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TCoD's recipe book

Automata heart

a skirt full of scamper and a head full of vodka
whats your favorite recipe? post it here~ mine is currently a butterbeer recipe that i love.
1 tea spoon of vanilla essence,
2 table spoons of butter
2 table spoons of sugar
a dash (how much you want) of cinnamon.
a mug of milk

melt the butter and sugar together then add the rest of the ingredients, stir and bring to the boil to combine.

you have to let this cool for ages, but it is so sweet and warming.

2 eggs
4oz flour
4oz butter
40z sugar
toffee sauce

Make the sponge cake, and shove the raspberries and toffee in, and cook it.
Rasher and egg fried rice

Vast quantities of rice
Vast quantities of rasher
Vast quantities of egg

Dice rasher, beat eggs, boil rice, fry rasher, fry egg, fry rice, fry rasher and egg in rice. Eat.
Meatballs in Orange Sauce
-1.5 cups of orange juice
-3 tbsp of worchester sauce
-3 tbsp of corn starch
-0.5 cup of brown sugar
- 1 tbsp of honey

1. Mix the orange juice, worchester sauce, sugar, and honey.
2. Pour half into a pan and start to boil it
3. Add the starch to the cold mixture until it's completely dissolved.
4. Pour the boiling mixture into the cold mixture, then pour them both into the pan to boil again.
5. Stir until it's completely thickened.
6. Serve with meatballs.

5 Mars bars
A ton of digestive biscuits (mashed into crumbs)
Some butter
A tub of cream cheese

1. Melt butter, stir in biscuity bits, press down mixture into a baking tin, put in fridge.
2. Melt mars bars, add the cream cheese
3. Pour cheese/Mars bar mixture over the top of the biscuit base
4. Leave to cool for a while
5. Eat
6. Get resulting diabetes
Bamboo soup.
1 bag of bamboo
1 pot of the chicken broth you made
Some green onions

Boil the bamboo 2 or more times,then remove the old parts.
Boil the young parts, then chop them up. Dump them in the broth.
Chop the green onions thinly and cook them with the soup.

I think that's how it goes. Roughly. d:
That sounds delicous! Must make!
Mom, where do we keep the bamboo?

if you are serious, I just have to tell 2 things:
1. To determine the old parts of the bamboo, plunge your thumb into it. if it doesn't go in, it's old.
I will post ALL my sponge cake recipes here. Lucky TCoD.

Have a cocoa sponge.

2 eggs
4oz flour
4oz butter
40z sugar
A few drops of vanilla essence
Cocoa powder

Make the sponge cake mixture, then add the extra ingredients. Cook. Eat.
1 can of Dr.Pepper
1can of root beer
1 can of Sprite
1 can of Coke
1 can of Pepsi
A can of club soda

Pour all of the above into a freaking huge pitcher. Stir, add ice cubes, and enjoy.
Don't drink this after 7:00

Choco-banana milkshake

2 dl of milk + 2 spoons chocolate milk powder(or 2 dl chocolate milk)
2 scoops of chocolate ice cream(vanilla works too)
1 ripe banana
1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon

Put everything in a blender and enjoy.
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whats your favorite recipe? post it here~ mine is currently a butterbeer recipe that i love.
1 tea spoon of vanilla essence,
2 table spoons of butter
2 table spoons of sugar
a dash (how much you want) of cinnamon.
a mug of milk

melt the butter and sugar together then add the rest of the ingredients, stir and bring to the boil to combine.

you have to let this cool for ages, but it is so sweet and warming.

Thank you very much for posting this.
I've been needing a decent hot drink recipe for a long time!
You want bad? Kit Kat fries.

Turn on fryer.
Break apart Kit Kat bars.
Dip Kit Kat bars in favorite batter.
Melty goodness.
Heart Attack.

Also fruit salsa and chips. You can tweak it however.

Get a orgy of fruit. I use Kiwi, apples, and strawberries.
Dice them into SMALL chunks.
Mix them in a a bowl with sugar and a little cinnamon and a little water, very little. Brown sugar works too.
Pretty much until they are the consistency of salsa.
Put in fridge to cool.

Get round white tortillas.
Melt butter.
Lightly spread butter on both sides of tortilla.
Sprinkle both sides of tortilla with cinnamon sugar. (however much you want)
Cut tortilla into triangles (or however shape you want them)
Bake in oven until crisp.
Let cool for at least five minutes.

Dip chips in salsa and enjoy. Other fruit I've seen used: raspberries, navel orange, pineapple, blueberries, blackberries, mango, watermelon, peaches, pears.

Also adding a little lemon juice is great in the salsa too.
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hot pot cooking- soup!
you need:
a large amount of raw and cooked stuff, like beef,bamboo,eggs,mushrooms,etc
A hot pot cooker
Put water into the cooker. Add the raw and cooked stuff. Wait. Eat.
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