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TCoD Convention

I waaaaaant to go to that London Expo. ;_; I'll have to make it somehow!

Haha! My persistent nagging is finally paying off!

Yes, Dannichu and I had an epic time in London. Next time, please don't lose things in your hotel! Dannichu, you completely missed pass the Togepi! It was good fun. Your sister kept hitting her head against the wall whilst trying to catch it. Every so often there'd be this nice *bang*. Also, next time we meet up with each other I promise I won't accidentally smack your chin with my shoulder. Really.

I don't have the money for #tcod-con. Very upsetting.

Butterfree when you arrive in England we will travel from the airport on a magical flying sofa to London.
I wanna go to the expo in May AND October.

EDIT: It's really cheap to go there. It says it'll cost me £25 for the trip and the ticket. But just in case, £50 is your safest bet, guys.
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I wanna go to the expo! But, alas, I'm American D=

But the idea of webcams sounds cool. But my mom barely approves of voice chat on Wi-Fi, so I'm not sure I could even do that...
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