens, I wasn't lying. She effected considerable damage to one of our facilities – and its staff – and I was tasked with her retrieval."

A careful answer. Brisa had attacked the Covenant first, then?
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