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The Long Word Game


Chaos, art and science
This game is kind of stupid, but it can be really fun. The first player says a word, and the second play says a word that has a few letters at the beginning that are the same as the ones at the end of the last one. Pokemon names are also allowed. Try to avoid words that end with y. As an example,

Player1: Lettuce
Player2: Celery
Player3: Aww man, your supposed to avoid words that end with y! I guess we restart, than. Asparagus
Player4: Gusto
Player5: Toward
Player6: Warden
Player7: Endear
Player8: Earwig
Player9: Igneous
Player10: Usher

And so on. Get the idea? Sorry about the beginning, I haven't had breakfast.

I'll start.

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