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The Elemental Mountains~Registration and OOC


The Elemental Mountains
(Starting from creation of mountains, or CM)
Day 1, Month 1, Year 1
The world was at war. Blood, gore and violence coveredthe planet.18 mountains, each of a respective type, appeared out of no where. The last two mountains, the 18th represented Light and Dark. The war stopped,the world at peace. Will it last long?
Day 10, Month 3, Year 20
Today I noticed one of most species Pokemon, not including my own species, Umbreon, building some sort of mountain. Note there were no legendaries. I will stay updated with any new news.
Day 15, Month 8, Year 25 CM
I was put out the day after the last entry. I have only awoken today. I have noticed that I am in a confined room, and on the other side of my window I see another, empty room, the only thing inside, another Umbreon, just staring through the window at all times. I plan to converse with this one tonight, maybe I can learn something from him/her/it. I shall update tonight with the conversation.
Moon's Diary to date.
You are a Pokemon with a similar fate to Moon's except you see a Pokemon of your own species.(regular,good) Or you are a Pokemon staring through the window(clone, evil)You decide your fate together with a group that Moon created for freedom or decide it on your own. You decide whether to try and catch the originals or try and figure out what you are.

Your previous missions:

Your current mission:

1. Basic RP rules. You know the drill.
2. Only one character each and only two of each species please(1 original + 1 clone)
3. Put "clone's mountain" in your form if you have read and undersood the rules.
4. No legendaries except Phione, which has normal stats.
5. No godmodding or timemodding(controlling the time of the roleplay
Any relationships between characters go here
Clone or original?:
Appearance(Anything special?):
My form:
Name: Moon
Species: Umbreon
Gender: Male
Item(Optional): Blackglasses
Clone or original?: Original
Appearance(Anything special?): Moon shaped emblem on his chest.
Bio: Read entries for his bio.
Relationships: None yet.
Other: None
Name: Vale
Species: Umbreon
Gender: Male
Item(Optional): A Black Bandana.
Clone or original?:
Appearance(Anything special?): Well, I'm not sure with this. Are the clones here the same as the clones in the first movie? Do they have any special markings? Well, anyway, if they can have special markings, Vale has extra rings around his ears and tail. If not, he looks exactly like Moon, but with a black bandana around his neck.
Bio: Nothing much, he was just created on Clone's Mountain.
Relationships: Hates his original.
Other: Nah.

I'll be your clone, okay?
Name: Sandra
Species: Lucario
Gender: Female
Item(Optional): None
Clone or original?: Original
Appearance(Anything special?): Her tail is more axe-like than usual.
Bio: Sandra lived on the streets, and was somewhat of a rogue before she was brought... wherever this place is.... She knows almost nothing of the clones' mountain.
Relationships: Open :)
Other: None
Name: Vale
Species: Umbreon
Gender: Male
Item(Optional): A Black Bandana.
Clone or original?:
Appearance(Anything special?): Well, I'm not sure with this. Are the clones here the same as the clones in the first movie? Do they have any special markings? Well, anyway, if they can have special markings, Vale has extra rings around his ears and tail. If not, he looks exactly like Moon, but with a black bandana around his neck.
Bio: Nothing much, he was just created on Clone's Mountain.
Relationships: Hates his original.
Other: Nah.

I'll be your clone, okay?

Name: Sandra
Species: Lucario
Gender: Female
Item(Optional): None
Clone or original?: Original
Appearance(Anything special?): Her tail is more axe-like than usual.
Bio: Sandra lived on the streets, and was somewhat of a rogue before she was brought... wherever this place is.... She knows almost nothing of the clones' mountain.
Relationships: Open :)
Other: None

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