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Suicide Game! =D

The bunny uses it's ninja kills to set a forcefield around everything but me and makes me go kaboom with the use of nuclear cookies and glowsticks.

I drop a time machine
I grab the bone. Unfortunately, a it's a Cubone's bone. The Cubone calls in some Golbats ,and they attack me, pushing me into the sea where I sink to the bottom, due to the added weight of the attacking Golbats. We sink down into the center of the Earth (somehow) and Houndoom eats me.

I drop a toenail.
I give the toenail to Russia for his birthday and then he kolkolkols and then kills me. Dead.

I drop China, aru.
Despite my being a dragon, it turns against me and grows up into Ultimate Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and Kaiba shows up and says 'Screw the rules, I have money' for no reason and commands Ultimate Blue-Eyes to kill me. Dead.

I drop Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie doesn't like me pointing out the whole Blue-Eyes family names, or the fact I'm still adament Red-Eyes and White Night Dragon are better, and as such I get chased into a volcano inhabited by fiery marshmellows!

I drop my Red-Eyes Deck!
I get a paper cut from looking at the obviously awesome deck, and bleed to death.

I drop my phone which can only text, make calls, and take videos and pictures.
That's actually more than what I need from my phone, but seeing as mine is touch-screen and is thus doing my head in, I decide to swap SIM cards and take yours instead! You haunt me (cuz I say you do), and it makes me really sad, so I commit suicide! (Holy Ra! An actual suicide!)

I drop the Duel I had in which my opponent ever so kindly Needle Wormed me 3 times, filling my Graveyard with 9 Dragons (and no other Monster) while I had Solidarity and Dragon's Rage down before pulling out Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon! (That actually happened, by the by)
Haha you are confused because mine has a touch screen too and you weren't expecting it. I die because sometimes I cant even comprehend duels.

I drop the TARDIS key.
(Be creative people!)
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