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They always fall for the eyes!
Hi, my name is Jordan, but on the internet, I go by the name Wyoming789. That name is acually a misnomer. I live in a different part of the USA. Well, anyway, I'm a big pokemon fan, as I was since I was 2. I love the games(more than you want to know!), but I really don't like the anime as much. I love regular anime, though. I'm a nerd, as are the majority of my friends. I don't have any love relationship with anyone. Another reason why I'm a lot like than my friends! I love to cook and read a lot. I've known of this site for nearly 2 years, but never joined. I did today, and I'm proud of it! Rock on Pokemon!
I'm a big pokemon fan, as I was since I was 2. I love the games (more than you want to know!), but I really don't like the anime as much. I love regular anime, though. I've known of this site for nearly 2 years, but never joined. I did today, and I'm proud of it! Rock on Pokemon!

Yes, that's alot like me except more like a fan at 4, if that counts that I only knew Pikachu, Charmander, and Blastoise. Of course I called pokemon "pokemons".
Hm. Wyoming789. No problem if you live in a different part of the US. I have no idea where Shadowmoon Valley is (I googled Shadow Moon and it was a suggestion), but Shadow Moon is the name of my Pokesona anyway. I was a fan at age 8, and I'm the same age as you, so to me, that's pretty amazing. O.O I tend to overuse these two smilies --> xD :D but stick around. Hope you have a good time at tCoD.
Welcome, Wyoming789! Mind if I call you Wyoming? I'm not that good at numbers ><

Actually, I'm Darksong's twin, and I'm the one who got us into Pokemon and all the other stuff with which we're obsessed. Aren't I awesome?[/SD]

Anyway, I hope you have a good time.

Not to mention the fact that I overuse a whole bunch of smilies.
Ooh, you're from Pennsylvania too? Nifty!

I'm Flora, and welcome to the forums!
Thanks to all who replied to my thread, but I wanted to say some more things. First of all, When I say I was a fan at 2, I mean only watching half of each episode then faling asleep, and never getting anywhere past Viridian City. Oh, and by the way, my brother made me do this, so if you want, by all means, please spam up kurusulapras as much as you want. It'll be doing me a favor!!!
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