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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


NO! Not Emerald. Emerald makes for an unstable and frequently crashing fakemon game. Go with Fr/Lg. It's your best bet!
I totally agree, when I started hacking I tested out all the roms to find the best and ended up with FR & LG. Also I'm working on inserting all the new Sinnoh tiles made by Kyledove at the Serebii forums into a LG rom and when I've finished I'll post it if you want it. They'll be in colour but if you're still going to have a 50's style game, it shouldn't be to hard for you to change them all into black and white.
Well, if I may make a suggestion...

Terry, if you can actually follow through with this, then go ahead, but don't accept random sprites from people just because they are black and white. That one thing you got earlier (Staraptor?) had absolutly no shading what-so-ever, and besides that was unreconizable. R/G/B sprites, although terrible, have very nice shading for monochrome games AND the sprites are at least reconizable. Also, R/B/Y can only hold either 255 or 256 pokemon, and to hack in more you would have to be an extremely skilled hacker that has more experience than you do, and it would require a lot of free time and trial and error. So, in other words, it would be easier to work with an advance gen. game or make one in flash.
I use No$Gba. The LEGAL version. And I'll hack my new Platinum. CHOICE MADE. I NOW NEED SPRITES.

P.S. I'm hacking Platinum again to make Platinum 493. Like Emerald 386. :D
P.S. I'm hacking Platinum again to make Platinum 493. Like Emerald 386. :D
Interesting idea, Terry, but if people haven't found out how to hack D/P, then there's some sense predicting that you can't hack Platinum yet. Like everyone said, try to go with FR/LG, because that's the most stablest hack-able game available right now. |: ;;
Terry, the only possible way (as far as I know of) to have 493+ pokemon is to make an online game. Like, a website. But I am guessing that is even harder to do than that.
You know, you can make black and white sprites very easily yourself by opening paint and then going Image > Attributes > Black and White?
I tried that: I now have an all-black-with-no-other-colors-whatsoever Luxray. In fewer words, a sillouhette(sp?) Luxray.
You know, you can make black and white sprites very easily yourself by opening paint and then going Image > Attributes > Black and White?

Yes, but that kills most of the image, and makes it PURELY black and white. No shades of grey, or even different tints of black and white, thus ending up with a sprite that has no shading. Besides, it takes a real spriter to make them R/G/B style.
Terry, Terry, Terry. You just don't get it. I'd recommend either giving us a better idea of what you need and giving us a reason to believe that you can actually hack (i.e. being smart enough to realize that if D/P can't be hacked, Platinum likely won't be able to either), or making the sprites yourself.

Or, for that matter, just giving up.

On second thought, don't do that. I want to see what you come up with.
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