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Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

The Dewott frowned, ever so slightly. Nolan had much less info than he’d hoped for, but his description of events definitely sounded like Seth in the throes of his corruption. He’d have to see what the Lycanroc said later. No real reaction to either Fein’s demise or Cipher affiliation, either. Or, if there would have been, the Inteleon didn’t have the time to get to it before Articuno quite literally appeared, hailed by the sudden formation of ice in their surroundings, including on the ends of Archie’s whiskers. He tipped his hat to the bird, returning Articuno’s own show of respect.

For now, though, he remained silent. If it was true that Articuno had been listening in to their conversation with Nolan, then that meant he was already well aware of everything Archie and Gladion had said. Thus, there was no need to repeat himself, he’d already made his distrust well known.
Well, that introduction was certainly a far cry from the other birds, not to mention a relief. Not just for the Wayfarers' sake, but for the sake of the town as well.

Steven retuned Articuno's bow, and listened to their rather fanciful way of speaking. (And here he thought he had a tendency to ramble.) It seemed like they'd at least be able to give the group more information about the Covenant than Nolan, given Articuno apparently had the authority to offer membership all on their own. A Saint, of all things, being the one to extend an invitation to the Covenant. Or in this case, a Lord. Was the title interchangeable?

But one thing struck him ahead of diving into the Covenant's business. He knew it took a powerful psychic to teleport over long distances, but being able to hear things without being present? Betel could do as much but as far as he knew, that was something else entirely, something unique to offworlders with a summoning patron. Just how strong was this Saint? One way to potentially find out...

Steven brought a claw to his chin. "Long-range, you said? Forgive my curiosity, not that it's related the matter at hand, but where exactly did you teleport from?"
"Well, my first and most pressing question is how the Covenant found out about Cipher, their initial reaction to them and how aware you were of what occurred during first contact," Bellatrix began. "I understand that some members would not be fully looped in, especially if their purpose lies elsewhere like Nolan." She glanced at the other Wayfarers, hoping that they would be able to compose themselves now that they were face to face with Articuno. "Do forgive their antsiness regarding their prior questioning; until now, Nolan has been our only direct line of contact to the Covenant, I am sure you can understand the desire to know and understand as much as possible about the powers at play here.

"However, you seem to be of a much higher rank, therefore I imagine you would be more knowledgeable of what had happened then and if you are, perhaps you may enlighten us."
Articuno glanced at Steven and bent a wing to the east.

"I teleported here from the regional station where I do most of my work, across a distance of several hundred miles," they told him, evenly. "I'm afraid I can't disclose the precise location."

Teleportation at distances like that were unheard of, at least in the Wayfarers' experience. It seemed unthinkable that Articuno could do so casually and at will...

The bird listened intently to Bellatrix, and nodded solemnly.

"We first became aware of their presence due to unusual aetheric activity in a distant part of northern Luctemar several months ago," they began. "Some of our scouts investigating signs of offworlder activity were able to make contact with Cipher personnel, and diplomatic meetings were arranged as soon as possible. I was present in some of the council meetings that took place around that time, and while I thoroughly dislike oversimplification of nuanced matters, it is fair to say that some officials were sceptical, while others believed we should be willing to extend our goodwill towards this new faction. For my part, I advised that we postpone taking any particular outlook until we had substantially more intelligence on Cipher."

Articuno's gaze drifted to the stairs which Nolan had descended, and gave a faint, whistling sigh.

"Operatives were assigned to investigate both the northerly Cipher outpost, and the westerly one – once we suspected one existed. In the meantime, however, these inter-organisational talks continued, and various Covenant departments became intensely keen to exchange information and culture with the first large group of offworlders we have ever made contact with. I'm sure you can understand why first contact with an entire faction of aliens would be considered a hopeful opportunity by idealists..."

Articuno's eyes narrowed.

"It is my understanding that one of the latter meetings did involve an exchange... of personnel between our factions, along with gifts of Forlasan art and literature from the Covenant, and gifts of advanced offworld technology from Cipher in return. We offered an understanding of our world, and sought an understanding of theirs. What was not included in these exchanges was any kind of... artificially created pokémon. At least, not according to the approved proposal documentation."

The bird looked thoughtful for a moment, their face tight with concern.

"There is no such species as 'Graydian'," they said, quietly. "Is there, Master Gladion? For as you say, yours is not a natural species at all. And yet I recognise it – I recognise you. I have seen your form and stature in technical drawings. I have seen concept sketches of what a pokémon like yourself might look like, if it could be created. And yet... the technology and scientific understanding to do so does not exist. Those that dedicate themselves to researching such possibilities are no more than alchemists chasing a philosopher's stone. Admirable in their efforts, I'm sure, but a fruitless waste of resources."

Articuno's tone was barely different to their earlier timbre, but there was a kind of frustrated irony to their voice now. As if they were bitterly echoing their own words from some earlier time – words they no longer believed.

"This rescued 'ARK Unit' individual – can you prove their nativeness to Forlas?"

Articuno's question was made firmly. It was not rhetorical, but a practical request.
Master Gladion?

Master Fucking Gladion?

His stomach twisted in a few different ways. He hadn’t heard that in years and this stupid fucking bird comes up and calls him that? Surely, it was random chance, they didn’t know, they couldn’t know, they couldn’t possibly know. They just had enough of a stick up their ass to call everyone that. They just hadn’t referred to anyone else yet.

It didn’t make it feel any less uncomfortable. Out of place. Those words didn’t belong here. He never expected to hear them again at all.

Think. You’re being asked a question.

“I, uhh. I’m right here. I’m the proof. Humans don’t just turn into other species for no reason, and it’s not like there are no limits on what they can become. It has to exist in the Forlassian… noosphere or whatever. And even Cipher’s clearly bound by those rules even with their portal, so they couldn’t have imported one. Had to be made here. And you can’t write off the fact your people designed the species beforehand.”

Lowing his head to look away, he muttered an addendum.

“And, uh, maybe don’t call me Master? It’s unnecessary.”
Bellatrix rested her chin on her knuckles in thought. Either someone within the Covenant's inner workings had taken it upon themselves to go behind the backs of their superiors to give Cipher more than was planned or that Articuno was trying to downplay how much they and their fellow members had given to Cipher to try and clear their conscious. She certainly didn't want to accuse them of the latter of course – if only for the sake of optics – so she decided to play along with the former assumption. She didn't need to explain much, however, Gladion had taken it upon himself to open that can of wurmple for her.

"Then I am afraid you may have a bad actor or a few within your ranks if Cipher had been given more than what was agreed on if what we had learnt from Terminal Two and further interrogation is true." She folded her arms behind her back and straightened. "While it cannot be discounted that Cipher had lied about receiving the ARK Unit from your organisation, evidence points to the species – artificial or not – being known to our summoner thus present on Forlas before we had arrived, hence why we have two graydian within our ranks. Furthermore, it seemed that the Unit's original purpose was to create and channel Radiance, whilst Cipher specialises in Shadow indicating that the Unit is not of their creation. I doubt they would have had the time to create one to begin with from their initial arrival to their need to build and establish bases."

A thoughtful glint appeared in Bellatrix's eyes. "I had also considered the possibility of a third-party in all this, although I cannot think of any other place that has nearly as much technical knowledge or prowess to create such life."
“I, uhh. I’m right here. I’m the proof. Humans don’t just turn into other species for no reason, and it’s not like there are no limits on what they can become. It has to exist in the Forlassian… noosphere or whatever. And even Cipher’s clearly bound by those rules even with their portal, so they couldn’t have imported one. Had to be made here. And you can’t write off the fact your people designed the species beforehand.

“And, uh, maybe don’t call me Master? It’s unnecessary.”

"Very well, Gladion. I did not wish to be over-familiar."

Articuno made another whistle-sigh, pressing their beak against their wingtip.

"Your reasoning is sound, Gladion, and I'm sure that you are both honest and correct in your assessment. However, it would be unwise to... 'throw my weight around' on your word alone, you understand? If I were to pursue an inquiry into this, I would need a firm basis to do so, and to evidence each the requisite claims supporting that premise. ...Note well that I consider this a practical problem to be addressed, and not an excuse not to look into this matter."

From the bird's tone, one might easily imagine that they were very much in the habit of anticipating misinterpretations of their intent and meaning...

"Then I am afraid you may have a bad actor or a few within your ranks if Cipher had been given more than what was agreed on if what we had learnt from Terminal Two and further interrogation is true. While it cannot be discounted that Cipher had lied about receiving the ARK Unit from your organisation, evidence points to the species – artificial or not – being known to our summoner thus present on Forlas before we had arrived, hence why we have two graydian within our ranks. Furthermore, it seemed that the Unit's original purpose was to create and channel Radiance, whilst Cipher specialises in Shadow indicating that the Unit is not of their creation. I doubt they would have had the time to create one to begin with from their initial arrival to their need to build and establish bases.

"I had also considered the possibility of a third-party in all this, although I cannot think of any other place that has nearly as much technical knowledge or prowess to create such life."

Articuno's eyes flashed at the mention of Radiance.

"To the best of your knowledge, what is the meaning of 'ARK Unit'?"

Laura bit her lip. There wasn't any reason to be coy about that, right?

"Artificial Radiant Knight, apparently."

Articuno nodded.

"Indeed. The creation of pokémon other than the legendary pantheon which would be capable of safely and reliably wielding Radiance is an objective of certain departments of the Covenant. The most reasonable explanation for your even knowing this and disclosing it to me today is that your interpretation of events is at least partly accurate."

The legendary was speaking faster now, their eyes fixed on their own thoughts, calculating, reasoning out a course of action... Their beak moved silently as their mind raced, one wing held out to request a moment's patience. At last they turned their gaze back to Bellatrix.

"I believe there are very few plausible candidates for a third party to account for all this," they said, coolly, "and I fear that you may be right in inferring the existence of bad actors within my own organisation. There are limits to my own oversight and influence... but it may be that I do have a specific request for the Wayfarers after all. I believe that you might be of use in investigating the origin of the ARK Unit."

They straightened up, folded their wings, and regarded the gathered pokémon impassively.

"Are any of your party experienced in clandestine activities?"
After exchanging some brief parting and thankful words with Nolan on the stairs, Odette was able to catch up with the group. In oddly perfect time too.

"Are any of your party experienced in clandestine activities?"
She paused, coming to a stop to her comfortable spot at Steven's side. She was initially unsure what the best response would be. She'd been trying to operate on underhanded methods just to get here, and now the apparent superior of the Covenant--Articuno, of fucking course it was Articuno--was asking about it.

Well. She'd gotten this far. There was no reason to clam up now.

She raised her hand. "Yes. Hi," she said, pushing through a tight-lipped grin. "Odette Cinq-Mars; the pleasure's mine."
Hm. So Articuno probably couldn’t give out Radiance like Luz could. He could probably have figured that from context already, but it had just struck him now. Best not to point out to Articuno that such a thing was possible…

“That would expose us to some rather substantial risks based on the idea that this is a bureaucratic oversight. We don’t really have any evidence for that being true either.”

Be careful, Odette…

“But yeah, I’m sure we’ll give it a shot anyway… I’d look as clandestine as a hand grenade to anyone involved, so I’ll keep out of it. Good luck.”

Really, Gladion wanted any excuse to keep as far from this as possible.
Laura coughed lightly. "To, uh, a limited extent. I'd be willing to help, though."

Even if that willingness derived from a desire to take this one opportunity to get inside the Covenant and ivestigate it generally, looking into whatever sub-faction may have created Sage was worthwhile on its own.

"Very well," said Articuno, with neutral composure. "In that case, those of you who would accept induction into the Covenant will need to accompany me to my station in the near future. You'll need information, training, and to be evaluated for your strengths and shortcomings. I expect to have the most ease allocating Wayfarers to security roles, given your growing reputation for combat prowess. I shall have to assess you for that specifically."

A tight smile found its way onto the bird's sharp beak.

"I must tell you, I am somewhat gratified to have an excuse to invite your party to battle with me. I do not often find opportunities to battle, in recent decades."
"Certainly a welcome change of pace compared to when we had to battle the other Saints," Bellatrix observed mildly. She could not help but be amused at how easily Articuno offered a direct line to infiltrate the Covenant with though she hid it beneath her neutral veneer. "It is a little besides the topic but you may have heard of our recent encounters with two other Saintly birds by the names of Zapdos and Moltres although both of them seem to be more willing to cause trouble above all else. Are you familiar with them and their activity?"

She relaxed her stance slightly. "Where and when should we meet again for this assessment?" she then asked.
Clandestine activities? Well, he was a bounty hunter. That did bring with it a certain amount of skill in information gathering, as well as demand an ability to move quietly and remain under the radar. This had been especially important when he’d been too weak to go toe to toe with marks, and was simply helping stronger hunters from the sidelines, but he hadn’t lost his skill for it just because he’d become strong enough to go toe to toe with his share of outlaws. Still, the Dewott wasn’t exactly keen on volunteering for something before he knew just what it was that Articuno wanted.

Odette said:
She raised her hand. "Yes. Hi," she said, pushing through a tight-lipped grin. "Odette Cinq-Mars; the pleasure's mine."

Archie grimaced. Odette, it seemed, had no such misgivings. He shot her a look, his muzzle pulled back into a tight grimace. The Dewott really, really hoped the Mawile knew what she was getting into here. Regardless, it seemed like first and foremost, what Articuno wanted from them was a fight. Seemed that even with the most reasonable of the three birds they’d encountered, they weren’t going to escape a brawl.
Combat? Of course, more combat. Steven tried to hide the sour look on his face. He'd had his fill with Zapdos.

Steven raised a claw and uttered a sequence of words he would have bet on never leaving his mouth.

"There wouldn't happen to be an opportunity for placement that's perhaps a bit more, uh, bureaucratic?"

Maybe it was pushing his luck, but he'd take that over having to square off with another Saint.
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A battle. Of course. A battle with the mon he'd just tried to desperately convince himself they wouldn't be fighting.

Of course, no one was forcing him to take part, but Andre couldn't back down. He had to give his all into helping the Wayfarers, especially to make up for all the other events he hadn't shown up for, being so inactive in battle, everything. Infiltrating the Covenant seemed like the job he'd be most suited for, anyway, with his experience in 'clandestine activities' as Articuno had put it. Though the others couldn't find out that part. No one could. For the Wayfarers, he'd just have to be someone talented in social engineering for perfectly normal reasons. Like gossip? He didn't want to be known as someone who would talk behind people's backs, but that was better that than a known murderer. He'd go with that if anyone asked, whatever.

He also didn't feel confident about his battling skills. He should really seek out more people to train with. Learn some techniques, tactics. Maybe learn how to tap into Shadow and Radiance without losing his wits. Radiance, especially, would impress Articuno, most likely. Could be that they'd even take points away for Shadow use. But Radiance resisted Radiance while Shadow was strong against it, right? Well, it was something the Wayfarers could discuss among themselves before the battle.

Andre brought himself back into the present and perked his ears for whatever Articuno's response would be to Bellatrix's question.
"Where and when should we meet again for this assessment?"
"There wouldn't happen to be an opportunity for placement that's perhaps a bit more, uh, bureaucratic?"

Articuno glanced to the sun – no doubt checking the time of day.

"Tomorrow at noon would suit," they declared, lightly. "You needn't be troubled, Master Steven; there are roles into which I can place you that are not so athletic in nature."

It was ever so subtle, but this might have been Articuno's attempt at a joke.

"It is a little besides the topic but you may have heard of our recent encounters with two other Saintly birds by the names of Zapdos and Moltres although both of them seem to be more willing to cause trouble above all else. Are you familiar with them and their activity?"

They turned back with a heavier sigh to address Bellatrix once again.

"I am aware of their presence in the region, yes. And I have had the ill fortune to encounter each of them on past occasions. They are my natural counterparts in a particular, figurative 'constellation' of legendary pokémon, in that we have corresponding and equivalent aspects, responsibilities, and powers. However, I have never had any kind of sustained relationship with either of them."

The Saint gazed out across the Soja', their eyes intense with thought.

"Nor do I wish to."
Bellatrix deeply exhaled when she noticed the lack of any particular enthusiasm towards a battle with the Saint. While she could understand to some extent given their prior encounters, Articuno had made it clear that this was some kind of test to see if they were up to whatever task investigating the ARK Unit would involve. Did they not happily accept such challenges to prove their strength with the samurai? Did trainers not engage in recreational pokémon battles of their own to demonstrate their prowess?

"Then I accept your challenge," she said to the Saint. Then, with a nod considered what they had just said about their counterparts. It was clear that whatever history the three birds had together was not a good one. "I can imagine why. Unlike you, they do not seem to be particularly aware of their responsibilities. Such a shame," she added with a titter.
“Even if I won’t be of use to your operation,” Gladion shrugged, “I won’t turn down a good fight if you’d still have me.”

Was it a good idea? Maybe he’d get some sense of who Articuno was. Maybe they’d get some sense of his disdain for them, but then again it probably wouldn’t be a huge surprise. One way or another, he wanted to do it. Didn’t want to sit idly by while his friends fought.
Tomorrow at noon would suit," they declared, lightly.
Andre flinched. Tomorrow already? Damn. There wasn't really any time to train. He'd just have to do his best and hope that was enough.
"I can imagine why. Unlike you, they do not seem to be particularly aware of their responsibilities. Such a shame," she added with a titter.
Andre realized that multiple people, by now, had attempted to suck up to Covenant members. Should he be doing that? More actively, anyway? He was already pretending that their attitude wasn't something he was majorly against, but as things stood now, he was only a little deer, probably nervous-looking, who barely said a thing and expressed even less in terms of opinions.

It wouldn't be convincing to say something right now, though, after Bellatrix's attempt. That could sink both their attempts at worst. He would have to wait for a better moment to step into the human supremacist role. At least pretending to be bigoted was something he was experienced at... not that his targets were usually all that hard to convince, all of them desperate to find another queer person with regressive opinions and usually drunk by the time Andre started to prod. Maybe Articuno would be a drinker. Or maybe it was better that they weren't. A Saint drinking seemed like a terrible idea. No offense, Luz.
A battle? At this rate, Ridley was going to start thinking offering to fight someone was the Forlasian equivalent of a handshake.

"I'm up for a fight," Ridley offered. He felt fairly ambivalent about the idea, but if he'd learnt something from fighting the Vanguard then it seemed only fair to give Articuno and the Covenant the same opportunity to make their points. If so many of the Wayfarers were willing to consider collaborating with them, then there had to be more nuance there than Ridley assumed.

"Hey, I have a question though," he added. "I've heard that offworlders can make the people here stronger if we partner with them, but I've also heard that the Covenant doesn't like doing that. So what's the deal there? Is there like a health issue, or something?"

From what Nolan had said... but Ridley was trying to give their group the benefit of the doubt. Please let there be more nuance there than Ridley assumed.
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