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The Legend of Zelda

I did. :/

So, current TP progress:
I'm on to the Temple of Time. Which so totally should've been in OoT. I'm only at the beginning of it and I'm stalling on going any further by tracking down Heart Pieces and Golden Bugs.

But something doesn't make sense to me. Now, at the end of OoT, Navi flies out the window, right? To be precise, she flies out the back window of the Temple of Time. And in TP,
the back window of the Temple of Time is the entrance to the actual temple.
So wouldn't that mean that Link was looking for her in the wrong place at the beginning of MM?

Not sure if it's official or not, but it's a theory of a friend and I that Link was looking for Navi at the beginning of MM and that's why he was so far into the forest. Thus why I asked.
the back window of the Temple of Time is the entrance to the actual temple.

Well, other people have noticed that and
maybe the Temple of Time in TP is a different one, may the first one got destroyed or something. Maybe the back half can only be accessed by certain people, maybe it was built after OoT. Or maybe Link in OoT didn't know there was a back half.

What I think is either Nintendo didn't realise this while adding the back half, or that is where Navi went but then she went somewhere else after.
Wait! Why is there a window there anyway if there's more building behind it? I'm starting to think Navi went out the window to the outside, but the back half exists as well somehow.

Also, I'm not exactly sure who Link was looking for in Majora's Mask. Some say it's Navi, some say Saria. I think Navi too.
That's a matter of debate. The stories do obviously affect each other, it's just that we don't know in which order. There are some times where it's obvious which order, but when it comes to every game... It's just confusing at times. Since this is your first game I won't carry on because you haven't played the others and I doubt ou want to hear it anyway :P
Ah, I see... I guess I asked since it seems like this is where Link begins, because he's living in his village and nothing weird has happened yet, or something. I was wondering if it was something similar to the new Spyro trilogy, where those games were a story on their own and the other games didn't factor into that story, except for the fact that Spyro's the main character. But I suppose I'll figure it out as I go on, if I play another Zelda game. xD

Where are in the game you so far anyway?
Please, please tell me you got stuck in Ordon Village. Otherwise I'll feel bad ;_;
I'm not quite sure. I just (dunno if this should be in spoiler tags so I'll put it in them) rescued the little boy (Malo?) from the evil monkey, and Ilia just took my horse from me. But I don't know if I'm done with Ordon Village... so I'm not quite sure. xD;

Hope you enjoy it, Sandstone-Shadow ^w^
Thanks! ^^
Well, other people have noticed that and
maybe the Temple of Time in TP is a different one, may the first one got destroyed or something. Maybe the back half can only be accessed by certain people, maybe it was built after OoT. Or maybe Link in OoT didn't know there was a back half.

What I think is either Nintendo didn't realise this while adding the back half, or that is where Navi went but then she went somewhere else after.
Wait! Why is there a window there anyway if there's more building behind it? I'm starting to think Navi went out the window to the outside, but the back half exists as well somehow.

Also, I'm not exactly sure who Link was looking for in Majora's Mask. Some say it's Navi, some say Saria. I think Navi too.
Or maybe TP dungeon!Temple of Time = OoT's Temple of Light, just the Chamber of Sages is inaccessable. So maybe OoT Link DID know it existed, he just couldn't get to the rest of it because Ganondorf and Rauru.

Because just take a look around the TP entrance to the temple. IT IS THE EXACT SAME AS OOT. Even the same exact music. So it is probably the same one. Meaning that Navi would've had to go into the back half, even if unintentionally. It's possible that she did go somewhere else, but then where would she be able to go?

I think the window's there to mask the entrance from people unworthy of entering, hence why you need to strike the pedastal with the Master Sword to get in. :/
I got Twilight Princess a month ago~ I'm totally loving it! :D
It's technically my first LoZ game... but my brother had Majora's Mask for his 64 several years back, so yeah.
I remember that I played it without his permission, and I kept getting killed by Redeads. I must've been traumatized or something, because I keep remembering the scene Link dies by the Redeads. D:
Or maybe TP dungeon!Temple of Time = OoT's Temple of Light, just the Chamber of Sages is inaccessable. So maybe OoT Link DID know it existed, he just couldn't get to the rest of it because Ganondorf and Rauru.
Oh, yes I didn't think of this.

Because just take a look around the TP entrance to the temple. IT IS THE EXACT SAME AS OOT. Even the same exact music. So it is probably the same one. Meaning that Navi would've had to go into the back half, even if unintentionally. It's possible that she did go somewhere else, but then where would she be able to go?
What doesn't make sense though is that it has moved form near Hyrule Castle, to in the Lost Woods. Now one of them has to have moved.

Either they moved the Temple of Time to be closer to where The Hero of Time lives, or just so make it less accessible, or Hyrule Castle was rebuilt elsewhere. There are so many map changes in TP that it's hard to tell. Tge only place that's probably in the same place in both games is Lake Hylia.

I think the window's there to mask the entrance from people unworthy of entering, hence why you need to strike the pedastal with the Master Sword to get in. :/
Yeah, makes sense.

(that took ages to separate the spoiler and quote tags)
What doesn't make sense though is that it has moved form near Hyrule Castle, to in the Lost Woods. Now one of them has to have moved.

Either they moved the Temple of Time to be closer to where The Hero of Time lives, or just so make it less accessible, or Hyrule Castle was rebuilt elsewhere. There are so many map changes in TP that it's hard to tell. Tge only place that's probably in the same place in both games is Lake Hylia.

Or maybe Navi moved the entire temple :D
'Cause, y'know, it doesn't show Link exiting the temple at the end of OoT, just that he walked away from the Master Sword and then there's that cutscene with Zelda!

(that took ages to separate the spoiler and quote tags)
I'm sure. >>
Or maybe Navi moved the entire temple :D
'Cause, y'know, it doesn't show Link exiting the temple at the end of OoT, just that he walked away from the Master Sword and then there's that cutscene with Zelda!

I'm sure. >>

That does actually make a bit of sense. Navi moves the Temple of Time. In TP it's in the Lost Woods. It explains why Link was looking for her there in MM.
Yeah that's weird.

But speaking of Yeta, has anyone noticed that Ashei's hood that she wore while at Snowpoint looks remarkably like Yeta?
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