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The one is here.


Bringer of Peace
Mwahahaha! Behold, 'Tis I, the mighty rare and supreme Nanabshuckle8, master of Air, Water and Lightning, bringer of hope in these dark hours. I desire moustashes, swords, cloaks and hats and if you do not bring before me these things as an offering I might send an army of kittens to get you! I'm a 16 year old magical European Assassin/Samurai/(possible steampunk)Pirate/English Lord hybrid that resides in the land of a thousand lakes for the moment, but my mind shall plunder your forum of all it's cookies and if it is delighted it might bring you joy in return. But seriously: Hi folks, I'm new! :D
Hey, welcome. I bring no swords, my hats are mine and mine alone, and I just shaved, but perhaps in light of the season you'll accept some frankincense?
I found you a mustache from looooooong long time ago as my welcome gift. c:

Either way, hi! I'm Ulqi. Or Arctica. Whichever you choose. Have fun here, yah?
Oh, thanks! Huzzaah, I'm approved of! *accepts sword, looks at it, smiles hesitantly* Well ,when in Rome, do as romans do! *Takes bite of sword* Hey, chocolate! *Swallows sword whole* While not a real sword it is approved of, so are the moustaches, though they...look real? I'll bite back and what the hell is a frankincence? You shall soon learn more of me.
A berry and a fungus. Delicious.

I mean, welcome, uh, to TCoD. I'm the Omskivar. Never you mind what an Omskivar is. But I am he. It. That. Whatever.

Anyway, hi!
Yeah, about the whole name thing: Nanab= Banana= Beethovens favourite fruite: Banananaaaan(a) it's a little bit less lame in swedish, anyway it's a joke that stuck as an inside joke between me and my siblings so yeah, that's the nanab part. Shuckle as you already know is known to hold berrys in it's shell, just some random name I came up with some years ago. 8 is my favourite nr.
Juon Kissa! = I'm drinking a cat!
Onks sulla pakko syödä tuo auto? = Must you eat that car?
Hi, I'm Frostagin. Resident Hetalia freak and random person. I also like Doctor Who.

America:*trying to eat Sweden's car*
That is what I thought when reading the above post.
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