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The Omskivar vs TruetoCheese

Alrighty, Bronn was specified to use Endeavour if Pain Split didn't work. So we'll just Fake Out on the first action. We haven't used it since we entered the battle, so it should work just fine.

Now, he'll be forced into an Endeavour, which is fine for us. Just wait until after he's hit us with Endavour then Payback right at his face. That'll show him that you can do stuff when waiting! Punk!

Now we just need like 10 damage to finish him off... so we'll just go for a Poison Jab, some variety is always nice. Especially after the spamming of Super Fangs we did, we need to make up to the prose.

If you feel something would go wrong if you waited (last round is a testament to that, buddy, I know you don't like waiting), well, just Poison Jab before he moves on action two. Ideally we'd want you to wait and Payback, which should be no problem.

Fake Out ~ Delayed Payback/Poison Jab ~ Poison Jab
2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: None
Terrain: ASB Central Stadium

Although designed to be a state-of-the-art battling facility and located at the very heart of ASB Central's battle district, ASB Central Stadium actually sees very little use. Most battlers prefer the infinite variety of the holodrome's simulated arenas to the basic, if impressive, stadium field, and official tournaments tend to feature tours of other regions rather than a homefield brawl. There is one advantage to the stadium, though--its proximity to the holodrome grants it access to a full range of simulation options, allowing trainers to trick out their team to whatever extent they like before battling.

There's nothing much to say about the battlefield: it's a large, rectangular arena covered in astroturf. A circular pool will open in its center if a Pokémon requiring water to move around in is sent out. In this arena, Pokémon can summon absolutely anything they need for their attacks: tidal waves, boulders, and so on are in ready supply.


The Omskivar
[Bronn] ♂ <Bulletproof>
Health: 26%
Energy: 44%
Status: ♫ Ricochet, you take your aim.♫, +1 ATK
Pain Split/Superpower/Chill ~ Endeavor/Drain Punch/Chill ~ Seed Bomb/Chill


[Pants!] ♂ <Shed Skin>
Health: 50% (cap)
Energy: 28%
Fake Out ~ Delayed Payback/Poison Jab ~ Poison Jab

Pants!, frowning at the failure of his Taunt, gave a glance back to his trainer for guidance. TruetoCheese smiled reassuringly and nodded, pointing impatiently at Bronn. Pants! nodded and quickly jumped into action. He held his arms out as long as he could either side of him, making a T-shape, and then he closed his eyes. With implausible speed, Pants! ran towards Bronn, his arms still outstretched. The T-shape sped closer to the Chespin and, before even a second had passed since the Scraggy started, Pants! clapped his hands together. They smacked together so hard, a shockwave exploded out from it, knocking both Pokémon back by several feet. Pants!, having expected the outcome, remained on his feet and grinning wide. However, Bronn was taken aback.

’What just happened?’ Bronn mumbled to himself. It seemed the ref was keeping up the absurd motion that Pokémon could talk. His vision was still blurry and his ears rang. His limbs wobbled as he tried to push himself back up on his feet. He breathed loud and heavy, sweat breaking on his brow. He took one last, deep breath in and regained composure to find that he had missed his chance to split the pain.

Well, he may have missed his chance to split the pain, but he could certainly drag Pants! down to his level. He walked slowly up to the Scraggy. As he walked towards Pants!, he began to think about all of the times he had tried, but failed. All of the times his strategy didn’t work, the times the battle went that annoying, bucktooth runt’s way rather than his. He scowled and his eyes met Pants!’s and didn’t move away. Every one of his steps echoed in the tense silence. The first few rounds of this battle hadn’t worked his way and here he was now. His knees were weak. Arms were heavy.
There was vomit on his sweater already. Mom’s spaghetti.
He was nervous. But on the surface, he looked calm and ready…
to Endeavor.
He cried out as he pushed Pants!. The anger, the frustration, the failures all compressed into one, swift motion. When Pants! landed on the ground, Bronn landed on top of him. Punching him over and over. Making sure Pants! felt every single thing, every single one of his failures, every single one of his Endeavors. Each hit was met with a squeak from Pants! and a grunt from Bronn. After a minute or so, Bronn relented and got up. Glaring down at the Scraggy.

The silence was broken after a moment. It wasn’t a whine, or a wheeze, or a gasp. It was laughter. Unsettling, manic, echoing laughter erupted from Pants!. He struggled as he pulled himself up from the ground, a mad, fixated stare greeted Bronn. Bronn may have pulled him down, but Pants! was to have the last laugh, literally. Because, you see, Pants! had anticipated this. Well, Pants!’s trainer really, but that doesn’t matter. The loose skin lizard had been storing the pain into one part of his body. His left arm. It glowed bright as it hung loosely. He limped towards the Chespin and, even though Bronn saw the glowing arm, it came out of nowhere.
A clear thwack sounded as the glowing arm connected with Bronn’s face, sending him flying back by several feet.

But Pants! was not done. He was going to end this now. The focus of everyone had been on his left arm, but what of his right? It glowed with an eerie, purple haze. Dark purple ‘bubbles’ grew and popped in the haze. The Scraggy’s eyes glowed with a gentle lilac colour and his fists tightened. Before Bronn could pick himself up from the previous attack, Pants! was on him, standing above his weak body. There was no more manic grin, or unsettling laughter, just a silent, vengeful glare. He rose his fist into the air and then slammed it down into Bronn’s chest. The Chespin cried out in pain, the burning toxics seared his fur and the force of the fist connecting with his abdomen knocked the wind out of him. His arms wobbled as he attempted to pull himself up after the hit. He panted irregularly and wheezed as he just couldn’t sum up the strength to do so. Bronn went limp as he lost his energy and fainted.

The Omskivar was quick to return Bronn to his Poké Ball, praising the Chespin for his efforts under his breath. He then had to decide which Pokémon to send out next against the unstable Scraggy.

The Omskivar
[Bronn] ♂ <Bulletproof>
Health: 0%

Energy: 30%
Status: Fainted, +1 ATK
Flinch ~ Endeavor (lose yourself)


[Pants!] ♂ <Shed Skin>
Health: 22%
Energy: 17%
Fake Out ~ Delayed Payback ~ Poison Jab

Health: 50 - 28 (Endeavor) = 22
Energy: 28 - 3 (Fake Out) - 3 (Payback) - 5 (Poison Jab) = 17

Health: 26 - 4 (Fake Out) - 12 (Payback) - 12 (Poison Jab) = 0
Energy: 44 - 14 (Endeavor) = 30

  • 40 for Pants!'s Fake Out Critical Hit (10 or below for crit)
  • 28 for Pants!’s Payback Critical Hit (10 or below for crit)
  • 58 for Pants!’s Poison Jab Critical Hit (10 or below for crit)
  • 7 for Pants!’s Poison Jab to Poison (30 or below for poison)

  • There's a small pool of icky, purple, toxic phlegm on TruetoCheese's side of the field.
  • The Omskivar to send out his second ‘mon.
    • Then TruetoCheese to order
  • Chespin Sprite by Kyle Dove from Deviantart.
  • Songs listened to while writing this are by Luke Sital-Singh, and Lose Yourself by Eminem.
  • Let's hope this round is less controversial!
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What in tarnations. How is a barnacle faster than bipedal lizard?

We'll work with what we've got, Pants! Start off with a Drain Punch, follow with a Low Sweep and then one more Drain Punch for good measure. If he's using any move you can Snatch and you aren't taunted, then Snatch it. If the speed conditionals don't make sense for some reason (considering it's just like Protect and Magic Coat conditons, it should work just fine), then just use your damaging move on him instead, no need to put that much thought into it. If he's protecting/detecting or untargetable barring a Substitute then Chill.

Drain Punch/Snatch/Chill ~ Low Sweep/Snatch/Chill ~ Drain Punch/Snatch/Chill

woohoo tired orders
Tough Claws is...a fantastic ability, I think.

Okay girls, here we go! Why don't you Dig down a bit, bunker away, give me a Swords Dance and then Dig back up and hit him? Delay the digging back up as much as you can to see if you can trick him into Chilling the entire round. He shouldn't be able to Snatch a Swords Dance he can't see you using (and therefore can't know you're using) so the second action should be safe as well.

Dig (down)~Swords Dance~Dig (up)

(reffing a Binacle...will probably be your ultimate test, Knuddeluff. I'm still not really sure now they move)
2vs2 Single
Style: Switch
DQ: One week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: None
Terrain: ASB Central Stadium

Although designed to be a state-of-the-art battling facility and located at the very heart of ASB Central's battle district, ASB Central Stadium actually sees very little use. Most battlers prefer the infinite variety of the holodrome's simulated arenas to the basic, if impressive, stadium field, and official tournaments tend to feature tours of other regions rather than a homefield brawl. There is one advantage to the stadium, though--its proximity to the holodrome grants it access to a full range of simulation options, allowing trainers to trick out their team to whatever extent they like before battling.

There's nothing much to say about the battlefield: it's a large, rectangular arena covered in astroturf. A circular pool will open in its center if a Pokémon requiring water to move around in is sent out. In this arena, Pokémon can summon absolutely anything they need for their attacks: tidal waves, boulders, and so on are in ready supply.

The Omskivar panicked as he tried to pick his next Pokémon. His eyes couldn’t move from the intense gaze steaming off of the Scraggy. His hands shook as he went to reach for Grognak. However, his fingers had gently brushed over the Lure Ball on his belt and, instead of the Cubone, the Binacle Abigail and Amelia Gabble popped out.

Wob-buf-fet! Bin-a-cle!”


The Omskivar
[ Abigail & Amelia Gabble ] ♀ <Tough Claws>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I am the worst design for a Pokémon ever
Dig (down) ~ Swords Dance ~ Dig (up)


[Pants!] ♂ <Shed Skin>
Health: 22%
Energy: 17%
Drain Punch/Snatch/Chill ~ Low Sweep/Snatch/Chill ~ Drain Punch/Snatch/Chill

Abigail and Amelia kept up the flow by immediately moving. Their speed was a weird thing, especially seeing as they’re barnacles and adult barnacles have never been seen moving in the natural world. So the fact that they could move at all, let alone be faster than a lizard, was an extreme mystery. Anyway, they heaved themselves forward. Pushing their bodies and their rock into the air and spinning 180°. As they landed, they pressed their palm-faces onto the floor, using them as feet. The weird-looking rock with legs stood there, silently, for a moment before it started to kick its legs against the floor. As they kicked, they grabbed a hand (foot???) full of dirt and threw (kicked???) it behind them. Each kick-throw-grab-whatever-thing dug them slightly more underground, it took a good couple of minutes, but, eventually, they were both several feet underground and unable to be seen by anyone.

Pants! was eager to get going! He wanted to rough them up! Both Abigail and Amelia! He breathed heavily, and clenched his fists. Before he could run and throw himself down into the hole, TruetoCheese shouted to him.

“Remember, buddy, chill!”

Pants! turned around and shot TruetoCheese a glare. A wide-eyed, insanity-fuelled glare, his elongated tooth dripping with saliva. TruetoCheese backed away a little, raising his hands in defense.

“O-or whatever you want! Don’t hurt me

Pants!, however, decided to listen to his trainer and just sat right down and took a nice, brief rest.

Meanwhile, underground, Abigail and Amelia were inexplicably back the right way around. How they did that with the small amount of space is beyond me, but there you go. Their worm-like bodies writhed and twisted in the air, limbering up for their next move. Almost suddenly, the writhing and twisting became more intense. They spiralled around eachother’s bodies, seemingly tying themselves in knots, but not (get it? Hahahaha). Occasionally, they smacked their long, orange-and-white bodies against eachother as if their bodies were opposing swords in a sword fight. This bizarre display did, however, appear to work. Their bodies bulked up slightly with each smack and, inexplicably, their claws became sharper. They still looked ridiculous, though.

Pants! remained sat down. Looking up at the completely clear sky, pointing out shapes he saw in the non-existent clouds.

He remained relaxed. Waiting for something, some movement, or anything, any cue for him to move. He’d been staring at the ‘clouds’ for a while now (or, maybe, a few seconds, his idea of time had been completely lost) and he was growing impatient. He flung himself up and turned around at TruetoCheese.

“I-I, er, I dunno! Just keep chilling Oh god please don’t hurt me

Pants! shrugged and plopped his ass back down on the floor. Kicking his legs against the dirt, waiting for the barnacles to return to the surface.

And, almost on cue, the rumbling began. The ground beneath Pants! quivered and cracked. The Scraggy grinned and tightened his fists, preparing himself for his first chance to inflict pain on the barnacles. He stood at the centre of the shaking ground and stomped down a couple of times, letting them know that he was ready to fight. Within a couple of seconds, the ground beneath Pants! was gone. He stood on thin air, like they do just before falling in the cartoons, for a moment. However, unlike in the cartoons, he didn’t fall in. Oh, on the contrary. Like a rocket, Abigail and Amelia shot out of the hole, rock and all, like a rocket. As they collided with Pants!, they grabbed him with their face-hand-things and hugged him tight to their rock. The Scraggy didn’t have time to react to this and was brought flying into the air with the Binacle. In less than a second, their grip on the Scraggy loosened and they threw him to the ground. This was less to cause damage (although it definitely did) and was more to change their momentum so that they could land back near The Omskivar. As Pants!’s body smacked against the floor, Abigail and Amelia span around in the air, landing rock-first a foot away from their initial hole. This feat seemed impossible and was almost if the ref threw in the impossibility just so he didn’t have to come up with something more detailed.

The Omskivar
[ Abigail & Amelia Gabble ] ♀ <Tough Claws>
Health: 100%
Energy: 94%
Status: I am still the worst design for a Pokémon ever, +2 ATK
Dig (down) ~ Swords Dance ~ Dig (up)


[Pants!] ♂ <Shed Skin>
Health: 8%

Energy: 47%
Status: Oh Barnacles
Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Health: 22 - 14 (Dig) = 8
Energy: 17 + 10 (Chill) + 10 (Chill) + 10 (Chill) = 47

Abigail and Amelia Gabble
Health: 100
Energy: 100 – 2 (Dig) – 2 (Swords Dance) – 2 (Dig) = 94

  • 7 for Abigail and Amelia Gabble's Dig Critical Hit (10 or below for crit)

  • Sorry for the wait! I’ve had exams, and been drunk (a lot).
  • Is it obvious that I despise Binacle?
  • There's a small pool of icky, purple, toxic phlegm on TruetoCheese's side of the field.
  • The Omskivar to command!
  • Binacle Sprite by me.
    • MAN, Binacle is hard to make in sprite form.
  • Songs listened to while writing this are by Taylor Swift and are 100% legally downloaded. Definitely legal. Stop asking.
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I somehow missed this reffing completely, thanks for not DQing me!

Just use Power-Up Punch girls, we don't need to do anything fancy here. If you can't get a hit in for some reason barring Substitute, use Iron Defense, unless he's Digging, in which case just use Earthquake.

Power-Up Punch/Iron Defense/Earthquake x3
Alright, let's give Knuddeluff a combo to play with. Because of reasons.

So I want you to ready up a Fake Out as quick as possible, it won't flinch, but you'll move pretty damn fast anyway. We don't even need the full priority boost, just a +1 will do. And then instead of slapping her across the face I want you to go Super Fangin' all over that barnacular barnacled barnacle (that could serve as the fake bit, I guess, if it helps the combo flow better, since you'll pretend then BAM). This shouldn't be that hard for you to pull off since there's only a difference of two between your base speed and hers.

Of course, if that combo doesn't exactly gel well, we could do it a different way. So what we'll do is we'll use the Fake Out maneuver, but instead of biting down on her, we'll disappear right in front of her with a Feint Attack (the Fakest of Fake Outs, where you just completely disappear!). Then the reappear behind her as per Feint Attack's resolution, but instead of clawing at her just Super Fang into her.

Fake Out + Super Fang/Fake Out + Feint Attack + Super Fang
Closing this battle. I guess you just get prize money as if this were a normal battle that closed early? I'm pretty sure that's what would have happened with previous abandoned ref test battles, since I don't remember stepping in to distribute extra prize money in those cases either.
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