• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Suicide Game! =D

It lands on heads. Terezi sees no coin because she's blind, so she executes me anyway.

I drop a plush Dragomon.
She gets angry and shoots me with her magic fire attack.

I drop a Hoppip.

It randomly turns into godzilla and steps on me.

Godzilla? He doesn't look much like Godzilla. He isn't even a reptile, despite his name suggesting a dragon. But that doesn't matter. Besides, it's a plush.
The Budew evolves, startling me so much that I fall into a lake. I sink to the bottom and turn into a Mudkip. However, being a ground/water type, grass is my greatest weakness. The Roselia uses Magical Leaf on me, lacerating my skin beyond recognition. A passing trainer takes pity on me and takes me to a Pokemon Center, but the macine malfunctions and I die.

I drop a PC. (Be original, guys!)
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