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The Best Album Ever

Grah, you people and your Pink Floyd. *clueless*

I'm going to have to go with Juno Reactor's Labyrinth for this. Granted, there are probably better bands and songs out there, but the album itself is compiled in such a way that each of its internal pieces work together and flow perfectly with each other. The opening of Conquistador is a sort of riveting ambiance, starting out slow and pulling you in before the tempo slowly picks up and finally explodes in your face, and that force continues on into the equally powerful Giant, Mona Lisa Overdrive, and War Dogs. Zwara and Mutant Message, though not as explicitly ear-splitting as the previous tracks, are instead a more dark, mysterious tone that refuses to let you out of the music's embrace. Angels and Men is, like Conquistador before it, a far quieter piece, one that appeals to the rather spiritual nature of many of the band's songs. This is still, however, only a calm before the storm; Navras, the grand finale, is like all the power that came before has been culminated into one almighty blast directed right into your head before the album finally grinds to a halt.
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