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Sugar Hi! :D


New member
Hi! I'm yiran. I like sunshine and puppies and spoons of rainbows fed to fluffy unicorns which dance until midnight when the moon expels a mystical mist that makes people happy.

Erm. Let's try that again.

I'm yiran. I'm probably a lot younger than most of you, and I go to school rather than work. I am a quite an overactive person, and if it were allowed I'd probably give you the impression that I constantly took in too much sugar (as in, ASDFing the whole time). However, I can be relatively formal when I want to, it just tests my self restraint; for instance, I was tempted to and in a :D at the end of the last sentence. I am not afraid of discussing my strengths and weaknesses, even though I may come out arrogant. For instance, I excel at maths and sciences, do well in english and humanities, are okay at the arts (except literature), and am very bad at physical exercise. I ran for 2 km on Friday and my legs are still hurting! Now, you probably don't care about my school grades and stuff, so I'll just tell you that I'm pretty good at starting and maintaining discussions but I can get overly critical of things unintentionally (especially religion, in which I am agnostic but leaning more towards atheist). I use British English. I am good at grammar, but I have a relatively poor vocabulary, so don't be bothered if I ask what a word means. I'm also pretty bad at paragraphing unless I actually put work into it, as evidenced by this large paragraph which has no reason to be one.

So we'll start a new one, because I said so. Yeah, I like to get my way quite a lot, but that might be because I'm the centre of attention at home since my brother who's older than me by 10 years is never around. Therefore, I can get quite arrogant and pompous in situations. However, most of the time, when someone's nice to me, I just be nice to them back and then we all live happily every after.

Ugh, I just went sugar-y again. Now that I've summed up my personality nicely, I guess I'll talk about my history with Pokémon? (I actually prefer to not capitalise the first letter (as in pokémon), but whatever.) My brother introduced me to Pokémon when I was... I don't know, a week old. I remember begging my brother to get me Pokémon Red, and he made me go to a kindergarten competition :/ Anyway, I've only really started logically playing in Ruby and Sapphire, and I have to say I spent quite some time on it. Afterwards I played along with Diamond and Pearl.

It was always an integral part of my life, but the game that really got me into Pokémon was Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness. The gameplay wasn't as good as the main games, but the story was amazing. Seriously. I couldn't stop thinking about it for several months (that may or may not be a hyperbole). I wanted to write fanfiction about it, but because I was 10 or something then, it was absolutely horrendous. Good thing my brother encouraged me and said it was good, otherwise I probably wouldn't be here.

Anyway, that was the first time that I wrote fanfiction. I didn't write too much though, because I didn't think anyone would appreciate it. However, after I went on a stray link to No Antidote, I realised that there were other people out there who put far more effort than me on this. So I read more, and eventually I stumbled on TvTropes from some reviews, and from there I discovered Pokémon's Fanfic Recommendations page. And then I got curious and looked at "antialiasis"'s profile. And then I got here.

Fanfiction isn't the only motive for me to like Pokémon, though. I am a decent competitive battler, although my teambuilding skills are garbage. I first went to Smogon through something (I forgot, maybe a random GameFAQs link), got perceived as a troll there, so I then moved to Pokémon Online for 5th gen. I don't really battle competitively any more and therefore need some catching up to do with the metagame, but I can still provide a good chat about competitive battling if you would like to.

Outside of Pokémon, I'm still very interested in video games. Super Smash Bros. and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time were both played by my brother in my childhood, and I have various sequels for them and played it. Other Nintendo titles include Mario (although I'm not that interested) and Metroid, and a tiny bit of Kirby. Outside of Nintendo, I play quite a lot of Valve Games, namely Portal (2) and Team Fortress 2, but I also have some experience with Half-Life 2. And then there's Minecraft, and I'd rather not talk about it or it'd take a long time and I've said enough already. MINECRAFT RULEZ sorry had a lapse of consciousness there. *ahem*

I'm also quite interested in other fiction. I've picked up Harry Potter very recently, and I've also read the Hunger Games, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and The Inheritance Cycle. Other less famous books exist, but these are the most famous ones. As for animation, I've watched Disney as a child (The Lion King!), Detective Conan (also known as Case Closed), and The Legend of Korra (but not its prequel). As for acted films/movies, I can't really think of any. Yeah, I read a lot more text rather than watch stuff.

Back to fanfiction for a moment, I'm a really amateur writer, but I believe I can succeed because I've seen relatively bad fanfics get praised a lot. Examples of Pokémon fanfiction I've read include Pedestal, Regret, and Latias' Journey. Some other fanfiction I've read include Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past, Free as the Wind (Zelda), and One Last Smash (SSB). Random Oneshots from Pokémon include The Ties that Bind and Butterfree. All of the aforementioned are at least somewhat good. (The one that dragged down the magnitude of the goodness of the last statement is Latias' Journey.)

Oh god I wasted so much time I need to stop procrastinating and spend more time doing productive stuff. So yes I'll round this up. Nice to meet you, whoever you are. My name is literally yiran, in another language (even if it's not my passport name). Don't capitalise it.

(Anyone who read that completely gets some of my glucose for free)

PS. I really can't be bothered to read over it so if there's any grammar mistakes or bad sentencing then ignore it. Yes I forgot to mention that I'm lazy.

EDIT: I re-read it after I posted it anyway. What a bother. Anyway I left out my music preferences which really don't matter that much, and I forgot to put Final Fantasy X in one of my preferred video games. Ugh. Why do humans' brains work so weirdly. I hate you, my brain.

Re-EDIT: Is there a rule regarding new players and the mafia forum? Either it's in some rules and I've missed it or it isn't explained, because I can't post there.
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Whooooooooaaa. You really filled that post out. Neat. :D

I'm Raichie Belle. Consume this foam sword, enjoy Anime-Style Battling, Card games on motorcycles, etc. Piccolo's in the outfit.
To join mafia games, go to User CP at the top. On the left of those list of options, there'll be Group Memberships. Click it, then join Mafia Players. Voila.

Hi, welcome. I have a feeling you're thirteen or something, but wow, that's a lot of typing you have. Anyways, welcome.
You seem to be a nice person. And another Portal fan is a plus. ^_^

I'm Flareth. Hope you enjoy this forum.
Re-EDIT: Is there a rule regarding new players and the mafia forum? Either it's in some rules and I've missed it or it isn't explained, because I can't post there.
you need to join the mafia players usergroup! go to your user CP, then on the left there should be a link that says 'group membership'. or click here and join the group, either works.
Wow, thanks for all the positive encouragement from you guys there. And yeah, I solved the mafia problem.

I'll be completely honest, I enjoy the privacy the Internet gives me (somehow, I can't detail it in words), so I'm not going to disclose my gender, age, or ethnicity. I may tell them as I get more comfortable with the community, though. Hope this doesn't deter you from still being so nice :x

Welcome. I am Gym Leader Shizui, but that name is for a limited time (until B2W2 come out). You can call me Control of Dialga, Timeline4All, or just Time if`n you would like.
Alright now, I am really happy because you are another PO user and a MineCraft lover!
Anyways, I`m not real good at welcoming, so... We have many places in which you can enjoy for fun. I noticed you`ve already discovered Mafia.
Enjoy you`re stay and welcome to the TCoDf family!
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