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Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

“Mm,” she hummed, a sad smirk playing on her lips. “Once more, it seems we’ve found a common ground. Though I wish I could say the discovery of such group in my world was an accident; more a gross miscalculation on my part.” She chuckled bitterly. “Can’t say my math has gotten any better since I got here, though.”

Huffing, she regarded Bellatrix again with a long, dramatic roll of her eyes. “Anyway. I feel like I’ve talked your ear off plenty about my thoughts on the state of things and my gross concerns about our foes at hand. If you have any more places to be tonight to uh, do some more tricks, don’t let me keep you.”
"It is getting late, isn't it," Bellatrix observed. She tapped the side of her glass, "although I could also do with another drink, I just need to—" She veiled herself in another illusion, this time a ninetales now that the leafeon illusion was compromised. "My appearance is far too young, so I am refused service if I do not mask with an illusion," she explained with a low whisper. "Or I am given something non-alcoholic instead. It just so happens that it is a convenient way of practising my abilities."

The fox hopped off her stool to walk to the counter to make another order. "Let it be our secret but until then," she added a little louder, "perhaps you would care to join me or, we can say goodnight now." Then with a small, polite nod, Bellatrix walked off, giving Odette the initiative to follow or say goodnight herself.

What a pleasant surprise of an evening.
Odette struggled to hide the sympathetic smile that split her lips. “Oh, you don’t have to explain that unintended curse to me,” she said. “I’m twenty-five and am no taller than a pre-teen in my human body.” She placed a finger over her lips. “Do what you have to do.”

She watched Bellatrix start to walk off, stealing one last glance over her shoulder. Things were slowing down for the night, and technically, she was officially off the clock…

Shrugging, she stood up and followed. They could keep the party going elsewhere. Gods knew they probably needed it.

[Ch05] ~ The State of the World
Inteleon Nolan had not remained wholly in Frontier Town during his expedition to the west, but after each of his excursions to parts of the frontier that drew his interest, he would return to the Sun Stone Saloon for the respite civilisation would bring. On his latest return to town, he posted another of his invitations to the Haus, calling on interested Wayfarers to meet with him once again – to discuss how they might work with the Covenant of Light.

This meeting was held on the top floor, exclusive and private, with an interior closer to art deco than the wild west decor everyone had become used to. Stiff pleasantries were exchanged, and drinks served by Whimsicott Greasewood, who had a glint in his eye and a spring in his step that there had not been when the party had first come to his world.

"So," rasped Nolan, apparently comfortable enough to reach for a cigarette despite his typical coldness, "it would appear that your group is here to stay, and quite capable of effecting serious change on your surroundings. I inquired when I first met with members of your party about your agenda and your competence... and in only a short time since then, you've, ahem, proven quite pivotal to the dismantling of Cipher Syndicate operations in the frontier territory."

He sighed, as if begrudgingly, or perhaps rueing that his slow and methodical approach had fallen behind the Wayfarers' astonishing proactivity.

"I am now quite willing to answer more of your questions about my organisation, and whatever else you are concerned with about the world. Depending on how the next several minutes of our conversation proceeds, I may shortly be putting you in direct contact with a significant Covenant official who has taken an interest in you. I passed on my observations about you by way of the recruitment and personnel department, and apparently... you caught their eye."

Nolan's expression remained as difficult to read as ever, as he tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table around which everyone was gathered, but something about the official he had in mind clearly weighed on him. This matter had gone entirely over his head and reached someone more important – Nolan was a prideful creature, and doubtless that had something to do with his disposition now.

"Where would you like to begin?" asked the lizard, coolly, eyeing the various Wayfarers who had turned up.

Laura stared at her glass of champagne, wishing she'd asked for something else. She wasn't much of a drinker. On the other hand, maybe it would help with her nerves...

"I have been wondering," she began, her ears dipping as she realised that she'd become the ice-breaker, "what would have happened if we hadn't gotten involved with the Cipher business. Would your organisation, or the Commonwealth government, even, have stepped in at some point...?"

Nolan sniffed, his mouth curling. He was... both irritated and pleased?

"I would have continued to gather intelligence on their activities, and reported back until further action was approved," he replied, evenly. "At which point, I would imagine that the council would have authorised the assignment of other operatives to the frontier, and liaised with the Commonwealth executive branch to have an army battalion deployed to Blaguarro. This would certainly have required more time than your own efforts took, I admit. You are... quite remarkable. Those are the advantages of a loose command structure and already being present in the west, I suppose. That, and your exceptionally fast growth in strength."

So, the Covenant would have fought Cipher... using the Commonwealth Army. The Wayfarers just beat them to it by weeks or months, mostly for logistical reasons.

"What else can I tell you?"

The floor was open.
Odette wasn't working today, strangely enough, but she'd jumped at the invitation. Fucking finally, she'd thought as she made her way up to the private quarters. She'd distinctly wondered if Nolan was going to get tired of seeing her face at any point, but frankly, she didn't care. It's not like she saw anybody else trying to make progress with sucking up, him being their sole in to the Covenant right now. But, up until this point, she hadn't noticed any distaste. Perhaps that would work in their favor.

As she sat nursing her usual gin and tonic, chuckling to herself every time she caught sight of a bubbly-looking Greasewood, she listened to his words very carefully, slowly nodding to herself.

"Forgive me if this has already been covered previously, a lot has happened since we last had a large conversation like this," she said before sipping. "But, when and how exactly was your organization started? Was there any particular event that prompted its formation?"
Archie had yet to meet this Nolan, specifically, but, a gut feeling had brought him to the Sun Stone Saloon all the same. The Dewott already had his fill of shadowy organizations moving in the background with Cipher, and they still had Alex to contend with as well. So, ultimately, Archie supposed he came to the Sun Stone to try to get a feel for himself if this Covenant was going to become a problem in the future. At least, if he knew it was going to be, he could take steps to prepare for it.

Upon arriving, he’d found a seat near Odette, grateful for the familiarity of her company, and was presently swirling a bit of sugar into a coffee he’d ordered – he’d been struggling with a growing caffeine addiction since his multi-day breakdown at Little Scriven, and knew better than to add alcohol to that mix.

“I’d also appreciate an overview,” the Dewott said, raising his paw, after the Mawile spoke. “Sorry, I’ve had a lot on my plate lately, and haven’t had time to do the homework.”

He gave the Inteleon a wry smile. Something about this guy was already not sitting right with him, but maybe that was just paranoia talking. Oh well, what was the expression? Go along to get along? The Dewott was more than capable of playing nice.
Bellatrix eyed the gathering group, tapping the side of the table in thought. She had come earlier to grab a drink under a guise, which she had patiently nursed until the whole group had gathered. Clearly she wanted to get right into the weeds regarding the Covenant's own dealings and had little care as to how Nolan viewed her, so she decided to spare no pleasantries, outright stating, "The Covenant's relationship with Cipher would be a good place to start."

She took a sip of her drink and eyed Nolan over the edge of her glass.

"Regardless on the organisation's current stance, you have had prior dealings with them. How much did you know of their activity prior to this point?"
Andre had come mentally prepared this time. Since the conclusion of the first meeting he'd had with the inteleon, he'd known that he was a full-blown human supremacist - in other words, an enemy to them and the native mon of Forlas - and that meant that Andre would have to intentionally suppress his feelings on the guy and treat him like one of his targets. Though he really hoped he wouldn't have to seduce him. Maybe Odette could handle that part if it came down to it.

He chose to drink only water, holding the glass with a vine. He still didn't really know how much alcohol his little deer body could handle, and this was an occasion where one's wits were vital to keep sharp. He would have liked to get berry juice, admittedly, as the herbivore part of him craved it, but he would not be convincing Nolan that he was an enlightened human if he got a drink meant for children. Water was fine, anyway. Good for a grass-type.

As for questions, Andre was again content to let the others do the talking. Perhaps it wouldn't reflect well on his image to show up and not say a thing for a second time, but wasn't it better to speak only with purpose? Or was that too Escarpa for a member of the Covenant of Light?

He took a sip. Hopefully, there would be some useful revelations - if not of Nolan and the Covenant, then other Wayfarers.
"Forgive me if this has already been covered previously, a lot has happened since we last had a large conversation like this," she said before sipping. "But, when and how exactly was your organization started? Was there any particular event that prompted its formation?"
“I’d also appreciate an overview,” the Dewott said, raising his paw, after the Mawile spoke. “Sorry, I’ve had a lot on my plate lately, and haven’t had time to do the homework.”

Nolan reflexively made a sour face at someone not having 'done their homework' – the Inteleon was nothing if not a thorough researcher himself – but he returned to a dispassionate expression as he began to speak.

"The Covenant is not exactly a public-facing organisation," clarified the reptile. (In other words, it wasn't as if Archie could have learned much about it to begin with...) "It was founded some two centuries ago by humans – and the descendants of humans – who came together to address the problems that civilisation faced in what is now the heartland of the Commonwealth. There had recently been a 'Crisis' – periodic events that threaten sufficient harm to a region of the world as to merit the summoning of a human hero – and the fledgling colonies on the east coast were set back considerably. The hero of that time, having lost much in their efforts to defeat the Crisis, wished to safeguard against similar tragedies yet to come, and gathered others to this cause. The Covenant's first and foremost mission from that time has been to prepare for future Crises, and to mitigate the harm they might cause to the peoples and environments of Forlas. Everything else follows from that goal."

He smirked mildly, adjusting his cravat.

"My own role is to gather intelligence for the Covenant. I take pride in this – it is of the greatest importance that my organisation is reliably informed, that it may take the wisest courses of action."

"Regardless on the organisation's current stance, you have had prior dealings with them. How much did you know of their activity prior to this point?"

He turned to address Bellatrix with a blank expression. Nolan had previously been – while difficult to read – consistently emotive in his reactions. Either he genuinely felt nothing, or this was the first case of him deliberately putting on a mask.

"I regret that I personally knew relatively little until I was assigned to investigate them. At that time, I had heard rumours that another large human-run organisation had been contacted, and that – naturally – the leadership was both cautious and hopeful. The best case scenario they surely imagined was that this 'Cipher' had similar motivations and goals as the Covenant, and could be a force for good. As you already know, I soon discovered various... disheartening truths about them. For instance, their involvement with the Shadow pokémon phenomenon, and – by implication – that if you were not involved with them yourselves, that you had been summoned to address them, and that they were therefore considered a threat to this world."

Laura frowned at this, and flicked her tail as she spoke up.

"Considered a threat, by who? Uh, whom? Who actually does the summoning?"

Nolan nodded, and sighed at some private thought.

"Nobody knows for sure, I suspect. Summoned heroes typically lose many of their memories, including any of the summoning entity that calls them to Forlas, but there is an entity, which many members of the Covenant believe is either a specific Saint, or some ephemeral... nature spirit or 'god'. We have a codename for this entity; we call them 'Beacon'. All we know about them is that if the trace memories of summoned heroes are accurate, that they are a conscious being responsible for the world's wellbeing and empowered to summon humans from other worlds to protect it."

He looked faintly stricken for a moment.

"As far as I understand it, you were summoned by an entity, but not by the Beacon that summoned previous heroes...? Is that correct?"
Ridley had shown up to the meeting largely out of curiosity. Nothing he'd heard about the Covenant had much endeared him to what was, as far as he could tell, a group of people who thought their heritage made them better than others. Still, if so many of the Wayfarers were willing to work with them, even just as an alliance of convenience, then Ridley figured he should try to learn more.

"If your goal is to help prepare for future tragedies, then why aren't you public-facing?" he asked. "That sounds like the sort of goal which could be more easily achieved with widespread communication and collaboration."

Since he'd sewn his new disguise, he found that people had suddenly developed a tendency to look at a point somewhere above him, addressing their remarks to his fake clefairy head rather than his actual Ridley face. If he pointed the head in one direction, people would generally assume that was what he was focused on. With the clefairy head facing Nolan, he allowed his attention to wander around the room.
Odette kept her expression neutral when she met his sour gaze. She had to wonder how the fuck she, or anyone for that matter, could have "done their homework" if it wasn't a public-facing organization. That much was fucking obvious. Everything she'd found on them while waiting to just hear back was nothing short of a fucking rumor. But she wouldn't say as much out loud.

She gnawed on her cheek, eyes quickly moving around to see if anybody physically reacted to the question. When nobody did so, she took another sip.

"Mm," she said. "Yes, I highly doubt our patron here is your Beacon. They're inexperienced, at best." No offense, she thought, hoping Betel would catch it. "According to them, we're the first bunch they've summoned."
Gladion smirked. He tried to keep it internal, to make sure it wouldn’t read on his face. That was Auriga being referred to, no? “Beacon, huh? Sounds like you understand it well enough for us to proceed.”

Part of him wanted to just move on from Nolan asking for information. Part of him wanted it to continue, just to see if he could get under the guy’s skin.
Archie leaned forward, elbows on the table, to rest his muzzle on the back of his paws. He kept the same easy grin on his face, eyes on Nolan, only briefly flicking around to the others as they spoke. He wasn’t sure how much they should be telling this guy about Betel, or themselves, but the Dewott was very interested to hear that other humans summoned to Forlas tended to lose their memories – that was another big difference between their summoning and what was considered typical.

“If I had to guess,” Archie began, looking away from Nolan and towards Ridley, “The reason they’re not public-facing is that, while their stated goals are high-minded, their methods are… Anything but.”

Betel was an artificial being, they had been created. Could this Covenant have had anything to do with that? It seemed reasonable to suspect that the human-founded organization, staffed humans and their Pokemon descendants, and dedicated to preparing for the kinds of crises that usually involved humans arriving in Forlas, would have some connection to the creation of a being capable of summoning humans… But maybe he shouldn’t say anything out loud for now, he didn’t want to give away anything that Nolan didn’t know they knew.
"Mm," she said. "Yes, I highly doubt our patron here is your Beacon. They're inexperienced, at best." No offense, she thought, hoping Betel would catch it. "According to them, we're the first bunch they've summoned."
“Beacon, huh? Sounds like you understand it well enough for us to proceed.”

Gladion got a flicker of irritation (and confusion) from the lizard's face, but he made no reply.

"...I gathered as much," he said, evenly. "As you may imagine, it is somewhat alarming to have this information confirmed. I can only speculate as to what it may portend... I should tell you that it does rather prompt some reasonable concern regarding your... legitimacy. What with the circumstances being so irregular. Covenant protocols for supporting and onboarding summoned heroes assume certain norms to be the case... and besides being so numerous, it's clear that you are not amnesiacs, nor are all of you human. We rely on the credibility of the Beacon – an entity that has safeguarded Forlas since before records began – and this 'patron' of yours is an unknown element. Unproven."

Nolan kept a calm demeanour as he said this, but his anxiety was clear. After all, his organisation had spent hundreds of years understanding that this 'Beacon' summoned lone humans to answer Crises, and here were dozens of offworlders brought here by something totally unknown. Even for a sour old skeptic like himself, this was something akin to finding that the newest messiah was not only a gang of oddballs, but sent by a different god entirely...

"If your goal is to help prepare for future tragedies, then why aren't you public-facing?" he asked. "That sounds like the sort of goal which could be more easily achieved with widespread communication and collaboration."

Nolan smiled drily.

"You may think so, but personally, I'm far from persuaded of that."

“If I had to guess,” Archie began, looking away from Nolan and towards Ridley, “The reason they’re not public facing is that, while their stated goals are high minded, their methods are… Anything but.”

The Inteleon raised a scaly brow. This didn't seem to offend him particularly – if anything, he was interested that someone would state something like this so openly, and be so relaxed while doing so.

"I wonder what is it that you guess we do, good sir? I must say, I have refrained from assuming that simply because your party has been less than forthcoming as of yet, that you must have guilty secrets to hide."

A dispassionate reptilian blink made it clear that Nolan's remark was a restrained one. He had been quite irritated during his first meeting with the Wayfarers that they had been somewhat hostile and reticent with him, while he'd given them a great deal of information. Simply insinuating that the Covenant had something to hide wouldn't gain much ground when the Wayfarers had been more secretive than Nolan.

"In any case," he continued, "the Covenant's charter states that society should be made resilient to future Crises without depending on the Covenant itself to solve their problems for them. When you propose that 'widespread communication and collaboration' could 'easily' solve threats to global welfare, I can only imagine that you've not had occasion to speak with members of the public about their political opinions. Is your world one where the common people regularly find consensus on how to better society and protect their planet, good sir?"

Laura winced. Her own Galar, at least, would probably not impress Nolan...
"I regret that I personally knew relatively little until I was assigned to investigate them. At that time, I had heard rumours that another large human-run organisation had been contacted, and that – naturally – the leadership was both cautious and hopeful. The best case scenario they surely imagined was that this 'Cipher' had similar motivations and goals as the Covenant, and could be a force for good. As you already know, I soon discovered various... disheartening truths about them. For instance, their involvement with the Shadow pokémon phenomenon, and – by implication – that if you were not involved with them yourselves, that you had been summoned to address them, and that they were therefore considered a threat to this world."
"Yet you had still provided them with resources," Bellatrix pointed out after she let others get a word in. "Ones that we had found in the raid or had been directly confirmed by Cipher themselves to have come from you." She didn't outright state what she was referring to but a quick glance at Gladion was more than enough to convey her meaning, at least to the other Wayfarers.

"In lieu of this, do you mean to imply that the Covenant had given them to Cipher happily before any of you understood the extent of their dealings on the basis that they were human?

"Either way," she continued, as to not linger on the topic for too long. "Since Cipher has been expelled from the area, a new problem seems to have arisen. I imagine that you are aware that a couple of Saints have appeared to cause trouble – by the name of Zapdos and Moltres – no doubt interested in our exploits. From this, I have two questions. First, has something like this happened before with other summoned offworlders and second, do you yourself know anything about these Saints by any chance and if there is a third? As from what I have heard, these birds typically come in threes."
Nolan turned a perplexed scowl towards Bellatrix, one hand clenching and unclenching.

"Resources? What—? ...You mean Cipher? Hmph. Once again, I am an investigator, not a councillor. I had no part in any such decisions, and implied nothing of what you infer. I was tasked to investigate Cipher's operations; I found them to be reprehensible; I reported back accordingly."

'What more do you want from me?' was perhaps the unsaid retort. The lizard was clearly startled by the fox's accusations, and seemed genuinely confused about what she was referring to. It wasn't clear whether he even knew about Sage, the ARK Unit the Wayfarers had rescued. He wasn't denying that Bellatrix was right, however – only that he had anything to do with – or knew about – it himself.

Bellatrix moved on, bringing up a new topic:

"Either way," she continued, as to not linger on the topic for too long, "since Cipher has been expelled from the area, a new problem seems to have arisen. I imagine that you are aware that a couple of Saints have appeared to cause trouble – by the name of Zapdos and Moltres – no doubt interested in our exploits. From this, I have two questions. First, has something like this happened before with other summoned offworlders and second, do you yourself know anything about these Saints by any chance and if there is a third? From what I have heard, these birds typically come in threes."

Nolan peered at her, quizzically, calculating something in his mind.

"...There is indeed a third legendary bird considered to correspond in aspect and domain to Zapdos and Moltres, yes. Not that I would expect to hear of Lord Articuno making trouble for anyone. Most Saints do not, to begin with – the Two Aeons, for instance, have traditionally offered their service as scouts, couriers and escorts to summoned heroes. I would—"

He paused, concentrating on something only he could perceive.

"Hm. It seems my superior is interested in meeting you in person after all."
Odette nodded through the explanation, not entirely shocked that the name Articuno would show up. She'd heard through the lum vine that some of the group had a run in with Zapdos. She'd faced off with Moltres herself. The last one was only a matter of time.

However, when he cut himself off to have a silent conversation with seemingly nothing, she tilted her head.

Tucking her hand under her chin thoughtfully, she raised a brow. "Did you glean that from the line of questioning we just had or did a more discreet type of communication just occur?"
Steven stayed silent for the duration of the conversation, content to hover near Odette and observe. He knew she'd be one of the first people to respond to Nolan's summons. She hadn't asked him to come, and he was sure she could handle herself just fine, but it felt like it'd be better if she knew someone was there to back her up.

Besides, he'd had dealings with Nolan prior to the Cipher raid, and as unsavory as some of the Inteleon's personal opinions were, as-written, the Covenant's goals were not so different than their own.

He hoped the rest of the group would be able to put their feelings aside and engage with Nolan on a strictly professional level. The Inteleon had proven he was no slouch when it came to gathering information; a valuable resource for a group who was still learning how this world worked. Yet the distaste of some of his companions was clear, and he wondered why they would choose to so openly antagonize him. But Nolan hadn't been turned off by their comments and remained as civil as he'd been previously, so Steven held his tongue.

Although, his eyes narrowed when Nolan spoke of legitimacy. Was their shared goal of stopping Cipher and the spread of Shadow pokemon not enough? If anything, they'd gotten more results in the effort than the Covenant had. Surely Nolan's organization could appreciate a group that wasn't just talk.

It didn't make much sense if it had to do with them being summoned by Betel, and not this Beacon. They'd trusted Cipher knowing full well they weren't summoned by the Beacon, either. So what was the problem with--?

Nolan said:
"Hm. It seems my superior is interested in meeting you in person after all."

Oh. Well, that was certainly a refreshing breakthrough. He sent a glance towards Odette to gauge her reaction. It'd what she'd been hoping for, after all.

But that was odd... Had Nolan gotten a psychic communication just now? What was the range on that sort of thing?
"In any case," he continued, "the Covenant's charter states that society should be made resilient to future Crises without depending on the Covenant itself to solve their problems for them. When you propose that 'widespread communication and collaboration' could 'easily' solve threats to global welfare, I can only imagine that you've not had occasion to speak with members of the public about their political opinions. Is your world one where the common people regularly find consensus on how to better society and protect their planet, good sir?"

"I said more easily, not easily," Ridley pointed out. "Pretty significant difference of scale. And in my world, groups who want to make things better usually try to communicate with people about what the problems are and how to solve them. Even if not everyone listens, it's better than throwing your hands up and saying, well, they have bad political opinions so let's not bother."

He didn't like the sound of Covenant protocols for supporting and onboarding summoned heroes, especially if offworlders usually arrived in Forlas alone and amnesiac. Pick someone up when they're scared and isolated, offer them support, tell them the locals are too ignorant to know what's good for them...

Maybe Ridley was just prejudiced here. He didn't like anything he'd heard about the Covenant so far, and maybe he was letting that provoke him into taking Nolan's words in worse faith than they were intended. Maybe all the Covenant did was offer people a support system so they could find their feet.

When they'd first arrived in Forlas, the Wayfarers had been warned against letting anyone know they were human.

"Hm. It seems my superior is interested in meeting you in person after all."

"I'm sure we'd be interested in meeting them too," Ridley said. Telepathic communication? Some prearranged mundane signal which had passed below the Wayfarers' notice? Or just Nolan tiring of their attitude and deciding to pass them along to his manager?
"I said more easily, not easily," Ridley pointed out. "Pretty significant difference of scale. And in my world, groups who want to make things better usually try to communicate with people about what the problems are and how to solve them. Even if not everyone listens, it's better than throwing your hands up and saying, well, they have bad political opinions so let's not bother."

Nolan gave Ridley a withering glance.

"The Covenant does plenty of external communication. What do you think this meeting is, good sir?"

He didn't wait for a reply.

Tucking her hand under her chin thoughtfully, she raised a brow. "Did you glean that from the line of questioning we just had or did a more discreet type of communication just occur?"
"I'm sure we'd be interested in meeting them too," Ridley said. Telepathic communication? Some prearranged mundane signal which had passed below the Wayfarers' notice? Or just Nolan tiring of their attitude and deciding to pass them along to his manager?

Nolan smiled drily at Odette. "You're familiar with telepathic communications yourself, are you not? I've noticed Wayfarers glance away mid-sentence when you communicate with your... patron? In any case, when you're all quite ready, I shall escort you to the rooftop of this establishment. There's someone you should see in person."
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