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Tales of Tcod

...Into a waiting boat, and fled off into the distance. Later on, after all those trapped in the ruins of Serebii were rescued, everyone was having a party. Suddenly, however, it was interrupted by the sound of...
The only way to defeat the escaped EeveeSkitty was to revve Exo-Raikou. And in order to do that, they needed...
...to find the key that would open the chest that contained the box which held the compartment in which there was lots and lots of...
...Max Revives. Unfortunately the key was in a chest with 7 locks, and so they needed to obtain the chest and all seven keys. They also found out that the first key was...
...actually a chicken strip that the Yeti had eaten several hours earlier. So they decided to just let it go and...
....Several people went crazy. Meanwhile, Time Psyduck had placed the chest containing the key into a safe deposit box at a bank somewhere. He didn't tell anyone, however, so...
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