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Closed The Pokemon of the Volcano

Jason started hovering above the jagged mountain floor. He decided to take a rest, and gave everyone some Pokemon treats. "Cutzums, come on out!" he said. "Softboiled!" The Blissey gave everyone an egg, and let herself eat one, too. Everyone was healed, but Jason decided to let them play a little and take a rest there.
Casbah looked around as Dodrio slowed to a halt.

"This is bad."

An idea came to his head. He withdrew Dodrio to protect him from harm, and sent out Manectric.

"Use Roar," he commanded.

Manectric took a deep breath and let out a loud, frightening howl.

((Please tell me what the Articuno do, Icalasari. I'm not sure if I'll godmod or not :scared:))
The Articuno stared at the Manetric, clearly not scared of the roar. Unbelievable. The Pokemon here are so strong and sure of themselves that not even an attack designed to strike fear in the hearts of all phased them

The Articuno - all five of them - flew towards the Manectric, letting out a collective blizzard attack
Manectric saw the Blizzards coming, and use Discharge in an orb shape to attempt to defeat, or at least shock, at least one of the Articuno. When the Blizzards struck, he was overwhelmed by the cold. His joints stiffened, and he found himself frozen and unable to move.
The Articuno dodged the orb expertly, but soon flew away, scared. The coldness in the area that was freezing Manectric soon turned into a searing hot wind. The Volcano God arrived, and clawed one of the Articuno, hungry. He grabbed it and tore it apart, consuming the rapidly burning bird. His body was slowly becoming white from his body heat. He then turned as saw Casbah

"Leave my land... NOW!" he shouted, in disbelief that there was yet another one. He launched a fire ball at the area just above Casbah. The ball was a dark purple colour, so hot that a star couldn't even hold a match to the intense heat. The section of mountain the orb hit vapourized, and a vacuum was made for a few seconds, sucking Casbah close to the heated rock. The sheer temperatures of the air near it lit his clothes on fire. The god snorted and flew back to his volcano, getting ready for the trainers

"I am sick and tired of these pests... If they get past Regigigas, then I will be eating them alive, gnawing on their bones within minutes..." he grumbled as he soon landed and dived in the magma. Nearly all of the magma evaporated on contact with the intense heat, creating a large vacuum as air rushed in to fill the empty space. Rock Pokemon rolled in and melted into fresh magma, screaming loudly, causing even the trainers whom were a ways off to shudder in fear

Casbah stumbled backward from the magma. Manectric ran up and caught him on his back before dashing partway down the mountain.

"That Pokemon was scary," said the dog.

"Walrein could do it. Ice and Water should have no problem. Even though the Pokemon is super uber, I believe in her."
Aria fell off Windfeather, and Windfeather fell towards the ground. However, Windfeather regained her composure, and caught Aria. They landed on the rocky ground, waiting for the Deoxys to make its attack.
Mysti decided to go with Purification to get her to and up the volcano. She quickly caught up to Eric. "So... I hate Team Rocket. I'm pretty sure you do, Eric-Chan." she said, naturally being Japanese, and adding 'Chan' after a name shows signs of respect. "I'm actually only on Team Rocket to retreive Lakinay!" she whispered.

(((No... just no... Eric is a GUY!!! He is a -kun... Girls are a -chan. (Sorries! That's one of my obsessive compulsives... No offence.))))

Ohayou, stunned by the fast-ness, lay on the ground, swirly-eyed.
"The bananas are attacking the flying monkey..." he muttered, making a little bit of sense if you have a twisted mind.

He suddenly jumped to his feet, and looked around. Seeing the Volcano Pokemon, he said, "It's... that thing... we were... looking for? Right Pyromaniac?"
After camping out, everyone started to hike up again. They were all refreshed, and they were all content, too. After hovering halfway up the tall peak, 3 Golem suddenly appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.
Eric sighed. "You're a little late, Ohayou. But yes, that was the Pokemon we are after. AND I AM NOT A PYROMANIAC!"

Ribbon rolled her eyes. "Gar..."

"...Oh, fuck you"


The Deoxys began to speed up, and used Extreme Speed on Aria

(When are you going to use Lakinay, Flareth? ;.; Also, I just reread your bio. I always considered Lakinay full of herself (ESPECIALLY near the end, with the whole form change). Of course, I guess sarcastic falls into the same vein, and things CAN change after two years XD)
"Yes you are, and to prove it..." he trailed off, somehow getting many flammable objects, a flamethrower, and some gasoline.
He shoved the flamethrower at Eric, and covered a tree in gasoline.
"Hint, hint." he muttered.
"Are... you... serious?" Ohayou asked, staring.
"What have I been living for???" he yelled to the heavens/bacon. [/ritalin]
((Sorry for putting, "Chan". I still know not too much about Japanese, I wanted to try! I was going off the guy on the TV show, "Jackie Chan"!*edits my other post*))

"Hmmm,Steel Wing may be able to take some hits, and he would get me there quickly, but after what you said, Eric-kun...Well, I still need to learn type resistance and weakness. How good would a Suicune do? I know it'a at least part water, but I'm not sure if it has another type..."
Skye looked up to see a whole pack of Moltres above her. She started screaming a strain of curses.
Damn ninjas D< How about you wait for me, hmm?

The group had thanfully not been attacked while traveling through the forest, and were now in the mountains.
Shimmer spotted a blast over the crest, which looked like a Blizzard. She flew to the top, the rest close behind, to see five Articuno, one of which was flying away, and one which had been torn apart, and a boy fleeing the scene.
"What happened here?" she asked her distant relatives.
(((Chan is his last name. ._. And I think he's Chinese...)))

Ohayou, bored out of his mind, and not participating in the battle, yelled, "I have nothing to post!!!!" to the heavens.
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