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Open TF2: Faith & Misery

Jack finally found his new site on the roof, the indented roof where rainwater would drain off the roof and into a pipe. That was, if it ever rain in the god forsaken desert. He slipped his Razorback off his back, setting his weapons down for easy access before putting the razorback back on. He then settles himself down onto his belly and crawled up the one side of the indent to over see the feild.

Muuuuuch better. I can see through the windows better. Hate to admit it, but that attack gave me a good excuse to use another site...not that I'll ever tell him that.

Jack kneels up a bit, shouldering his Huntsman and taking his rifle off the leash. He brushes his finger along the serpentine neck, feeling it pulse under his touch. He takes the handle in hand and waits as the bondings wrap around his arm and enter into his skin to keep hold. He made a soft pained sound as he felt the bondings slicing into him.

Such a bloody pain...but got to endure it.

He then looked back at the windows, scanning for the blue dot that was usually there somewhere. When he didn't find the telltale sight of the enemy sniper, he let out a soft growl.

"Where could..."

He then felt the pulsing in the back of his mind, the demon murmuring softly as if it was trying to speak to him. He closed his eyes and listened closely, but found that useless as well. He shrugged his shoulders and continued to wonder where the other sniper was...until the Tribalman started to growl at him. He rolled his eyes and withdrew the blade and looked at it.

There was blood on the blade, spots from a spray.

"....Shit. I walked right past that...I thought I smelled...piss."

He tapped his earpiece and tried to contact Pyro.

"...You got shot. I missed that fact. Are you alright? Did you respawn, or are you still in the same place..."
(( I guess there's no point waiting for edits, then?

Anyway, I have no idea where you're supposed to be, Togetic, so I'm assuming you're coming up from behind me, which is close to the respawn room. MG's post doesn't really work with the rest of the events so I'm going to ignore it so I can post now. ))

RED Pyro


Pyro didn't really know why he screamed, since the pain wasn't really that bad although he felt something. He looked down and saw the arrowhead and a significant length of wood poking out of his stomach.


He whipped around, flames already licking the fangs of his demon's jaws, and pointed the flames at the sniper.

... they didn't reach.

Still AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGHing, Pyro ran down the hall, only partially zigzagging everywhere, spewing flames in front of him the whole time. Everywhere in front of him. The fire surrounded him as he ran into it, blinding him and probably the sniper he was running at, too... well, at least, messing with all of the sniper's other senses.

There was quite a bit of space between them and he really had to fix that. And also AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGH.

He had a twinge in his arms and remembered something about that time when he ducked around a corner and shot flares at his attacker, but he AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGHed it away and just kept running. He might have heard something in his ear but only barely, since it'd have to pierce through his own voice too.



There was the demon pyro guarding the computer room. Shit. He'd been sneaking back here as the demon spy, but he hadn't met anyone until now. Of course, he could hear the all-too-loud muffled roaring of fire and he smelled a particularly vile smoke, wafting from the halls leading to the intelligence room.

He thought back to how he'd set that razorback on fire. It wasn't very interesting, nor was it useful; why couldn't this be the same? It would be best if it only involved that much fire, too. But then the demon pyro yelled something incoherent (the demon pyro was never coherent, of course, and mumbled even while he yelled) and turned around, blasting fire and charging at someone else.

It was almost too perfect, but Spy took the chance. He looked down at the blade in his hand and saw it turn invisible, then darted to the nearest hall leading to the intel room. He was fairly certain he would not be heard over the pyro's incessant screaming, but it was more than possible he could be seen.

But the roaring of the flames was getting louder, not quieter, and when Spy slowed to a walk as he approached the next corner, he frowned at the deep red glow dancing on the wall opposite the door, and the black smoke billowing out.

He fixed his mic to his mouth and spoke quietly. "The intelligence room is on fire. Terminate the demon pyro, and the blaze may self-extinguish, but it is unlikely." He paused, feeling his mouth dirty itself with just the thought of his next words. "We will need at least a kilolitre of Jarate."
(Run down of what I believe is happening:


Scout is getting pwned by Pyro
Demo isnt doing much
Sniper is dead/camping
Rest Im unsure

Engie is camping
Sniper is getting chased by Pyro
Demo is sticky camping
Pyro is chasing Scout.
Rest Im unsure)

Andrew backpedaled, the smell of fire and the muffled screams being a dead giveaway that his arrow didn't kill. Retreating back up the stairs, he whipped another arrow out and within a heartbeat, fired. However, the random burning smell and the berserker charge overloaded his senses, and the arrow missed.

He was in the courtyard now. Time to fight back. He selected an arrow, held it tightly in his hand and waited. Any second now.

The Pyro stepped into the clearing.

The hand shot forward.

The arrow lodged itself into the Pyro's Abdomen.

"Gotcha, wanker." Andrew grinned to himself. Now for that intel business.
RED Pyro

Gut wounds didn't normally kill very quickly, but after enough of them, demons tended to just give up on the body and let it die. Or rather, they probably killed the host body themselves. It was probably for the best, since it quickened the respawn so the host could return in perfect health, but as Pyro collapsed and felt everything go numb and saw black spots spreading in his vision, he couldn't help but think he needed just another minute, dammit.



The flames burned just as strong as ever, although fortunately the heat did not actually harm him although the flames almost certainly would. Spy still sweated and felt as though he was being cooked, but it seemed he would not catch fire until he touched the flames.

Which wasn't going to happen because he also wanted to avoid the concentrated smoke. Not too much, since he could stand in the smoke and not be seen even while otherwise visible, but he did not stand where the smoke was its blackest. Not until he figured out how likely he was to survive. He would have to find the intel briefcase, and even if that was always in the same spot, the flames and smoke would throw off his spatial reasoning. Also the pain. Even if he survived that, he probably wouldn't survive the flames clinging to his clothes as he ran out.

Since Sniper hadn't responded to his call, he assumed Sniper's mic was off. This was even more of a hindrance, but at least he didn't have to request - he shuddered - that Sniper be ready with some Jarate to douse the flames. Although if Sniper was here, he could go into the room himself - the flames and smoke might overload Sniper's senses even more than it blinded Spy, but at least that didn't involve Spy being set on fire and then doused in urine.


RED Pyro

Pyro respawned healthy and whole, and as always, without his mask. That was the first thing he took from his locker, followed by his axtinguisher (this time he wanted something special) and his shotgun. And also one of Spy's lighters. He hooked stuck the axtinguisher on his back and glanced down at both hands. He usually only saw that right after he died.

"You got shot," a voice said in Pyro's ear. Sniper's. "I missed that fact. Are you alright? Did you respawn, or are you still in the same place?"

"Died in the courtyard," Pyro said. "Just respawned. Bastard. I hate snipers, I hope they all go up in flames... except you. Mostly." Well, Sniper couldn't get burned by Pyro's flames anyway. Pyro loaded his shotgun and walked out the respawn room. This would give him distance, although he felt uncomfortable without the ability to burn things (the lighter was just not the same). He headed for the intel room, hoping he wasn't too late (haha yeah right it had been at least five minutes). "Did you get him?"
Scout let out a blood-curdling scream as he felt the flames wash over him, dropping the pistol and curling into himself, as if that might save him. The searing pain only lasted for a moment, however, and he was left in the dark black nothing of the respawn as it gathered his charred corpse and returned it, new and whole, along with his weapons.

When respawn finally put its ass into gear and dropped him in the resupply room, Scout was fuming. He hated not being able to reach the intel, that rendered him almost completely useless to the team and that made him twitchy and irritable (more so than normal, at least). He sat in the resupply on a bench for a minute, sulking, arms crossed over his chest. He pulled the headset back to it's proper position - it always seemed to respawn around his neck - and made a clicking sound with his tongue into it at what he heard.

"Awww, didja get shot, Pyro? Poor muffin. Did it hurt?" He laughed, before standing up and wandering over to his locker.

He selected his Sandman this time instead, as well as the Force-A-Nature (damn that gun was amazing), and slid the wooden bat into the bag on his back. Hefting the gun, he sprinted out of the resupply and looked around, the tiny wings on his legs fluttering slightly. The demon would throb every so often, but he didn't see any danger right away...he wondered what was wrong with them for a moment, before taking off in the direction of their intel room to do a quick sweep of the area.

He petted the sawed-off shotgun gently as he went, wide grin on his face.
"Blu Sniper is the Courtyard...hmm...I'll give it a look, but I doubt he'd be there now...I suggest you hurry to the Intel. I haven't heard any announcement of anyone taking the papers. I'll place Demo on the line, hole on."

Sniper switched the channel and added their Demo into the convo. He sighed a bit as the drunken slur he heard and cleared his throat.

"Demo. Did you catch anyone in the Intel yet. Keep in mind, we now have a Blu Sniper and Blu Spy in the area. Pyro, get to the Intel and do some Spy checking...check everyone there, don't think for a moment that they may be allies. Meaning, burning every single person you see until you have gotten the Spy...you should have fun with that."

Then he sighed when he heard Scout's comment over the waves, rolling his eyes and lifting the rifle back into his hands. He kicks a part of the roof to get to a hollow (Cheap ass wood, this bloody thing could have fallen in on us!) and stores his other weapons, placing the wood back to cover the hole. He then gets back to his feet and starts to make his way to a place good enough to view the courtyard.

"...Nope. Sniper isn't there anymore. Pyro, be on guard. Demo, you better be ready. Scout...well, avoid the underground. I can watch your back on the bridge when you decide to get back to work. Keep your guard up boys, we have the enemy in the base. Time to clean the filth out of it."

Sniper makes it back to his spot again, sweeping his gaze on the ground below. He rolled his shoulders, gripping his rifle in his hand as he felt his heartbeat quicken from the adrenalin rush he gets from time to time. He glanced at the watch on his wrist to check the time.

"...Few more hours...slow day today."

Engineer’s ears pricked up. It was a harsh whoosh, mingling with crackles. The enemy Pyro. It was never a good sound to hear in a sewer, and especially not good where you’re somewhere alone. A dull pain prickled his stomach, and he briefly wondered if it was his demon helper or just the fact that he hadn’t eaten in a while.

Then again, considering the near-kick in the stomach pain he felt just after thinking that, it was probably the former. Demon helper didn’t mess around.

He groaned inwardly. “Jest got one to Level three…dangit.”

But as the sound came closer, it was probably a terrible idea to stick around. Being new and all, Engineer was completely sure he couldn’t take down a likely experienced Pyro in a lone fight. Fortunately, a teleporter was made for this very purpose, heading back to the intel. A flick of the switch, and Engie was all set to go, with a hope that the dark would conceal his weapons.
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