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Frontier Town Sun Stone Saloon

“Hey!” he called, waving said creature over, “Did the doctor say anything? Will Corey be okay?”
“Probably?” Nova shrugged. “He’s banged up. I didn’t stick around.”
Hey, I've picked up that some of us are trying to be circumspect about our whole travellers-from-another-world deal, but I'm not sure why yet. Anyone here had a solid reason for that? Or is it just general caution?"
Nova looked down. People were eating ice cream. He didn’t want to ruin the mood. But his deeper instincts kicked in again, much to Nova’s chagrin.

“The problem — or at least part of the problem — we’re here to solve is human supremacy.” He hesitated to approach the others, fearing that killed the vibe. “Humans have appeared here who feel they’re superior to the native Pokémon of this world. And some natives have adopted that view for themselves. So, you tell them you’re not from this world and they immediately assume you’re human.

“The mayor is one of those supremacists.” Nova paused. “I think.”
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"Ohhhhh a Mimikyu!" he said to Ridley. He chuckled. He knew off the species, but he wasn't used to seeing them in different costumes, and they were mostly around Alola. "Thats an awesome disguise."

He eyed the 'graydian' curiously as he spoke. Don't say anything... He didn't want to think about everything right now. About how tonight was possibly meaningless. About how they still didn't know why they were summoned.

"Do we know that's what the issue is?" Koa asked carefully. He'd heard that rumor floating around, but then he knew too well that rumors never told the whole story. The idea was appalling if it was true.
“Lucien told me to think of my creator if I see a human that isn’t one of you.”

Nova’s gaze fell further. “My creator was, basically, a wicked human.”
Koa took a lick of his ice cream to give himself time to contemplate. Nova was created? That explained his unusual form, unfortunately. Nova reminded him almost of the stories about Mewtwo... Humans, tampering with powers they didn't understand. He wanted to ask more, but also felt reluctant to pry.

"But do we know that's why we were summoned?" he asked again. "Maybe... maybe Lucien is right and there's bad humans here. That doesn't mean thats the crises we were called to help with, does it? Although it could explain why such a large group was summoned..."

He stared at his slightly melting ice cream. Still more questions than answers.
“Why I said ‘or part of,’” Nova mumbled. Someone might be able to pick out the guilt in his tone from souring the mood. “I don’t believe in coincidences. And I know what it’s like to force changes upon a land that doesn’t wish for them.”

I forced those changes.

“Sorry. You’re tired from the brawl.” He slowly turned around. “We should save this for another time. Enjoy your treats.”
“It’s just a difficult tightrope, I think,” he said, shrugging. “When you have a personal stake in something, it becomes easier to justify whatever action you end up taking. You gotta be able to know when to hold back, know what lines you won’t cross. Otherwise, eventually, you end up a lot like the people you’re fighting against.”
Wes felt a tiny prickle of irritation at that. And yet, he couldn’t deny that the guy made a very good point, which only irritated him further. You say that so easily. Like you’ve never had a personal grudge or stakes in something you didn’t agree to.

He held his tongue, though, and instead asked a question. “Are you speaking from experience, then?”
“I’m Archie, and this is Wes, fighter of government tyranny in this world and his own,” the Oshawott joked, gesturing first to himself and then the Rockruff.
Wes barked out a laugh at that. Archie truly had no idea. And if Wes had anything to say about it, he never would. Nobody would. He raised his dish of ice cream by way of greeting to Ridley. “Guilty as charged.”
Ha. Even that was a hilariously ironic statement.

"What?" Ridley said in surprise. "Ah, no, I'm a mimikyu, not a cleffa."
Well, that simultaneously explained and didn’t explain things, considering Wes had no clue what a mimikyu was. He’d have to take Ridley’s word for it.

Something occurred to him, and he added, "Hey, I've picked up that some of us are trying to be circumspect about our whole travellers-from-another-world deal, but I'm not sure why yet. Anyone here had a solid reason for that? Or is it just general caution?"
Wes pondered the question as he ate some more of his ice cream. “Well,” he said after a moment, “Folks in this town seem a bit wary of strangers in the first place. If I had a bunch of strangers drop into my hometown and claim they were from another dimension, I wouldn’t be quick to trust em, either.” He sat back in his seat with a small sigh. “Best to be smart about what to reveal about yourself and who you reveal it to. Just in case.”

“The mayor is one of those supremacists.” Nova paused. “I think.”
Wes blinked at the newcomer. Gladion—? But…no, this guy was different. Definitely the same species, though, and he had a theory as interesting as his appearance. Wes snorted bitterly. “Honestly, given when we’ve seen of that scumbag, I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if that turned out to be true.”

He glared back at his ice cream, as if it were responsible for the aching bruises all over his body. “Seems like you can’t throw a stone in any universe without it hitting a corrupt politician.”

“Lucien told me to think of my creator if I see a human that isn’t one of you.”

Nova’s gaze fell further. “My creator was, basically, a wicked human.”
Wes perked up at that. So, this guy came from a human world, too, then? But something about his statement made Wes frown.

“I know we’ve got some shady former humans running around, but surely that doesn’t mean every former human is bad news?” he said. “And this is the former mayor’s son we’re talking about, here. The damn Marshal of this town, even, who may or may not have a grudge for what we just did to his daddy dearest tonight. I wouldn’t be so quick to trust everything he says.”
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“I know we’ve got some shady former humans running around, but surely that doesn’t mean every former human is bad news?”
“Maybe not.” Nova’s voice was heavy. “But the ones with the worst intentions often end up in control of things, no matter how much people with good intentions try to prevent it.”

He shook his head. “I met privately with Lucien. He looked upset and regretful about his father. It struck me as genuine. He’d be outacting zoroark if he were lying. It’s more like… he knows he has an uphill fight to uncouple his own reputation from his father’s.”
“You can say that again,” Wes muttered. “Won’t hurt to be cautious of any other humans we meet, but I’m sure the ones we need to be most wary of won’t be shy about their superiority.”

He listened to Nova’s defense of Lucien with an impassive expression. “Hm. If you say so.” Frankly, Wes would believe it when he saw it himself, but he wasn’t about to debate with anybody here. Nova at least seemed to have a good head on his shoulders, so perhaps his vote of confidence counted for something. Maybe.
“The problem — or at least part of the problem — we’re here to solve is human supremacy.” He hesitated to approach the others, fearing that killed the vibe. “Humans have appeared here who feel they’re superior to the native Pokémon of this world. And some natives have adopted that view for themselves. So, you tell them you’re not from this world and they immediately assume you’re human.
"But do we know that's why we were summoned?" he asked again. "Maybe... maybe Lucien is right and there's bad humans here. That doesn't mean thats the crises we were called to help with, does it? Although it could explain why such a large group was summoned..."

Ridley wished he could say he was surprised by that news, but he really wasn't.

"I don't know whether summoning a group of mostly humans to solve the problem of human supremacy is like... a good answer to that issue," Ridley said, and took a thoughtful lick of his ice cream. "That starts to sound less like a solution and more like an admission that the human supremacists are right."

“I know we’ve got some shady former humans running around, but surely that doesn’t mean every former human is bad news?” he said. “And this is the former mayor’s son we’re talking about, here. The damn Marshal of this town, even, who may or may not have a grudge for what we just did to his daddy dearest tonight. I wouldn’t be so quick to trust everything he says.”
He shook his head. “I met privately with Lucien. He looked upset and regretful about his father. It struck me as genuine. He’d be outacting zoroark if he were lying. It’s more like… he knows he has an uphill fight to uncouple his own reputation from his father’s.”

"I got a good look at the evidence of what the mayor was doing, and what I saw suggested that Lucien was also a target of blackmail," Ridley pointed out. "That doesn't necessarily make him a good guy - maybe daddy dearest just wanted something to hold over his head in case Lucien caught a case of conscience and wanted to spill the beans - but it does mean we can't solely judge him based on what his father's like."

He shrugged again. "But what do I know; I've never spoken to the guy. I'd never even seen him until the gala."
Hm. The little blue Electrike ignored him. Was it because he was clearly associating with Wes? Were the two really beefing that hard? They’d barely been here more than a week, had they gotten off to that rocky of a start? Jeez…

Listening to Wes’s follow up question, Archie’s expression turned distant for a moment. Punching, biting, kicking, scratching. A wave of human misery, the last Rattata left behind on a sinking ship. One chance for survival. No time to stop to help those who fell around you. Step on them if you had to. Don’t look back. Anything to make sure you were the one who made it through that door. Biting cold, consuming darkness. Then, bright, enveloping light. The Oshawott shook his head.

“I’ve done some things I regret,” he said, in lieu of a straight answer.

So, the strange Cleffa was a Mimikyu? He was familiar with the species, of course, but he didn’t know they came in variants other than Pikachu. Well, that was one minor mystery solved at least. And there was no news of how Corey was doing either. Maybe no news was good news? Or maybe the prognosis was bad...

The Oshawott slumped in his chair, half listening to the conversation going on around him. To be honest, he did blame himself a little for what happened. Out of the three of them – himself, Corey, and Tarahn – Archie was the one with prior experience in this kind of work. Corey only had what little experience they’d gotten on the jobs Archie dragged him on. Maybe of the Oshawott had taken more care? Maybe if he stuck closer to the Ralts’s side? He was the leader of their little group by default. If something bad happened, that meant it was his fault. What if it had been Spencer?

The others were talking about human supremacists and if the marshal was trustworthy. Archie was starting to lose his appetite.
“But we’re not all humans,” Nova said. “Some of us have always been pokémon.” Referring to himself, of course. “Some of us have… taken out many humans. Have accidentally laid the foundations for one pokémon to rule an entire universe. Including all the humans in it.”
“Hm. If you say so.”
Koa resisted the urge to shoot Wes a disgusted look, instead channeling his energy into eating around the crunchy bits in his ice cream as he listened to Nova and Wes. At least Nova seemed to have some sense about it... He'd even spoken with Lucien. That was good. It meant he was willing to give Lucien a chance.

"I don't know whether summoning a group of mostly humans to solve the problem of human supremacy is like... a good answer to that issue," Ridley said, and took a thoughtful lick of his ice cream. "That starts to sound less like a solution and more like an admission that the human supremacists are right."
"Mostly?" Koa asked curiously. He mentally reviewed those he'd properly met so far. "I have met uh... well a few like us. But I think there's a lot of us that have always been mon. Our group, that is." Nip, Felin, Nova, Isidora... Maybe the snow Vulpix who sat with them. Aige too. Jade and Leaf were human. And Ridley. Wes too, apparently. "I don't think it means anything, except that we were summoned to help the world, and heroes answered." Thats what the cloud had implied. Anyone who would answer the call like that was a kind of hero, right? Ugh, did that mean Wes was too? Maybe humans and pokemon working together was what this world needs? Or just heroes...

"I got a good look at the evidence of what the mayor was doing, and what I saw suggested that Lucien was also a target of blackmail," Ridley pointed out. "That doesn't necessarily make him a good guy - maybe daddy dearest just wanted something to hold over his head in case Lucien caught a case of conscience and wanted to spill the beans - but it does mean we can't solely judge him based on what his father's like."

He shrugged again. "But what do I know; I've never spoken to the guy. I'd never even seen him until the gala."
Koa tensed slightly as Ridley continued. "Ridley is right. Lucien might be nothing like his father. Maybe he just wants to try and do what's right. We should give him every chance before we assume anything."

Realizing he spoke more than he wanted to, he turned back to his ice cream, which was melting faster than he liked. His gut churned, but he did his best to enjoy the food anyway. The Oshawott at the table who'd been talking to Wes looked uneasy as well.

“Some of us have… taken out many humans. Have accidentally laid the foundations for one pokémon to rule an entire universe. Including all the humans in it.”
What. Koa stared at him for a moment, then stared back at his food. What kind of mon had the cloud even summoned? You don't know his story. But he just said he killed humans. He kept his mouth shut, fixating on picking out every peanut and marshmallow piece in his ice cream to eat in one spoonful.
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“But we’re not all humans,” Nova said. “Some of us have always been pokémon.” Referring to himself, of course. “Some of us have… taken out many humans. Have accidentally laid the foundations for one pokémon to rule an entire universe. Including all the humans in it.”
Wes stared for a moment. Had the guy really just said what he thought he said?

“Well,” he said bluntly, “that’s a hell of a way to confess to murder.” Over ice cream, no less.
Nova pawed at the ground. “A good weapon follows orders,” he said.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here.” Nova dipped his head down. “Koa and Ridley are right. If you need to see Lucien for yourself to judge him, then go ahead. I’m okay with him right now. If I’m wrong, then there’ll be hell to pay.”

The null began to walk away. Why couldn’t he have kept his trap shut? Were those instincts still in control because of the battle?
Absurd confessions aside, Wes took the opportunity to give Ridley a nod. “Too soon to be sure about anything, I agree. Well, except that I think we can all agree Ignition deserved what he got.” His lip curled in satisfaction at the memory of that sleazeball crumpled on the floor. “I’m just saying it pays to be cautious, especially when it comes to people in authority.”

That bit about the blackmail sure was interesting, though. Perhaps Lucien wasn’t as cozy with his father as Wes had assumed…
“I’ve done some things I regret,” he said, in lieu of a straight answer.
Hm. Wes took silent note of that response. He noticed Archie’s wilting demeanor and muttered apologetically. “Sorry, I didn’t meant to pry. For what it’s worth, you’re…not alone there. And you seem like a good egg to me.” Better than I am, surely.
"Ridley is right. Lucien might be nothing like his father. Maybe he just wants to try and do what's right. We should give him every chance before we assume anything."
Wes tried not to roll his eyes, he really did, but he couldn’t help himself. Of course the kid obsessed with playing hero would be quick to trust every cop as good guy. Really, he shouldn’t be surprised. He refrained from commenting, at least—Koa surely didn’t need an excuse to hate him more than he already did, anyway.

Nova pawed at the ground. “A good weapon follows orders,” he said.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come here.” Nova dipped his head down. “Koa and Ridley are right. If you need to see Lucien for yourself to judge him, then go ahead. I’m okay with him right now. If I’m wrong, then there’ll be hell to pay.”
Dammit. This was the second person in as many minutes Wes had managed to make feel bad. What the hell was wrong with him? “I, uh…sorry. I don’t know your story and I won’t pry for it. Was just surprised, is all.”

He sighed at the latter half of Nova’s statement. “Yeah, maybe I will have to see for myself. Can’t say I trust the guy at all, and if he’s a convincing liar, I fail to see how one conversation could help. But it’s better than nothing.”
Okay wow yeah if that wasn’t a confession to mass murder Archie didn’t know what was. That’s some pretty intense amount of baggage that chimera was carrying around. Seemed everyone here was carrying a sizable amount of it, to be honest. Archie wasn’t exactly sure how he felt about learning one of their companions was a mass murderer – under orders, apparently? Well, the chimera seemed remorseful? Still, jeez...

But, in simpler things, they all seemed in agreement that a wait-and-see approach was best going forward. The Oshawott roused a little when Wes spoke to him again, sitting up straighter again and shooting the Rockruff another smile. “Hey, no worries. Just got lost in thought a minute there. It was a fair question to ask anyway.”

Better not to dwell on that, though. Maybe he could contribute his own two cents to this conversation?

“I think if we can give Sonora the benefit of the doubt, we can extend Lucien the same courtesy,” the Oshawott said, speaking up a bit, “Give him a chance to prove himself.”

Of course, he’d never actually spoken with the Prinplup marshal, so he fully could be talking out of his ass.
Nova paused, but didn't look back at Wes. There wasn't anything he had to apologize for. He only reacted like any sane person would. Nova should have kept a lid on things, but he couldn't keep things under wraps. That was his problem.

He departed. The best rest he'd get would be back at the Haus.
Nova, a weapon? What actually had happened? Was he forced to or.... Maybe trying to think about that wasn't the best thing right now.

“I think if we can give Sonora the benefit of the doubt, we can extend Lucien the same courtesy,” the Oshawott said, speaking up a bit, “Give him a chance to prove himself.”
"Yeah, agreed," Koa said holding back the tenseness in his tone and staying neutral instead... Archie putting it like that only made him more frustrated at the situation though. More people had blindly trusted Sonora than wanted to trust Lucien. Including Wes. You didn't believe Sonora. At least Archie had some sense.

Koa glanced uneasily over to Nova, torn for a moment. He almost wanted to tell Nova to stay, but maybe Nova didn't like being around people, and he couldn't blame him for that either.

This couldn't be it though. Just getting into debates about who was right or wrong and getting roped into political squabbles. "I hope we can figure out why we were summoned soon," he mused.
“But we’re not all humans,” Nova said. “Some of us have always been pokémon.” Referring to himself, of course. “Some of us have… taken out many humans. Have accidentally laid the foundations for one pokémon to rule an entire universe. Including all the humans in it.”

Well, okay, wow, that sure was a something. Ridley was glad his disguise completely concealed his reactions from a casual viewer, because how were you supposed to respond to information like that? He almost wanted to ask for more information, except for how obviously uncomfortable the chimera was discussing it.

He departed.
"I hope we can figure out why we were summoned soon," he mused.

Well, that was a wildly uncomfortable conversation. Quick, time for a change of topic!

"If we want to figure it out we should consider travelling further afield, or at least talking to people who do," Ridley suggested. "As far as I can tell everyone in Frontier Town made it here fairly soon after we arrived, and I don't think any of us have ventured too far beyond it yet. Just because we're here doesn't mean this place is going to have any clues as to why we were summoned; the information we're looking for could be someplace else entirely, and who knows how many other heroes-from-another-world there might be wandering around completely unaware that a group of us have set up camp in Frontier Town."
Wes watched the chimera go and let out a weary sigh. Fine. Whatever. Sue him for tensing up at the mention of mass murder. At least he’d tried to make nice with the guy, which was really saying a lot on a day like today.

He nodded once again to Ridley’s comment. “Fair point. I wouldn’t be surprised if those bands of former humans are the reason we came here, but…there might be more to it. Why send so many of us just for a group of thugs? We’ll need to search around and do some more digging.”

Which basically just boiled down to more work, really. The thought of having so much more to uncover suddenly made Wes’s weariness sink down into his bones.

Gods, he was tired.

With his ice cream finished, Wes decided his reason to stay was now gone, too. He pushed the empty dish away from him and straightened up.

“Well, it was nice to meet you,” he said to Ridley, pointedly ignoring Koa like the kid clearly wanted him to. He then nodded to Archie. “And…thanks for the invitation. I’ll treat you to something next time, yeah?” He felt slightly awkward insinuating there would be a “next time,” but that was…a normal thing to say, right? Surely he had to reciprocate the guy’s kindness for treating him this time. It seemed the civil…friendly thing to do.

…huh. Was Archie a friend now? Was that how this stuff worked?

Whatever. Wes was too tired to ponder over it. He nodded to Archie and Ridley once more, then hopped down from his seat and headed out into the night. Sands and stars, he could not wait to collapse into his bed.
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