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The Silence Game 2.0

*Closes eyes as she opens a Gargantua (Black hole looking thingymajig)*
*Tells the two to grab onto her; the could die if they fall in*
*Takes a deep breath as she leaps into the Gargantua*


*Softly lands in Hueco Mundo, closing the Gargantua*
*It's night in the vast white desert...Cautions the two to stay alert; If they're not careful, Hollows might devour their souls*
*is scared for Legsee*
*finds her old SHuckle lushie
*After a while, the four arrive at the entrance of Las Noches*

*Advises that the others shut up while she does the talking*
*Enters Las Noches and motions them to follow her through the numerous hallways*
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