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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

"Glyde, I think this is a challenge for you and Patrick!" Jason shouted, sending out the Riolu. "Brick Break and Water Pulse!" he said to each one of them. Patrick easily smashed the Golem and knocked him away, and Glyde simply made the 2 Golems so scared they dug underground and burrowed away. All of a sudden, Patrick was glowing.
"A-are you... Evolving?" he asked. A few seconds later, a Lucario's shape formed. "YOU DID!" he cheered, going on to hug him. Everyone else also gathered around to cheer him on, but no one noticed the Zapdos slowly getting closer and closer to the group.
Windfeather rushed in front of Aria, taking the attack. She taunted, "Ah, ah, ah, only attack Pokemon!" She then used Aerial Ace on the Speed-forme Deoxys.
Deoxys quickly changed to Defence Forme to intercept the attack. It then made a synthesized trumpet sound. Soon, two more Deoxys appeared, one in Attack Forme and one in Normal Forme. The Attack Deoxys began to use Zap Cannon


Eric soon got to the top, with Patrick and Skye being the next closest. Casbah was third closest, with the others trailing behind. Eric soon got hit by a massive blizzard and fell into the snow, Ribbon being knocked out - the passing out kind, not the fainting kind that requires a revive to fix - from the sheer cold. Eric sighed and called her back. He then tightened his cloak as Pikachu climbed in. "Well, looks like Spirit is the only one of my Pokemon that can handle this. Ohayou, you're Rotom are our best bet for getting through this area. And I hope you have a fire Pokemon to keep us from freezing to death, erm..." he sweatdrop as he looked at the drunk, "whoever you are."
Patrick turned around. "ZAPDOS!" he yelled. The Zapdos was charging up a Thunder, but everyone luckily got on Glyde and got away from it before it could unleash its wrath. They flew away, and up ahead they could see a huge snowstorm blistering up ahead, with a few shadows of people. Glyde had to slow down, as visibility was low.
Eric turned and saw a shadow. "Spirit, guide them this way, alright?" he asked his Gengar. He smiled and nodded. "Gen!" he replied as he used Psychic to lightly tug the detective to them
Ohayou followed close behind, riding on Heat.
"It-t-t's t-t-too c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cold!!!" he yelled, shivering. "Heat! Use Overheat to make the area around us warmer, and then use Psycho Shift to get rid of the bad stat change," he commanded.
Jason got dragged towards the shadows, and saw him and his newfound posse. "What are YOU doing here?" he shouted angrily.
Shimmer saw a few flashes ahead, along with some figures. Some Deoxys, some human.
She used her excellent vision to get a better view.
I believe I have seen them before...
She reported back to Lucidia, who was instantly giving orders.
"I'll ride there on you, Shimmer," she said. "Everyone who can't fly, back in your balls."
Grace absorbed herself, as did Bell, with a sigh.
She mounted the shiny Articuno. "Fly on, Shimmer," she said, and they flew off towards the figures, arriving a few minutes later.
"You were right, Shimmer," said Lucidia. "They do seem rather familiar..."
"In either case, it looks like they may need help," pointed out Joy.
"You're right," she replied. "Down we go. Attack!"
She shivered as Shimmer screeched and used an Ice Beam, joined by a Shadow Ball, from Joy, Mist's Dragon Pulse, and an Energy Ball, which had to be from Flower.
But there was also a Blizzard... Where could that be from? Unless one of her Pokemon was attacking with two attacks at once, there was no one else on her side...
She turned around, and gasped at the sight of another Articuno, firing its own attack.
Eric growled. "Oh great... Look, we will need to work together to get across this area. You will freeze without heat, and if me and Ohayou get surrounded, well, five Rotoms, a Drifloon, and a Gengar can only go so far. So, let's just put our differences aside, alright?"

Eric then let out Ribbon. "Ribbon, use Flamethrower to heat the area. You are on warmth duty. There are bound to be ice types here, so don't bother battling. They would knock you out, after all."

She nodded and breathed out a stream of flame to add to the heat. Eric began to walk. "She will breathe fire every few minutes. When she feels cold, she will breathe fire to heat us all up."

[I can't remember... Did she use her Yache Berry already?]
Ohayou hid inside of Heat for... extra heat...
"Why do I feel like im sexing you..." he muttered to himself from inside Heat.
Heat smiled creepily, and locked Ohayou in.
"RAPE!!!" Ohayou yelled, breaking out.
((Made a sprite for Mist because I was bored.


You like?))
Casbah was determined to reach the top.

He was still sitting on Manectric's back. The electric dog swerved, fur nearly sparking with determination.

After crossing the mountain horizontally for awhile, Manectric turned and started to hike up.

Casbah praised his Pokemon. "Almost there, boy. You can do it."
"Maybe Steel Wing can help us stay warm, too!" she said, calling out her Charizard. It was so cold, he hid inside his wings. Mysti sighed. "Oh well..." she muttered as she called Steel Wing back. "Wait, what about Shadowflare? She has a long, furry coat, and she's a Fire/Dark type!" she said, calling out her black Ninetales. "She's part Dark because of her colouring..."
(Wah. I wasn't able to get on at all until just now)
Blade started sprinting up the mountainside until it got too steep for him to stay up on his own, then he got on Latias. He noticed now that it was flat land there, and decided to land. It was freezing cold, and he had no Pokemon that know any fire attacks, and Blade started to think he was becoming dillusional(sp?) because he thought he saw an Arcticuno.
Eric turned away from Jason to see Ohayou trapped in an oven that had what could be described as a rapist's smile

"...Ohayou, how the hell... You know what? Never mind. I DON'T want to know. Spirit, charge a Shadow Ball. If Heat doesn't let out Ohayou soon, then fire at the weak point for massive damage"

Spirit began to laugh as he charged the Shadow Ball
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