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Stuff You Love

So far in my life, I have only found two things which I consider holy blessings from the almighty beings of above.

And as such whenever I find Rule 34 with these things I slowly turn off my computer and cry myself to sleep.


There She Is!! a cute story of a bunny that falls in love with a cat in a city where such romance is out of question. Things happen and it's quite possibly the best thing ever. Good animation, fantastic music choice, and a beautiful message makes ever time I watch it the best 20 minutes of my life.

The Klonoa franchise which is easily my favourite video game franchise of all time. Fun, charming and coupled with interesting character design and amazing soundtrack. Buy all the game, play all the games, grind them into a fine dust, blend it with a glass of water and drink it to achieve nirvana.
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. It's like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and FLCL had a baby. An incredibly obscene, sacrilegious baby.

Gilmore Girls, for having some of the funniest writing ever. EVER. Although I prefer the smaller one-liners to the back-and-forth banter. Although it depends on the mood I'm in. Also: Kirk.

Tales of Symphonia. Because it's just. I can't even describe it, it's just deliciously cheesy and poignant and... <3

Yume Nikki, because I love the exploration and the psychology and everything about it <3

Avatar: The Last Aribender. Amazing animation + deep symbolism + interesting characters + compelling story = show I'll love.

Um there's probably more!
TV Shows
-Mystery Science Theatre 3000: It's funny, and who couldn't love the opening theme. I sing it every episode.
-Doctor Who: Quite possibly the best show ever made.
-Astro Boy: It was the cutest animations, and each episode is just adorable in that little kid kind of way.
-Phineas and Ferb: I LOVE this show. I watch it religiously, and sleep with my stuffed Perry the Platypus every night.

-Eegah: Quite possibly the funniest, worst, poorly made B-movie I've ever seen. And that is why I love it.
-The Book of Eli: It's one of those movies I'll remember for forever, it was so well put together and I like how it takes place in the post-apocolyptic world.
-WALL-E: I specifically want this to be the last movie I see on my death bed. It's adorable, and makes me cry every time I watch it.
-The Crazies: All I need to say is JOE ANDERSON. I WANT HIM SO BADDD~
-Across the Universe: I <3 the Beatles already. But making a movie based upon their songs, and again have Joe Freakin-Sexy Anderson in it? YES

-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: It's witty, and fills me with delight and joy when I read it.
-Warriors: I've been reading it ever since the fourth grade, and I've loved it ever since.
-Pearls Before Swine: Okay, technically, it's a comic in the newspaper. But it's still pretty freaking awesome.

Minecraft: My favorite game by a small margin...just holy shit this is a good game. Build things, destroy things, fight things, explore things...Survival Multiplayer is especially fantastic.

Avatar: The Last Airbender: Probably my favorite TV show, this was a very well done series with good characters and a good story and good everything.
I totally forgot about music.

The Ting-Tings: They're so peppy and happy. They're perfect to listen to when you're down in the dumps.
Of Montreal: So strange, and completely eccentric. Love it.
MIKA: Again, happy and peppy as hell.
M.I.A.: I love her accent.
No Doubt: I already had an obsession with Gwen Stefani, but this just made it better.
- Interstella 5555: This is an experience. If you didn't like Daft Punk before, this might make you change your mind.
- WALL-E: By far my favorite Pixar film. Fantastic work, it's cute but manages to get a bit of a message through.

- Law & Order: Just about the only TV drama I've watched regularly. Best crime drama out there as far as I'm concerned.
- Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations: Oh my god I love this show. Food travel with a snarky host, better than just about everything else on that channel.
- Mythbusters: All has been said on this subject.
- The Office: I like both the US and UK versions, they fill somewhat different niches, but both are funny as all hell.
- 'Allo 'Allo!: The setting, the characters, it's all so over-the-top.
There's any number of other British comedies I should list here...

Anime series:
- Aria: This is still my favorite series of all time. Supremely relaxing, cute, and funny. The best example of a slice-of-life, done beautifully.

- Paradox Interactive: Rather complex grand strategy, these guys are pretty much the only folks who publish it, not to mention their own developed games are my benchmark for the genre.
- Super Street Fighter IV: This' games predecessor pretty much got me good at fighting games, and in Super, we have a much expanded cast with characters I like, and improved gameplay. Fantastic fighting game that's easy to get into.
- Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike: Simply beautiful. The fact that a game from 1999 is still favored by many high-level players attests to it's good design. And it's got plenty of characters I like, always a plus here.
- BlazBlue: Continuum Shift: This is a difficult one to learn. I'm not the biggest fan of the mechanics, but the game is so stylish I keep coming back.
- Unreal Tournament 2004: Best of the series, twitch shooter action at it's finest.
- Team Fortress 2: I'm sure many, many souls here know that this game is great. It's well-balanced, silly, and Valve keeps pumping out content. People who don't like FPSs can get into this too, as it's quite simple.

- Marblehornetsmarblehornetsmarblehornetsmarblehornetsmarblehornets. Marble Hornets is the best thing ever.


- Anathem is pretty bitchin'.
- American Gods is similarly pretty bitchin'.


- Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show are the greatest band of the 70s imho.
- The Ink Spots are fantastic.


- Ménage á 3
- Erfworld
- xkcd
- Cyanide and Happiness
- The Order of the Stick
- Treading Ground
- Dead Philosophers in Heaven
I actually like to keep lists of my favourite things because otherwise I tend to forget them unless they're my all-time favourites, which I don't like doing, because I like rewatching them or re-reading them, etc. So. My lists are also usually really, really long.

12 Monkeys, A Beautiful Mind, A Few Good Men, A Little Princess, American Beauty, American History X, American Psycho, Apollo 13, Batman Begins, Borat, Bruce Almighty, Cast Away, Catch Me If You Can, Crash, District 9, Dogma, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Fight Club, Forrest Gump, Good Will Hunting, Groundhog Day, I Am Sam, Inception, Inglourious Basterds, Liar Liar, Little Miss Sunshine, Memento, Million Dollar Baby, Mysterious Skin, Ocean's Eleven, Pan's Labyrinth, Prayers for Bobby, Precious, Primal Fear, Pulp Fiction, Rain Man, Rocky, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Seabiscuit, Silence Of The Lambs, Spirited Away, Sweeney Todd, The Aviator, The Bourne Trilogy, The Breakfast Club, The Dark Knight, The Illusionist, The Departed, The Green Mile, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Hurt Locker, The Karate Kid, The Matrix, The Pursuit of Happyness, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Shawshank Redemption, The Sixth Sense, The Informant!, The Truman Show, Valkyrie, Victor/Victoria

Goddamn that list is longer than I thought. :| I really like movies okay. Right then...

TV shows:
Dexter, The West Wing, Buffy, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Glee, Friends, In Treatment, United States of Tara, Boston Legal, Breaking Bad, The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, Doctor Who, Dollhouse, Firefly, The IT Crowd, Kings, Life On Mars, QI, Lost, Nip/Tuck, Nurse Jackie, Pushing Daisies, Sherlock, Ugly Betty, Wire in the Blood

Those are my... top-favourites? Separating my favourites from shows that I just really like is hard. :[

Favourite musical is Next to Normal, with Spring Awakening and Gypsy tagging along behind. Oh, and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Favourite books would be the His Dark Materials' trilogy, the Animorphs series, The Fox and the Hound, and 19 Minutes. Yeah, I'm totally nerdy. Um, music, Mika and Muse. And obviously the music from my favourite musicals, and then movie soundtracks.
I don't think I even need to mention the Tales series.
I also absolutely love the Department Heaven series; Yggdra Union and its prequel, Blaze Union, and Knights in the Nightmare are all simply excellent.

I might also say that it's hard for me not to lose myself over Type-Moon works, Melty Blood included.

As far as anime is concerned... Kara no Kyoukai was great.

I also absolutely loved the Unlimited Blade Works movie.
Where series are concerned though, I've got a lot of favorites... Though if I had to give five specific series on the dot, in specific order, it'd be...
Cowboy Bebop, Darker than BLACK, FMA Brotherhood, Baccano!, and Trigun.

By the way, that Trigun movie, Badlands Rumble, is awesome. Gasback is one of the coolest damn villains ever.

As for manga, I never really read much...
Though I was a fan of FMA's manga. Also love Berserk.

Then a friend of mine also got me into Vinland Saga recently. Instant love.
do i have to say it? vocaloid. if i could, i would sing "love is war" from the highest roof-top in town. but i can't sing, and i don't have a megaphone.

My Name is Earl
Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Harry Potter
Rurouni Kenshin

Video Games:

Mega Man (All series)
Final Fantasies 6, 9, 10, 13, Dissidia, Crisis Core
Yoshi's Island
LoZ: Majora's Mask
LoZ: Wind Waker
Punch-Out!! (Wii)
Spider Man: Web of Shadows


One Piece
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
Needful Things

These are a few of my favorite things... listing them all would take forever.
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