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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

Casbah started up the mountain.

"I wonder if Dodrio's okay by now..." he wondered, and let him out of his PokeBall. It was hurt in a couple of spots but otherwise nearly healed.

"Mind taking as for a ride?" asked Casbah, climbing onto his three-headed Pokemon's back, with Sheddi sitting behind him. "Shed!"

"All aboard," said Dodrio, and started dashing up the mountainside.
Aria let Windfeather land a few inches from the base of the mountain. "Good girl." She then sent out Rose, who let her on, then began flying almost as fast as a jet plane. "Wheeeeee!" Aria cried. Then Rose slowed down, not wanting to hurt Aria by putting too many G forces on her. They were about a quarter way up the mountain now.
"FU** DODGE IT!" Jason shouted. But it was too late. Glyde was hit by the ball, and tumbled down. "SHI*!" He gave her 2 potions, and Glyde was finally back up, but by then the trio was beyond sight. Jason sighed. "Well, we could always stalk them later on.)
Blade ran up to the side of the mountain. "Aw, d*%n...why's it so tall?" he thought, "I just want the Volcano God, not to break my back." and started walking up the gentle slope of the mountain.(Don't worry, it gets a lot steeper) He called out Moon and Solon for protection. Suddenly a Golem appeared from a rock Solon was standing on. "Moon! Faint Attack! Solon! Psychic!" And the two responded in perfect harmony, nearl taking out the Golem. "Let's finish it off. Again! Psychic and Faint Attack!"
Taisiya screamed, she shouted, anything she could do to get their attention. Everything was moving way too fast and she didn't know if it was bad alcohol or the fact that she was clinging to the Garchomp's leg for dear life.

"Heeelp!! Help!! Everything's moving vay to fast!!"
Mysti bit dust. She saw she was about to crash and timed her landing perfectly do she wasn't hurt too bad.((Hey, it happened on my bike a couple weeks ago! I was about to hit the curb, so I jumped off, rolled in the grass, and saved myself from all harm except a pain that lasted 30 seconds!)) "Everyone all right?" she asked. "Maybe we should go with Steel Wing, as he can take a lot of pain!"
Jason kept on flying on Glyde, and all of a sudden the mountain became closer and closer within sight. "Shi*..." said Jason. "That's a pretty damn tall mountain..."
Mysti decided to go with Purification to get her to and up the volcano. She quickly caught up to Eric. "So... I hate Team Rocket. I'm pretty sure you do, Eric-Kun." she said, naturally being Japanese, and adding '-Chan' if you're a girl and '-Kun' if your a boy after a name shows signs of respect. "I'm actually only on Team Rocket to retreive Lakinay!" she whispered.
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As Glyde glided on, Jason started to ask a question. "Have you ever used Lakinay before, Skye?"
"She can see it! The volcano! Hurry, Zeek!" Baby called, when she heard a new call from Bella.

The bird dove into the cover of the trees recklessly, plummeting through the branches at dizzying speed, breaking through the canopy to twist her way through the branches. Zeek and baby were close behind, Zeek's feet pounding as steadily as a heartbeat on the forest floor, Baby's blonde curls streaming behind her and she leaned forward, almost flat against the Raikou's back. Zeek let out a sharp bark, like crashing thunder, and tore through a bush. Baby laughed, the feeling of being free on her best friend's back making her heart almost burst. Hopefully, nothing would stop them...

((This post goes very well with Cry Of The Afflicted - Ignition Legion...))
"Hmmm.... Wonder if it obeys you. Hopefully it does if you ever have to use it. Anyways, you were pretty good out there 2 years ago, I heard. How was Patrick?" Jason said, avoiding some trees in the way.
"Hmmm... He was a good friend," he said sadly. Cheering up all of a sudden, he said, "Hey look! We're almost at the mountain!"
A Deoxys - Speed Forme - intercepted Aria, slamming into here


Casbah soon encountered a group of Articuno, all of them hungry, as even the Butterfree are hard to take down and eat as food...


Eric sighed and got back on Ribbon after healing her with a Max Potion. He turned to the others and helped them on Ribbon's back. "No, Mysti, Steel Wing only has a 0.5x resistance. Ribbon has a 0.25x resistance, and even she was taken down by that fucking ball of flame..." he sighed, then grinned. "And Mysti, we should register each other in our Pokenav's when we get the chance!"

He then grinned. "Ribbon, time for take off! We can't let Skye get this god, too!" he told her. Ribbon nodded and took off


The Volcano Pokemon sighed as he rested in one of the hot springs. "Ah... Such pure water... Mmm... Many a battle has made me this strong, yet only a single soak, and I am refreshed..."

He then got up and flew at high speeds back to the Volcano, flames trailing behind. A Glaceon sniffed the water and fell in. All that remained was a single hair, which quickly lit on fire before vapourizing, showing just how hot the water was


Far away, in a deep cavern, a red eye glinted as a Zubat flew by. Hmm... What is that I see? it thought as it let out a sonar blast. The scream showed the horror that it saw, dying from just the sight of such a beast. The dragon type smirked as it reached out its scaly claw, four long, gangly fingers and a thumb, and scraped the prey to itself. "Never had to fight a day in my life, as my sheer looks have killed... Heh... My children may have troubles with those trainers, but I will never fall to such pitiful beings..." the demonic entity said, in a deep voice fitting of Satan himself


In the middle of Saffron, one of the few Pokemon Centres still in contact reopened its doors after an odd malfunction

"That was really bizarre," mumbled Nurse Joy. "It was almost as if the Light ITSELF was ali-eckgrt..." She then dropped dead as the light itself solidified around her. A being of unbelievable beauty appeared, its stomach forming around the corpse. "Mmm... Too bad the offspring I fathered with the God of Darkness," it began, careful not to mutter its name, lest a human defile it with their filthy mouths, "weren't able to learn this skill. It may have saved my sweet Lakinay from a life of servitude to those pathetic insects..."

The dragon flipped its head into the air, and walked off with a feminine gait, disintegrating into light as it did


A lone Deoxys in space was wandering around, wondering why the Earth was changing so much. "Never in my whole life has it changed this fast before..." the legendary virus said to no one in particular. It then sighed. "I have seen what those gods can do, having lived many a year and being born from their pure energy mutating me... I just hope that those humans don't disrupt the elements, or they may awaken the King himself..."

[There. Now you have an idea of what six of the seven - yes, seven - of them look like. The seventh? Well, lets just say that we will have to wait until we screw up nature itself something awful... :D]
((Oh shit. Also, can we have an epic chase scene up the mountain like last time? Well, in mountains instead of the forest.))
As Jason raced to touch the mountain, he suddenly encountered a group of Celebi. "Dammit..." he said. "Glyde, use Zen Headbutt!" As Glyde started to zip towards the Celebi, they suddenly started glowing. "Cele..." they said. All of a sudden, Jason and Glyde were teleported to another set of mountains instead of reaching the volcano. "COME ON!" he said, angry. "GIVE US A BREAK!" He got back up on Glyde lazily, and the Latias started transporting Jason towards the top of the mountain range to get a good look at the environment around them.
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