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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

"Freeze... bombs?" he said, stunned. "Eh heh heh... of course I have those," he said, inching toward Freeze.
He threw Freeze's door open just as he was about to call BINGO. He began digging behind all the bananas, then slammed it shut.

He twitched, then opened Wash's door, sticking his head in.
Wash, pissed at the intrusion, pulled Ohayou all the way in, and began a rinse cycle.

"Wahh-ahh-ahh-ahh!" Ohayou yelled, visibly tumbling around in the washing machine.
"I fou-ou-ound the-e bo-mb-ombs, Er-Er-i-i-c!"

When the cycle finished, the now soaked Ohayou fell out of Wash, holding a large bag.
"Right... here..." he gasped, putting the somehow dry bag on the table.

He walked over to Heat, who proceeded to dry him with an Overheat.

Now clean and rather singed, he sat back down at the table.
Lucidia and the others walked along peacefully; Bell seemed content, for once, as Mist insisted that he needed to lose weight.
"You're only 36.4 pounds!" Shimmer had exclaimed when he announced it.
"Exactly," he had said. "And I'm 13 feet and an inch long. I'm fat."
No one had understood what he meant.
They began to see a few trees.
"There it is," sighed Flower. "The forest."
"I've heard that it's quite pleasant, besides the amazingly aggressive natives," said Shimmer.
"Natives?" asked Bell.
"Things that come from there," Shimmer answered exasperatedly. "In this case, strong Pokemon."
"Will they make me strong?"
Lucidia stopped. "He has a point. Maybe we should give him an Experience Share."
"I agree," said Mist.
"Once he gets stronger, he'll probably shut up," mutterred Mist. "I'm all for it," he added louder.
"Agreed?" Lucidia asked.
"Agreed," echoed the rest.
"Then please give me your Soothe Bell, Bell."
"Soothe Bell Bell," Bell laughed as he handed it over. "Soothe Bell Bell."
She gave him the replacement item before walking towards the forest and giving Bell a stern lecture.
"Don't try to take on these Pokemon by yourself," she said to him. "They're difficult, even for a Pokemon from the Elite Four. Even the Butterfree and Beedrill."
Bell was wordless. He had always thought lowly of Butterfree and Beedrill. To be told they were strong was startling.
He was thankfully silent as they continued.
"Do you think ve should go in then...?" Taisiya asked tiredly as she looked toward the forest, guided by Darya's paw.

"If you want. I can't help but get the feeling that there's something going on in there though..." Darya muttered. Taisiya recalled her and Dmitri and shakily stood up. She certainly hoped she could last in there without her alcohol, and she tottered toward the dense mass of trees.
Mysti saw more Rockets heading towards her. She recalled Steel Wing, sent out Purification, and ran into the forest on her back.
The Mismagius laughed as Casbah had his Dodrio attack the illusions. They then surrounded him, and all twenty of them began to charge a Shockwave attack...


Eric laughed. "Ah, Ohayou, you never cease to make me laugh! Now, we are to leave to-" he stopped as he saw flames in the distance. Black flames. "Is that... is that Mysti?"

He frowned. "Make that we leave now. Come on, Ohayou! Looks like the race has started once more!" He grabbed Ohayou and dragged him outside. he then let out Ribbon, whom looked at her surroundings thoughtfully. Eric jumped on and dragged Ohayou onto his Garchomp, giving him little choice in the matter. "If you behave while we go forth, I will let you and Spirit make a comedy routine, alright Ohayou? Until then, you need to be calm while we find the source of those flames and map out a route to the volcano..."


Meanwhile, in space, a satellite with an uppercase red r on it was focusing on the volcano. It kept its focus on the black dot down below, so hot that its thermal sensors couldn't even pick up the heat. Then, something bizarre happened

"Giovanni, I think you should see this..." called one of the Rockets at the base down on earth. The boss ran over

"This had better be good, Stewart"
"It is. Look at the screen"
"Is that the Volcano Pokemon?"
"Yep, but something odd is happening... The dot is getting bi-"

The whole place quieted as the screen was consumed in black, then static

"I don't believe it..." started Stewart, "the Volcano Pokemon used Flamethrower... And it got all the way into outer space! This is remarkable! Even the tests done on Lakinay didn't show this kind of might! Imagine boss, with this Pokemon, Lakinay, and their Brother and Sister, we could dominate not only the whole world, but the whole UNIVERSE!"

A smirk crept across Giovanni's face, amused at his employee's naivety. Why just merely rule the universe? I can succeed where Cyrus failed with just two of them... This is the start of a new age...


A bright dot stood in the middle of the volcanic crater. Its body pure white from the sheer heat being given off, flames rose from its body as its two coal-black eyes stared off into the distance. The muscular yet lithe body, like that of a Garchomp's, could not mask this beast's sadness. He tapped his right foot - which resembled a Flygon's - on the magma, which, impossibly, evaporated from the immense heat. He crossed his two, Hitmonlee-esque arms across his chest, and sighed, the air itself igniting as his very breathe burnt the oxygen in it. His tail swished behind him, thick, yet short, like that of a Dragonite's

"Poor Lakinay... Captured and forced to do harm by those humans..." he growled. His eyes suddenly turned pure white with hatred, as the rest of his body cooled, revealing his true colour of crimson red. "When they arrive, they will pay... For no mortal should ever have dominion over a god..."

He then closed his eyes and smirked. "Heh... They shouldn't even be allowed to tame our messenger and inferior, Arceus!"


In the middle of a forest, on an island in the middle of nowhere, the trees grew healthily. The Bulbasaur there were so healthy that they were twice the size of the average Venusaur, leaving the size of the latter quite a spectacle. In the middle of the forest, a small, Kecleon-like figure stirred, as he suffered from nightmares of his brother failing in battle to a group of mere humans


In a large, white cloud, a bird-like figure, with lovely, massive feathered wings attached to a small, five foot long feathered serpent, also began to groan as her dreams turned to travesties. It seems as if the Rocket's power even managed to infect the skies themselves


In a lone temple, under the ocean, a water-tight room began to leak, its protective seals weakening from the gods themselves stirring and fretting with worth. Inside, a tablet began to glow softly. Three quarters of it was shattered, as were two orbs on either side of it. However, the bottom triangular portion of it was whole, depicting an ancient etching of Lakinay against what appeared to be a quarter of the apocalypse, with steam rising from the oceans in the picture as they evaporated from a clash of epic proportions

Mysti saw Eric as she entered the forest and ordered Purification to stop. "Is - is it you, Eric?" she asked, dismounting her Suicune and recalling her. She dropped her Pokeballs to the ground. "For proof I show no threat. Long time, no see!" she said to the Burning Trainer. "Has your Pikachu been ressurected?"
Eric smiled as he landed. He then got off of Ribbon and smiled. "Yes she has! Spirit helped out a great de-Crap, I forgot Spirit at the bar..."

Meanwhile, Spirit smiled at the Rotom, and took out a stick of dynamite. He began to speak in Pokemon. "See this Dynamite? Well, I am going to light it, and summon a flutterbug! Ready... Set..."

Eric turned around as he saw a huge explosion, and a rapidly growing black dot. The dot turned out to be Spirit as he slammed into Eric

"...E i u'i e'ar o' oh ee, OW!" he mumbled underneath his laughing Gengar
Mysti giggled, as she wasn't much of an out-loud laugher. "That's great news! D-do you want to travel to the Volcano with me?" she asked in a sing-songy voice, trying not to reveal the secret crush.
"You'e pitiful, ya know that, Mysti?" Skye said haughtily, leaning against a boulder.

But she knew Mysti wasn't pitiful.

She was. And now it was too late to reveal her feelings. It had been too late for 2 years.
Eric smiled. "I was actually headed there myself, with Ohayou!" he cheerfully exclaimed to Mysti, before frowning. "Wait... if you are headed to the Volcano, then you must know of the god there... I hope you aren't going there on behalf of Team Rocket..."

He then heard Skye, and growled. He turned to her. "Fucking hell. You know, the current state of the world is all your fault!"
Ohayou, stunned after being crushed by a refrigerator, washing machine, lawnmower, oven, a fan, and a balloon, was somehow still alive.

"Spirit, that was comedy genius, but make sure not to angle the dynamite towards Frost. He has his own gravitational pull, so if he lands on me, so does everyone else... Oh! And hi Mysti! I brought you some booze for reasons I don't understand..."

He recalled all his pokemon, stood up, and released them again.
As soon as Kasumi was out of the ball, he slapped Eric with his banana.

"Ohayou stared into the distance, and saw a cloud, it was shap--- ooh! I didn't finish my cannon! Ohayou reached into Freeze's secret compartment and pulled out a yellow bazooka, and I will stop narrating my life now because I'm getting odd looks from everyone."

He added a part to his cannon, and put several of Freeze's bananas inside.
He aimed at Skye, and before she could react, fired a banana into her face.

"Victory!" he yelled, "Wait... RAPE!!!" he yelled again. "I'm being kidnapped!!!" he cried, finally realizing Eric had taken him with him.
Eric slapped his face

"Ohayou, we planned this trip for months now... Remember?" he sighed, then turned back to Skye. He opened his cloak, and Pikachu came out

"You do not deserve Lakinay, Skye. Pikachu, steal that ball, now!"

She nodded and rushed to Skye, grabbing onto her leg. As she tried to get the ball, Eric took out a small explosive, preparing to throw it at Skye

[BTW, I realize this tactic won't work. This would be an example of Eric going back to his old habits and acting before thinking]
Skye stared in confusion for a moment, picked up the banana, and ate it.

"It won't be this way for long, Eric." skye muttered, "Think of what Team rocket can accomplish. Maybe doing the impossible. Reving dead humans."

Skye grabbed the rodent by the neck and hurled it back at Eric, tears in her eyes.

"Just forget about your dreams." she moaned softly, "My dreams are more important."

She dashed in front of them.

(A little SkyexPatrick never hurt)
"GASP!!!" Ohayou yelled, "Are you serious?" he asked Eric, oblivious to the battle and romance.

(((PotP is started, but the begining isn't very good, because I'm being raped by several forms of communication. I.E. Girlfriend on phone, best friend on AIM, E-Mail notifications of posts here, My sister singing bananaphone, and my ADHD distracting me...)))
Eric growled. "You have Lakinay. Isn't that good enough for you!? Do you want to go and continue to ruin lives by getting more gods?" he shouted, then sighed. "Look, you won't be getting this Pokemon. I will make sure of it..."

He then growled and was about to hurl the explosive, planning to trap Skye in flames, when a group of Beedrill suddenly flew up, surrounding the group. There had to be at least a hundred of them, and the Beedrill here, despite being tied with the Butterfree as the weakest Pokemon in this area, are still capable of taking Ribbon out... One on one

"Fucking hell, we woke up the Beedrill!" he shouted as he hurled the explosive at five of them. They lit on fire and quickly died, replaced by ten more. The Beedrill then began to advance. Eric frowned and looked around. Crap, nothing can be used against th-wait a second... That's it!

"Pikachu, tactic 29 dash alpha! Go!" he commanded his chu. She whimpered, scared of being killed again, but she listened to his command. She used Thundershock on several patches of grass, soon creating a raging fire. The Beedrill advanced, but were quickly killed by the flames. "Good, this buys us some time... But it won't be long before they get the idea of going ABOVE the flames... We need a plan, and fast!"
"A plan you say?? Spin, do it!" he yelled, throwing a speaker into the air.
Spin possessed the speaker, playing Caramelldansen, which caused Ohayou to dance.
Eric was about to strangle Ohayou for his stupidity, when he noticed something amazing...

The Beedrill, due to their simple minds, began to dance along as the songs grabbed their very narrow band of attention. "I don't fucking believe it..."

He then glared at Skye. "You forget about my chu! Pikachu, Surf! Put out the flames in between us and Skye!" he ordered. The small chu formed a large orb of water, and hurled it at the fire, putting it out. Eric then gave chase
"Yay! We improved! Now we can get Beedrill to dance with us!!!" he cheered, still dancing, yet somehow sliding across the ground at running pace to follow Eric in the pursuit.
"Hurry up Mysti! We're leaving!"
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