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Team Fortress 2 Pyromania Update


New member

I personally really want to see Meet the Pyro, but since it's a one-off thing I'm more interested in the others. It's out now..

The Scout has two new weapons, a scattergun that is 40% more accurate but does 30% less damage – kind of like the shortstop. However, it makes the Scout faster every time he hits someone (providing he doesn't jump), up to twice his default speed; the catch is that his default speed is reduced to faster than Soldier but slower than Demoman (I think, not sure).

The other Scout weapon is a pistol that boosts your health by 15% (calculated it's 143.5 but I think it means 140) and makes sure you take no falling damage, at the cost of double 50% less fire resistance (not sure of 2x fire damage or 1.5x fire damage) and less damage. To be honest I'd rather just use the Milkman Polycount set, because fall damage can just be negated by double jumping. Getting the hat is a pain, though.

The Soldier has a new weapon that can fire 3 rockets at once (needs building) but can misfire and can't be charged by the dispenser. I suspect it will be useful in maps where Engineers aren't that good (e.g. 5 control point) or where there's a lot of spare ammo crates. Either way I think it will work kind of like the Cow Mangler 9000.

The Pyro gets a Flare Gun that has a little knockback and ignites groups upon hit. At the cost of 50% less damage. ...Just use the Detonator, but I would still rather use the default Flare Gun.

The Sniper also gets two weapons. It's kind of hard to explain the first one so...
Gain Focus on kills and assists
Focus activates on Fire when Focus meter is full
In Focus: +25% faster charge rate and no unscoping
Headshot kills cause decapitation
-20% damage penalty on body shot

Even though the game marks decapitation as a good thing, I can't think of a reason a Sniper would want it because that means other Snipers with the Bazaar Bargains/Demos with the Eyelander can steal your heads. I'm not sure though. And the problem with Focus is you might need to unscope but you can't. At least the Machina allows you to use the SMG.

For the Snipers secondary weapon, a Submachine-gun, it kind of works like the Killing Gloves of Boxing. Guarantees 3 seconds of crits after a kill, but a lower magazine size and slower firing speed. If the crit boost transfers onto Sniper Rifles you could possibly kill all of the lower health classes in an uncharged bodyshot.

There's also Doomsday, a game mode, which is racing to deliver Australium (I suspect it works like CTF), but the track will definitely be very long otherwise the Scout will just run to the end with a Quick Fix Medic or something. Or it could work like Payload Race as in they spawn on opposing ends and have to get to the other team's spawn. But then it's not delivering it to one area...

Enough of my blabble.

What about you?
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Yay, Meet the Pyro. I love Pyro, this is a good update.

The new pistol for the Scout (Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol) looks good. You take a lot more fire damage, but this is the Pyro's big week, after all. And it's worth the extra health and no fall damage in my opinion. Now you can do all these crazy double jumps from high places and not die. The scattergun (Babyface Blaster) probably won't be that good, due to restricting jumping. Unless it charges really quickly, i probably will never use it.

Sniper's weapon's look good. I may use the Hitman's heatmaker just for the decapitation, for the sake of coolness. I don't know how Focus will work, and it could either be really good, really bad, or just okay. And it's about time they made a new SMG, the Cleaner's Carbine. It seems balanced, at least, having it's own use without being overpowered and overshadowing the SMG.

The Beggar's Bazooka looks fun, if not pretty bad. The joy of killing sentries and Heavies with a multi-shot will be enoguh reason to at least mess around with this weapon.

And the Scorch Shot looks like one of those weapons like the Market Gardener; ridiculed and hated upon, but really good in the hands of a skilled player. I mean, knocking things around from long range sounds like it has a lot of possibilities.

And the new hats look nice.

I'm curious as to how Doomsday will work. Can't say much about it until it gets released.
I haven't actually played in ages so I don't care about the items yet but




That was fun. I'm glad they didn't actually reveal who/what was under the mask. That'll keep the "it's scout's mother" theorists happy. Though Meet the Spy is still my favourite.
Also source filmmaker! I'm sure people have been waiting for that for a while.
It gives the impression that Pyro is a psychotic brony thingy.

EDIT: Maybe more Strawberry Shortcake (or whatever) and less MLP.
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