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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


Oh not this sort of thing again. <<

You expect that, with only one post and a vague description of what you want, you'll get all the materials that you need and the game will simply assemble itself right before your eyes? :/ It doesn't work that way. Oh, sure, you'll spark some interest (cool! A game! here, use my fake), and in fact I forsee myself being postninja'd by some eager kid posting his or her crappy sprites. But really, you're just wasting people's time. "im making a game" is meaningless unless you back it up with screenshots, more of a plot, or just some indication that you're actually hacking firered and not just thinking about it.

See, here's the thing. Fangames, hacks and particular, are much harder to make than they look. And way too many people waste their time toiling away on projects going in the complete wrong direction. Now, I wish I could post "attn spriters! I need sprites for my fangame" (because yes I do work for a fangame), but it just doesn't work like that. :/ I'm sorry.
actually he's talking about this style:

only black and white
Hey, Terry, in hacking FR, you can only overwrite the pokemon from FR national dex and also add about 15-20 new pokemon and so you can only have about 400 pokemon in the game at one time, that's why for my game, I had to choose 400 pokemon otherwise I'd be having all the pokemon up to sinnoh plus my new pokemon but I can't.
Terry, you have a sprite shop. You can sprite can't you. You could do all the sprites yourself really. No one is going to do all those sprites just for your game. I don't really get it anyway. What do we do if we'd like to help? Do black and white versions of the RB sprites? The RB sprites look pretty bad so I'd suggest devamping DP sprites or something.
No, Terry.

If you're hacking R/B, the game isn't programmed to allow 493 pokemon. I'm not sure how many it DOES allow (my guess would be 256, but you'd probably have to have some wicked hacking skills to figure out how to get new ones in), but regardless you won't be able to put them all in.
Just hack DPP or something. You can't hack all the Pokemon into RB. You could hack DPP to have no colour but really it looks dull without colour.
EeveeSkitty, as I said earlier, you can't properly hack DPP yet, people haven't been able to find out how yet, but they are working on it. The only thing you can properly hack is the stats of the pokemon (not sprites) and I think you can change what pokemon trainers have. I would advise hacking FR LG or RS if you want lots of pokemon.
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