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Tales of the Fanclub


painting on a pre-made canvas~
You can steal it back if you want though.

Kratos Aurion
Arylett Dawnsborough

Discussion gogogo
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hey you loser I was going to hijack it D:

Um so I'm afraid I dunno what to talk about. But if enough of you guys want I could totally post some old stupid stuff I wrote!
;;Re-joins :D;;

Mmm, I haven't played ToS in a long, long, long, long time, I'm afraid to say. I should start playing it again though, 'tis awesome. I actually got up to that one temple with Volt, right before Sheena makes the pact on my second playthrough. Gah, why does Colette have to get herself kidnapped every five minutes, dammit! I was getting quite good at playing as her and she gets herself stolen. That's what I get for playing as a character that I don't even like. XD

Another note, I need to get a Wii so I can get the new ToS sequel that's coming out. It looks awesome.

All right, so random question! Uh... Favourite summon spirit, anyone? Mine's Aska. Ah, there's just something about big glowy two-headed rainbow birds that I like.

I haven't played ToS in a while now either; I'm totally hyped for Dawn of a New World though. :D That is, if the release date doesn't get moved like some other games coughBrawlcough, but it shouldn't. I hope.
I always forget to get that skit before you enter the Temple of Lightning - I always rush ahead to get to Volt. >:( Although I am not a fan of his temple.

Coolest Summon Spirit? I liked Shadow. He didn't talk but I loved his temple. And his fight. Definitely one of the harder ones, totally worth it though.
Also his summon is just win.
Tie between Celsius and Corrine/Verius, not so much because of anything they actually did in the game but more from some of my own stupid. They are both made of awesome even without my stupid, though.

Actually, if I'm taking my stupid into account anyway then my favorite spirits are some I shan't mention here, but yeah Celsius and Verius.
I've played: Tales of Symphonia (like, 8 times), Tales of... un, whatever the one rerleased for GBA was called, but as you can [robably tell, I haven't played that one in a while, and about 10 minutes of the PSP one (Legendia, I think).

Favourite Character: Raiiiiine. And Genis, Presea, Sheena and Zelos. And everyone, really.

Favourite summon spirit: Gnome~ I find it altogether too hilarious that he's voiced by the same guy who does Yggdrasil. Celcius looks the coolest (oh dear, unintentional bad pun there), though.

Also; join. Thanks for remaking this one :3
Not re-join but a regular join! :D

Got Legendia about a month ago while looking for ToS, lovelovelove~
Especially Chloe and Norma. :3 Can't get the slash between those two out of my heeeaaad.
dfhdgv it was Eternia on the PSP.

Unfortunately, Legendia is a PS2-only game that, like Abyss, they never deemed to bring out in Europe. I might just cry myself to sleep. Few things make me sadder than having to miss out on games with slashy subtext~
I can't remember if I joined the last one. X3; Ah well. {Joins}

My favourite game is Abyss. <3 Symphonia was good, too.

My favourite characters are Jade, Genis, Peony, and Dist the Rose Ridiculous Runny Reaper. As for summon spirits, I'd have to say I like Corrine best. So cute... <3
This... is a slightly embarassing request, but does anyone have my old Raine Blinkie saved? Because I've looked everywhere on the computer and can't find iiiiit. I've got, like 150+ Raine icons, but not the one I want ;;
Favourite summon spirit: Gnome~ I find it altogether too hilarious that he's voiced by the same guy who does Yggdrasil.
WAIT ARE YOU SERIOUS. Ahahahaha~ I didn't pick up on that but man that's awesome.

Favorite summon spirit is probably Corrine. I liked Celsius too, though.

You know, I don't think I ever joined this on the old forum... I played through ToS a couple of months ago and loved it, and I think I always thought about posting here but I... never did because I guess I'm just lazy.

Favorite character is Mithos, I think, because he just has so much story and parallels with so many other characters and there is so much you can do with his character and gah, I just love him. I love evil characters that have story behind them and he was one of the best, at least to me. :3
Yup; James Arnold-Taylor - who also does Tidus in FFX. Presea and Corinne also both have Tara Strong voicing them, who is also Rikku in FFX. you can just imagine all these VAs having little runion parties when they all get together to voice in the same game. Cam Clarke (Kratos) and Jennifer Hale (Sheena) voice lead characters in ToS, Grandia II and Metal Gear Solid.

And don't get me started on how much Cam Clarke and Crispin Freeman (Regal) have done togehter. It's nuts.
I feel like Cam Clarke also voiced Simba or some character like that but I might be wrong.

Yeah I don't know how I'm talking about The Lion King now either, so, back on topic:
I actually cannot think of anything to say about Tales of Symphonia other than that I really should replay it. And try to check out some of the other Tales games, except I don't really have any of the systems they're on, so... Ah well.
Yup; he voiced adult Simba in the Kingdom Hearts games, and Simba's singing voice in LK2.

Yeah, you should replay it and do the side missions. Because there are loads of them and they're brilliant.

"Colette earned the title "Ironing Board"!" XD

I'm just going to lay out everything on the table. I own only Tales of Symphonia, my favorite characters are Lloyd, Colette, the Sages, Sheena and Zelos. And my favorite summon is Verius/Corrine, who I desperatly wish to be usable in the sequal. And now for a somewhat random note.

Recently, playing through Fire Emblem For the gameboy, I've found a man who looks exactly like Colette! Lucius the monk. They're basically the same, with different outfits. *Look up a picture of Lucius for Fire Emblem, and you will find this to be true* ...Serving female saints, long blond hair, holy light magic, accompanied by red haired mercenaries with hard eyes...It's creepy, really.
Danni: Ta da! After a little search on photobucket, I found it. :3

Wait, Jennifer Hale does Sheena? Man, she voices in a lot of games. I know her from the Metroid Prime series - she voices Samus. I think I've heard her name in a number of other games too. She must be a popular in-game voice actress. Off topic, I really need to get myself a copy of ToA, it looks amazing. Even better than Symphonia in some respects. And I'm still waiting for ToS2 to come out~ I think it's got a North American release of Winter 2008, but I'm not entirely sure. I'll look it up again and see.
Wow I totally didn't notice that post, Danni. D: I have all of them saved on this computer. Oops. Oh, well, you have it now.

Still can't play Abyss until I can rescue my PS2 from my brother's room D:
Thanks; you're awesome :D

...I don't feel naked anymore.

Jennifer Hale does Samus? That's awesome. She has a really nice-to-listen-to voice.
*joins!* :D

I still haven't finished the game... xD I started again so that I could play as Raine. Favourite characters are Colette, Raine and Presea~ And Lloyd is absolutely awesome and adorkable. <3
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