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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

However, everybody was stopped as a huge blast of fire blew up the area in front of them. The Beedrill, scared, flew off in a frenzy, slamming into trees, rocks, whatever, as they only wanted to get away

Up in the sky was a winged reptile that was glowing pure white

"Leave my land, mortals, or next time, I will be sure to aim at you!" the beast yelled at them before flying off at high speeds back to his home in the Volcano. Eric's jaw dropped

"Did... Did the Pokemon of the Volcano actually come and attack us?"

[Yes, this god is more... direct... than Lakinay]
"What about bakumon of the crococano trying to rape us?" Ohayou asked, not paying attention to anything in particular.
"Wow. That was pretty courageous," Jason said. "Anyways, look who's coming. Glyde, Mist Ball, followed Draco Meteor that lil' rodent ass! We'll teach that mo****f***er who's boss for trying to mess with the Rockets!"
[Wow, I bet Taisiya thinks she is drunk off of her ass right now XD]

Eric heard the detective, and growled. "Fucking hell, does EVERYBODY have to be after me? Spirit, go grab Skye, Ribbon, take care of the detective, Pikachu, use Charge"
As Taisiya reached the bizzare scene, it seemed to blow up in front of her, and then there appeared to be a battle.

"I don't think Dmitri's shocks are vorking anymore..." she muttered, "Or there vas something in that vodka..." she muttered absently as she approached the scene shakily.
"Herro everybody! Howh are you doiing todayh?" Ohayou said in a Chinese-American accent, for reasons unknown to the universe.
Aria flew on, but she encountered a small group of Beedrill. "Windfeather, Aerial Ace, one by one!" The Starapter landed and let Aria off before soaring up again and attacking the wasps. They tried to sting her, but she dodged all but one of them. After being stung once, she fell to the ground. Luckily, all the Beedrill were out. Aria used a Full Heal on her, then let her return.
Casbah and Dodrio looked around. The Meganium were preparing for some sort of attack. Casbah jumped onto his bird's back.

"Run and jump," he commanded quickly. Dodrio began to run and leaped over a Meganium. The Grass Pokemons' Shock Wave attack was released, and it struck Dodrio's feathers, shocking him and bringing him to the ground.

"We made it over them," whispered Casbah before withdrawing the Dodrio. He then sent out his Manectric.

"Think you can help me outrun them?" joked Casbah.

"I'll shock them," he said.

He gathered electricity from the air and then used Discharge, illuminating the area.

"Let's go, quick," he murmured, and he dashed through the forest with his trainer beside him.
Taisiya then proceeded to stare at Ohayou. This guy... either he was also drunk off his ass or he was insane. Didn't hurt to ask though, and she walked up to him. Even when she didn't approach people except in bars normally, she figured he (and she for that matter) was so drunk that it wouldn't matter.

"Excuse me sir, do you happen to have any hard liquor?"
"YESH!!!" he yelled randomly, pulling a bottle of booze out of Frost. "Here you be going!" he cried, shoving the bottle at her.
"Y'know what? F*** you guys. Flip, change into that Garchomp! Then use Dragon Claw on it! Follow by doing whatever it does to you! Flop, become that Pikachu! Use Iron Tail again and again, then Dig! Glyde, you go and Psychic on the Gengar and the funny kid and that Burning Trainer, and then keep making them trip with Confusion!" said Patrick.
"Ohayou sensed an attack coming, and at the last second, he ordered Spin to continue playing music, Frost to use shadow ball on Glyde, and Cut, Wash, and Heat to use a triple light screen to protect us."

Narrating his life again, his pokemon took the hint and began executing their various attacks.
Taisiya stared. Yup, he was drunk alright. But at any rate, she took the bottle gratefully, opened it and took a deep swig from it. As she lowered it from her lips, she decided to ask:

"Vhat exactly are you and this group doing?" she cocked her head curiously.
Ohayou, who was in no way drunk, replied, "I'm dancing, while being insane, giving a drunk alcohol, which will come back to haunt me, narrating my life, and fighting!"
"Must... Resist... Dancing!" Jason said. He snapped out of the light Irish Tapdance he was doing, and continued battling. "SCREW THOSE F***ING ROTOM UP FOR MAKING ME WANT TO DANCE! USE A CRUNCH A FEW TIMES ON THEM, FLIP!"
The Mismagius gave chase, hunting down Casbah


Eric growled, then thought quickly and grinned. He didn't have to worry about Ribbon. As Flop transformed, Eric shouted out his commands. "Pikachu! Tactic 35-Delta! Go!" he shouted out. His Pikachu sighed and looked at Flop. She disappeared by using Agility, then reappeared behind the Ditton and used Thunder Beam, blasting the ditto with the pure electrical energy. She then finished off by flying into the sky, watching the Ditto from up above

Satisfied, Eric then sat back and watched Spirit handle himself. Spirit felt himself be picked up and hurled. To stop his descent, he Caramelldansened, and flew through the ground, being a Ghost type. He actually thought that worked, so he flew up to Glyde, popping up right in front of her. He continued to dance, inadvertently using Taunt as a result

Ribbon used Protect, then responded with Dragon Claw, slashing Flip's throat wide open. She knew that the slash wouldn't stop a Ditto, so she topped it off with a little bit of Toxic spat into the wound

Eric took out a small device. He pressed a button on it, and two wings slid out from the centre of it. It floated up, then locked onto Flop, imbedding itself onto the Ditto's fur. It then exploded, releasing Napalm on the Pokemon
((What happened to the Meganium?))

"There's something chasing us," said Manectric, looking over his shoulder. There was a slightly pretty purple ghost hovering behind the pair.

"Get back in," said Casbah and, peremptorily, took Manectric back into his PokeBall.

"Sheddi," he muttered, releasing the shell of a bug. "Use Confuse Ray and Shadow Sneak."

The Shedinja buzzed and exposed the Mismagius to a glowing Confuse Ray before extending his shadow and attacking.

"Be sure to avoid its attacks," warned Casbah as he continued through the forest.

"Shed..." purred Sheddi, hurrying behind his trainer.
((I've just realized! Think about Shadow Sneak, Cryptica! It's PAPER!!! :DDD))
Aria turned to the volcano. She wouldn't let herself fail again. Determined, she began strolling towards the mountain.
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