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The Ice Caves

Not Meowth

Cat, are you drilling?
*☃*Ice Caves*☃*

~twinned with Rune Ruins~

A series of dark, ice-filled caves with a very large lake, populated by ice- and water-type or generic cave-dwelling Pokémon. Trainers have a choice of capturing Pokémon either from the cave itself or by surfing on the frigid waters. To search for Pokémon on the lake, you will require one other water-type.

Common= 60% chance of encountering
Rare= 30% chance of encountering
Super Rare= 10% chance of encountering

Pokémon available in the cave ($2 to search)
Common: Buizel, Corphish, Geodude, Krabby, Machop, Psyduck, Snorunt, Snover, Spheal, Swinub, Whismur, Zubat
Rare: Delibird, Dunsparce, Lileep, Mawile, Onix, Sableye, Smoochum, Sneasel
Super Rare: Abomasnow, Crawdaunt, Floatzel, Froslass, Glalie, Golbat, Golduck, Graveler, Jynx, Kingler, Loudred, Machoke, Sealeo, Weavile

Pokémon available on the water ($3 to search)
Common: Chinchou, Clamperl, Finneon, Goldeen, Horsea, Magikarp, Poliwag, Psyduck, Qwilfish, Seel, Shellder, Shellos, Slowpoke, Spheal, Staryu, Tentacool, Zubat
Rare: Anorith, Corsola, Lapras, Kabuto, Omanyte, Piplup, Squirtle
Super Rare: Cloyster, Dewgong, Dratini, Feebas, Gastrodon, Golbat, Golduck, Gorebyss, Gyarados, Huntail, Lanturn, Lumineon, Poliwhirl, Prinplup, Seadra, Sealeo, Seaking, Slowbro, Slowking, Tentacruel, Wartortle

Buying one of these gets you three Pokéballs and unlimited searches of the area of your choice until you've used them all. With this, you can choose to leave Pokémon and move on, but as you progress the cave's floors get slippier and slippier or the lake's current gets stronger and stronger, and your chances of winding up at the entrance and losing your remaining chances will increase. This starts at the fifth attempt and increases by 10% for each attempt thereafter. If this happens, your ticket will run out and you'll have to leave with just what you've caught so far, so be careful!
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Well, I've got just enough money to hopefully get a Lileep. -$3 from my account. HAHA I AM THE MOST BROKE-EST PERSON IN THE SAFARI ZONE BEAT THAT
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