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The Silence Game 2.0

*ninja's pink swimsuit and jumps in the river*
*States that she bought that for three bucks anyway*
*Magically is in a dark green swimsuit and cannon-balls into river*
*tries out Axe-Murderer style*

EDIt: *doesn't like it*
*Hears a beeping from her watch near the lawn chair; gets out and checks it*

*Eyes widen as she remembers what time it is*
*States its 3:37 in her time...And her Espada meeting was at 3:30*

*Quickly snaps back into Arrancar Attire as she cusses out her luck*
*thinks scary thoughts about Sam Roth*
*is getting used to this Scyther Slash style*
*Explains that Hueco Mundo is a Hollow-riden desert on the Other Side. In this desert is the Arrancar kingdom of Las Noches, where she, the other Espada (the strongest Arrancar) and her Shinigami leader, Sosuke Aizen, live. Slowly says that she and her teammates are dead...Quickly adds the meeting won't last very long*
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