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TCoD Has An Encyclopedia Dramatica Article

*Gasp* That is just random and quite mean. Well this is like a while ago but I do not believe TCOD was anywhere near that. Some people have no life...
It was funnier way back when, when they were using a stock image of a manly orange-bearded viking as Butterfree's photo.
...Well, I think so, anyway. :c
Is this site just the endlessly abusive version of Wikipedia? Because it certainly seems like that from what articles of it I've seen.
I like Uncyclopedia more than Dramatica, to be honest. I'm not a fan of lulz. I prefer boring wit.

Hmm, yes, because having Oscar Wilde "quotes" at the top of every single page is witty.

I love the reaction to ED's furry page. So many people actually make it serious business.
some articles on Uncyclopedia are hilarious, but the majority suck. the best article I have seen is Fisher Price: A Retrospective. I have yet to see a funny Enyclopedia Dramatica article, but I rarely if ever visit that site, because apparently there's a lot of seriously scarring stuff on there. :|
I hate Encyclopedia Dramatica. They're annoying people who use racist and homophobic slurs like they're guaranteed to get laughs.
Uncyclopedia is a bit better- they're at least funny and sometimes agree that things are awesome.
Well, it is the purpose of Encylcopedia Dramatica to be annoying, but it's not even entertaining, just obnoxious.
Edit: Oh my God, you're in there, Retsu. D: And a bunch of members... But Retsu's not annoying- Retsu's funny and sweet. I am so sorry that I just called you sweet, but you're really nice. You always have been, but now it's just more pronounced.
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