I herd you know that meme.
In between the huge request. You seem to be doing other requests and mine inbetween, anyways.
i'll get on the requests!
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
In between the huge request. You seem to be doing other requests and mine inbetween, anyways.
wow. your amazing. i am making a pokemon game that will hopefully go big once i get sprites. if you could, i need all 151 sprites from pokemon Johto. I do not need any special effects so just regulars are fine. If you need a list, i can provide one. Also, i need the backs of pokemon for when you use them in battle. If you are able to do this and the game goes big, i will credit you and we can produce it together.
Midnight's Avvie:
Also, just pointing out that although you have someone else's avvie, you still have credit by me in your sig. :sweatdrop:
Others coming soon.
Pokemon: Espeon
Type: Electric