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Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Oh lord, the sparkly Vanguard is back again. Well, flavour assumes a bloody violent death, at least! Karkat, was that you again? ... I'd ask the Serial Killer to speak up but that would hardly be clever of them if they did so e_e We have all learned from Day 1's experience, now, haven't we, children?

Well, anyway, it's also probable that tehSR was just a random mafiakill so that they aren't just obviously taking out the loudest players. I... don't know why you would do that since that seems like a strange strategy to me, but whatever! Or possibly they were acting on the mistaken idea that 'tehSR switched in, thus their role must be important' because they don't pay that much attention to the thread, or something.

Doesn't seem like a dockill at any rate. ... Can dockill happen in this game?

Well, either way, I'm afraid I don't have anything other than theoretical musing to give to ya'll.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Huh. Seems like tehSR was killed in the same way that Stormecho was, and it's very unlikely for two people to have targeted the same person to kill two nights in a row, so I guess Stormecho was most likely only targeted by one person after all! Kam, did you kill tehSR, too, then? The flavour text certainly seems to indicate so.

Either way, this means that at least one kill must have not gone through last night. Maybe we really do have an inactive SK, then?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

That's certainly possible! Considering the amount of deaths we've had relative to the theoretical amount of killing roles... the SK is probably just chillin' in a sauna or something.

But that (assuming Karkat did in fact kill tehSR) still leaves the question of where the hell is the Mafia kill? Either A) they targeted tehSR as well, B) they are incredibly unlucky with healings, or C) they're not bothering to submit a night action at all. Which is a good thing for us, since if both the Mafia and SK are inactive and we lynched the alien safely, we... don't actually have anything to worry about? Lord. It surely can't be that simple ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY MIND

Besides how could /four players/ ... hang on, three players, all simultaneously decide to be silent. It makes no sense.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Dammit, mafia, you're supposed to be killing people, not mind screwing us! Wait...

... no, it'd probably actually be more comforting if there was at least the occasional mafia kill, so we'd know if all mafiosos are just inactive or if something strange is actually happening. I'm just going to assume the serial killer can't kill reliably yet, as there are a lot of inactive players about. But we know the mafia can kill.

So yeah, Karkat, some confirmation on if that's your kill, and then moving on to WHAT.

If we do assume they're inactive, we can just start lynching people who haven't posted lately, and it'll have an actual strategy-ish thing to it. Though if they're truly not paying attention, they'll be modkilled soon anyway.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Why tehSR...? Even if they're just trying to get people who aren't going to be protected, that's such an odd choice. I guess it's possible there was a poisoning target last night, but the past deaths really don't indicate that as a likely possibility.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Yeah, that was me. I figured that she was being oddly inactive despite being a replacement player, so I decided that she was as good a choice as any to kill.

Of course, the second option is that the mafia is relying on me to do all the killing for them. :?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Doesn't seem like a dockill at any rate. ... Can dockill happen in this game?

Yes, there definitely can be, because my role PM explicitly said that my protects *can* clash with Raine's and Sheena's.

In any case, last night I used my protection power on Mai for lack of thinking of anything else to do, so I only have my roleblock and kill left (at this level). Any suggestions for people we're suspicious enough of for me to kill/block?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

1. Brute Lualdi – Hitman: ?
2. Alice – Poisoner: ?
3. Decus – Roleblocker: ?
4. Hawk – Framer: ?

5. Richter Abend – Terrorist: ?
6. Aqua – Rolestopper: ?

7. Lloyd Irving – Vigilante: Karkat
8. Colette Brunel – Jack-of-all-Trades: Jack
9. Genis Sage – Inspector: ?
10. Raine Sage – Doctor: ?
11. Sheena Fujibayashi – Doctor: ?
12. Zelos Wilder – Doublevoter: ?
13. Presea Combatir – Commuter: ?
14. Regal Bryant – Tracker: Syl
15. Kratos Aurion – Bodyguard: ?
16. Yuan – Streetear: ?
17. Botta – Voyeur: ?
18. Dirk Irving – Inventor: ?*
19. Noishe – Friendly Neighbor: Derpy
20. Corrine – Mirror: ?
21. Tenebrae – Distractor: ?
22. Marta Lualdi – Alien Deactivator: Seri
23. The Wonder Chef – Pitcher: ?

24. Mithos Yggdrasill – Serial Killer: ?
25. Emil Castagnier – Alien: Squirtles

Applejack is innocent
Zackrai was mafia
Stormecho was innocent
tehSR (and by extension, Keltena) was innocent.

*The inventor was alive as of last night, as a shield appears to have been left at my doorstep.
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Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Derpy Hooves - died on night 1.
Grate Aural Sects
SilverJade - I think this is Twilight Sparkle? Lynched on day 2 and innocent.
Karkat Vantas - assumed to be Lloyd the vigilante.
Arylett Dawnsborough
Jack_the_PumpkinKing - probably Collette, the jack-of-all-trades.
Flower Doll
Stormecho - died on night 2.
I liek Squirtles - roleclaimed as Emil the alien and then immediately lynched on day 1.
InvaderSyl - roleclaimed as Regal the tracker, "with no idea".
Seritinajii - a now-useless Marta the alien deactivator who still goes around trying to deactivate people. How tragic.
Negrek - killed on night 0.
Chief Zackrai - mafia, killed on night 1. Possibly Decus?
tehSR - killed on night 3 by Karkat?

"Oooh, you guys sure are a slippery bunch, aren't you? It's so cute, the way you dance around and try to protect yourselves from me at night."

I think the mafia kill is going in, but either we have (a) lucky doctor(s) (Sage and/or Sheena), Presea (commuter) being a lucky escaper, or something else I haven't considered.

I'm thinking that the note posted each day is relevant to which kill went through. The order is Brute > Alice > Decus > Hawk; the more serious ones are probably Brute and the less serious ones are probably Alice or Decus. To me, it seems like Decus posted the notes that were found on Day 2 and Day 4. Although Alice and Decus talk in a kinda similar tone, only Decus refers to people as his fans (iirc). So I'll assume it's Decus.

On another topic, at Chief Zackrai's death on Day 2: "...also revealed by his torn clothing, is what looks like one of the letters from the day before." At Chief Zackrai's death. The note from Day 1 is similar to Day 2 and Day 4, but is different in a few ways. So I think Zackrai was Alice, and the other letters were by Decus.

(Day 1: page 1, Day 2: page 10, Day 3: page 14, Day 4: page 17)
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

On another topic, at Chief Zackrai's death on Day 2: "...also revealed by his torn clothing, is what looks like one of the letters from the day before." At Chief Zackrai's death. The note from Day 1 is similar to Day 2 and Day 4, but is different in a few ways. So I think Zackrai was Alice, and the other letters were by Decus.

... if that is true we have no poisoner left.


(Speaking of the Mafia, if the Mafia's kill keeps getting blocked I have to wonder why Brute isn't using his unblockable kills. Unless he hasn't been posting enough to get them yet?)
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

(Speaking of the Mafia, if the Mafia's kill keeps getting blocked I have to wonder why Brute isn't using his unblockable kills. Unless he hasn't been posting enough to get them yet?)

That sounds pretty plausible.

Also, if I'm correct about the notes' being related to the top-priority kill that was sent in, Brute is probably semi-inactive, since it looks like he sent in the note on Day 3, but he didn't on any other nights.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Hmm, I didn't actually think of that! All right then, seems like the Mafia are just horribly unlucky and probably sit in the corner wondering why Karkat is better than them at everything.

If Zackrai was Alice then we have no poisoner, which is good since I don't think that would be very fun... Ah, we keep changing our minds! I guess it's not much good to keep dwelling on the mysterious identity of Zackrai, but it's so interesting. HE IS SO MYSTERIOUS.

I'm not suspicious of anybody in particular, but my role hardly permits me to be!

Hmm. Karkat, what exactly are your restrictions, level-wise? I'm assuming yours will be similar-ish to the SK's - they're a third-party, so if they're not completely inactive then surely they've gained at least one level...?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

I don't really have any restrictions. I started as a vanilla townie, then I had the aforementioned seppuku clause, then it was FREE KILLLLLLLLLLL

Are we to take your post to mean that you have no night action?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Not necessarily; just that I have no role that allows me to especially suspicious of people for any good reason (i.e. I'm not Inspector or suchlike). I'm not particularly willing to roleclaim, however.

And hm, that's interesting. So it's probable that the Serial Killer currently has a 'if you miss, you die' clause that they're not willing to take the chance for? Perhaps they're stealthposting. ... Either way, I don't think we need to worry about that too much right now! They're only one person, and we still have a ton of players left, so!
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

I gave Karkat my cracked shield ring, so I only have a short-circuiting stun ring left. (The former sounds like a temporary Bulletproof, while the latter sounds like a one shot roleblock)
I'm only level two >_>
Even though I have 28 posts <_<
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

1. Brute Lualdi – Hitman: ?
2. Alice – Poisoner: Zackrai?
3. Decus – Roleblocker: ?
4. Hawk – Framer: ?

5. Richter Abend – Terrorist: ?
6. Aqua – Rolestopper: ?

7. Lloyd Irving – Vigilante: Karkat
8. Colette Brunel – Jack-of-all-Trades: Jack
9. Genis Sage – Inspector: ?
10. Raine Sage – Doctor: ?
11. Sheena Fujibayashi – Doctor: ?
12. Zelos Wilder – Doublevoter: ?
13. Presea Combatir – Commuter: ?
14. Regal Bryant – Tracker: Syl
15. Kratos Aurion – Bodyguard: ?
16. Yuan – Streetear: ?
17. Botta – Voyeur: ?
18. Dirk Irving – Inventor: Legendaryseeker99
19. Noishe – Friendly Neighbor: Derpy
20. Corrine – Mirror: ?
21. Tenebrae – Distractor: ?
22. Marta Lualdi – Alien Deactivator: Seri
23. The Wonder Chef – Pitcher: ?

24. Mithos Yggdrasill – Serial Killer: ?
25. Emil Castagnier – Alien: Squirtles

Applejack is innocent and is not the inspector
Zackrai was mafia (presumably Brute?)
Stormecho was innocent
tehSR (and by extension, Keltena) was innocent.


Sort of curious as to where the bomber is...
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