wow I can't be trusted with anything hahaha.
DQ Time: 5 days
Damage Cap: None
Banned moves: OHKOs, Chills 5/Pokemon, 1 direct healing/Pokemon, Weather moves, Perish Song
Arena: Sky Pillar Peak
sreservoir (xO)

[Vilya] F <Air Lock>
Health: 73%
Energy: 79%
Status: Grinning at her success.
-1 Speed
Simulator (O)

[Rayquaza] X <Air Lock>
Health: 147%
Energy: 194%
Status: Would probably still be nursing its pride if it wasn't asleep.
Asleep (moderate). Cursed (10% of overall health per round). Burnt (3% a round). Severely Poisoned (2% this round, 3% the next)
Rayquaza twists about and scrapes its tail on the ground below, opening its eyes with a start. Vilya frowns as the dragon looks around in confusion, presumably still a bit tired from its sleep. That tiny scrape against the ground enough to wake it up? Really? She sighs as Rayquaza roars and whips the tip of its tail about like an angry cat. Have at it, then. Rayquaza inhales deeply, snout pointed straight up in the air, and exhales in Vilya's direction. An orb of blueish-purple energy flows from its mouth towards the Kirlia and sears an interesting pattern into her skin. Tears of pain well up in her eyes as she looks up at the dragon. If it kept that up, she wouldn't be able to survive for long.
She'd just have to keep him from doing that, then. Vilya closes her eyes and moves her hands around shakily, electric sparks forming in the air around her. They bunch together in the air with a flick of her hand, and she sends them flying in a wave towards Rayquaza with a flick of the other hand. Rayquaza winces as the sparks burst on its side and make its muscles seize up. It growls as the tip of its tail freezes up and shoots a glare at Vilya. It could not catch a break. All these things flying at it and leaving stains on its nice scales. Couldn't Vilya just.. stop and fight? Instead of just spraying sparks everywhere and all.
Rayquaza inhales deeply and begins to gather energy in its mouth, when its jaw locks painfully and it slumps with a high pitched whine. Vilya grins and gets right to work gathering rocks together in front of herself with mental energy. She roughly lumps it together in the shape of a Kirlia and concentrates, really focuses on the rock-shape. A pinkish glow blinks into existence around the rocks and two spots of light that could vaguely be called eyes light up on the rock-Kirlia's head. The Substitute looks at its master and nods. It knew exactly what was needed of it.
Rayquaza coughs and growls an angry threat, having finally regained control of its jaw. With a hiss, it starts to focus energy into its mouth and exhales sharply, sending an orb of bluish-purple energy flying at Vilya. Fast as Rayquaza is, Vilya's Substitute is even faster, though. The rock-Kirlia leaps into the path of the attack and digs its legs into the ground to keep itself from flying backwards into its master. Vilya makes a small noise as the substitute shakes itself out and gets oriented again, missing a large chunk of its side. That.. looked painful.
Vilya would pay Rayquaza back for that, then. Reaching a mental tendril towards the dragon, she wraps her mind around its own and draws a portion of it away. Rayquaza freezes as it feels the odd sensation of its consciousness being drawn from its body and mingling with Vilya's. It wants to growl in confusion, but finds its body wasn't responding. What was this? A wall of mental energy divides the two suddenly, and both Pokemon retreat back into themselves warily. Rayquaza finds that it's feeling a lot weaker than before that mind mixing thing, while Vilya looks quite a lot healthier. Did it just steal its energy? What was going on?
Rayquaza wasn't sure exactly what was going on, though what it did know for sure was that Vilya's rock creation was going to prevent it from attacking its master. And that wasn't cool. It locks eyes with the Substitute and hisses, cocking its head back and drawing energy into its mouth. The dragon spits the energy towards Vilya and just as before, the rock-Kirlia leaps in the path of the attack. This time, it explodes violently into burnt chunks of rock, and Rayquaza locks eyes with the surprised Vilya proudly. That was what it was going to do to her, it roared. When it was done with her, Vilya would be a bunch of rock chunks on the ground. That was right.
Rayquaza freezes up and shivers as the effects of all the burns and stains on its body catch up to it. The black mark spreads even further down its back, now creeping up its claws, and the burns and faint purple stain on its front are stretched painfully. Rayquaza hisses in pain and curls its claws into fists. Ridiculous. Real Pokemon fought with attacks and dealt damage, and didn't just
sreservoir (xO)

[Vilya] F <Air Lock>
Health: 94%
Energy: 42%
Status: Tired, but feeling a lot better.
-1 Speed
Simulator (O)

[Rayquaza] X <Air Lock>
Health: 80%
Energy: 182%
Status: Pretty tired.
Paralyzed (moderate). Cursed (10% of overall health per round). Burnt (3% a round). Severely Poisoned (2% this round, 3% the next)
-Rayquaza woke up on the first action. Huh.
-..and Dragon Pulse was a critical hit on the third action. Rayquaza's not lucky today.
-res commands first.