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The Disney Thread

favourite song (along with Make a Man Out of You)

ggggk second best Disney song after "My Lullaby". Which nobody else seems to love as much as I do but you know what? Shut up. Zira kicked ass.

@Butterfree: Lion King on Broadway is amazing and I highly suggest you should come over just to see it. ^^


uhh I don't really remember what my favorite movie is but I liked a lot of the older, pre-PIXAR ones! The PIXAR ones are just okay. Haven't seen most of them (I never saw Finding Nemo and the girls in high school gave me hell for it, jesus), though I might try and rent WALL-E or Up one day.

And I am totally going to go see the Princess and the Frog! If it sucks I will be very upset.
omggg I forgot this thread existed! >D

I don't think I mentioned it in my post, but I also adore Aladdin. I tend to forget it and don't automatically think of it when I hear 'Disney'; I dunno why, but I do love it just as much as the others. Nothing will ever take over The Lion King's place though. X3

I know I've said it on TCoD before, but I LOVE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL TOO. Judge me as well! The second one was amusingly bad (oh God, the Narmy dance), but the first one was awesome and just so feel-good. In a kind of mindless, utterly childish way. But I can't help it. :D Plus, Ryan is utterly adorable. As is Kelsi. And just... eeee!

Okay, done.

I must rewatch Aladdin sometime soon -- it's like the ultimate rewatchy film. I've always liked the animal ones a huge deal though; TLK, Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmations etc. Also, the Emperor's New Groove is Disney, right? That film is hilarious. <3

I really want to watch The Princess and the Frog sometime soon...
I'm not a big Disney fan. This is mostly because... Well... Uh... IwasscaredasakidsomymomgaveawayanythingDisney.

But now, from what I've seen anyway, I like some of them. I really don't like the princess fare (except for the villain songs) and like the 90's stuff. Except for Hercules because Disney got my Cristianity mixed with my Greek mythology.


So pretty much, if it's a villain song ("HELLFIRE, HELLFIRE!" "POOR UNFORTUNATE SOOOOUUUULLLLSSSS!" ect.) I will love it for life. And God Help the Outcasts.

And I like (in no real order):

The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The Emperor's New Groove

And I just realized how few of these movies I've seen...
i own a lot of disney movies on videotape, but i can't say that i remember many of them. i watched and rewatched all of them to oblivion, it seems. a few years ago, i rewatched a few of them; i really liked 101 dalmatians' art style. it seemed mod-ish, or like a beatnik-type thing. i don't know why.

pixar does it for me, though. cars was their only misstep, in my mind. i love every other movie of theirs that i've seen.

disney gets credit for releasing the studio ghibli films in the US; those films, despite the fact that i only saw two in my childhood, seem to be tied to that part of my life more.
omggg I forgot this thread existed! >D

I don't think I mentioned it in my post, but I also adore Aladdin. I tend to forget it and don't automatically think of it when I hear 'Disney'; I dunno why, but I do love it just as much as the others. Nothing will ever take over The Lion King's place though. X3

I know I've said it on TCoD before, but I LOVE HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL TOO. Judge me as well! The second one was amusingly bad (oh God, the Narmy dance), but the first one was awesome and just so feel-good. In a kind of mindless, utterly childish way. But I can't help it. :D Plus, Ryan is utterly adorable. As is Kelsi. And just... eeee!

Okay, done.

I must rewatch Aladdin sometime soon -- it's like the ultimate rewatchy film. I've always liked the animal ones a huge deal though; TLK, Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmations etc. Also, the Emperor's New Groove is Disney, right? That film is hilarious. <3

I really want to watch The Princess and the Frog sometime soon...

Fun story: When my sister and I were little, we'd always watch one of our Disney videos on Sunday mornings. I'd choose the film one week, Grabby'd choose it the next. But every time it was my turn to pick, I'd choose Aladdin. So we'd watch Lady and the Tramp one week, Aladdin the next, Lion king one week, Aladdin the next, Hercules, Aladdin, Bambi, Aladdin... and I have no idea why I used to love it above all the others when I was a kid XD

HSM is so bad it's good. The first one I love because it's like Grease only with a much better message for kids (ie. "Don't let society pigeonhole you" rather than "If you completely change yourself, the guy you like will like you back!"), and second one I love because it couldn't possibly make less sense and also I Don't Dance is one of the most homoerotic things I've ever seen (not helped by the fact that Chad and Ryan swap clothing afterwards), and the third one is epic because it doesn't even pretend to have a plot and also has I Want It All :D

And yes; Ryan and Kelsi are totally fabulous.
(I have a HSM advent calendar; am I cool yet?)
Those present may have noticed I was Kuzco for halloween.


Just sayin.

Oh man this friday.

I am morbidly curious about High School Musical. I have the most annoying tendency to get curious about movies that look extraordinarily stupid and love getting an excuse to see them without torturing whoever I get to watch it with me. I should have watched it with Dannichu when I was there. Next time, I guess?
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