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The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

Well, there's a whole veil of meteorites out there, right? Apparently, Noir only went for the one the trolls were holed into. Thus, any potential survivors would, likely, have gone to another meteorite.

Also, one tidbit that's refreshing about this update: Nepeta is even more probably dead now, so, most likely, that debate will be over.
pain-addled Cherry would like admittance O:

Managed to finish the entire thing in four days, ahaha. Spent forever reading stuff. Nepeta is my favourite.

I uh, sort of RP, both as Nep and fantrolls (ohgod) and can be hit up on pesterchum either as asclepiaSunder or sibilantCipher. Dunno if the rest of you RP with fantrolls/kids but hit me up if you do.
...hey, wait a minute--

If Bec Noir is omniscient, why did he need Vriska to lead him to the base?
He's not. Difference between omnipotent and omniscient there. And while he still could use his omnipotence to find the base, he's probably been holding off on overusing his powers.
Aware? Sure. But what's he going to do about it?
Are you sure he's meaning to do anything about it? There's a chance he's letting Slick do that.

He's currently talking about how he's getting to a part where he begins to know less. Maybe he has no intention to live through it? Or he was never meant to know any more than he can figure out? After all, when it comes down to it, his plans are directly tied to Lord English, and we have very little idea of what is it with Lord English.
Let me rephrase that. I'm not so much surprised or "worried" for him or whatever as I am simply curious as to why he would let Slick do something like that. He's omniscient and omnipotent (at least to an extent), and even with things starting to get cloudy for him I highly doubt he wouldn't know what was going on in his own room. I don't have any theories and at this point am not interested in formulating any; I'm just voicing my curiosity aloud without really expecting an answer anytime soon.
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I think Scratch just doesn't care all that much about what Slick gets up to; he's powerful enough that even his house burning down poses no threat at all, and he can probably put the flames out with a snap of his fingers or something.

Besides, what kind of host would he be if he failed to indulge his guest's love of wanton destruction?

Also HS Vol 7 is great; I haven't gotten a chance to listen to the other album yet, but plenty of cool tracks on the official one. Also, as many people have pointed out, the track "Savior of the Dreaming Dead" seems to suggest where the plot is going in the near future. I'm feeling in line with the people who suggest that the only way to survive the scratch is to die and stay on in a dream bubble; presumably there will be a mass-resurrection afterwards.

In that vein, I'm thinking Jade's "grandson" may be from the post-scratch timeline, whether being literally her grandson or the person taking her place in the "hopefully more favorable" reset world. It might then be up to the kids' heirs/counterparts to rescue the previous team of Sburb/Sgrub players from the dream bubbles.
just got myself a pesterchum handle- I'm tangentiallyAcerbic. I do some roleplaying as some fancharacters sometimes if anyone wants to join me. or just chat is fine too! :D
I just finished reading the comic. Terezi is quite awesome. Quite awesome indeed.
And I hate Gamzee.
And downloaded pesterchum. I took the handle mistralEnchanter.
... Get it?..
... No. Clearly you do not. Pester me? And you will.
Everyone at MSPA Forums (including me) was hyped up for the 6/12 update.

Everyone at MSPA Forums (Including me) was dissapointed by the 6/12 update.

Soooooooo........ Hi.
Can........ I be in the club too? </timidity>

This is probably a really stupid question (and I could probably find out if I were to go to the MSPA Forums, but I'm kind of afraid of them), but where might I obtain this pesterchum client? I have heard talk and now I WANT IT. O_O
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