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The Silence Game #5

*Eyebrow raise at Spunky*
*Looks back at Arctica, asking what to do now*

*Didn't think ahead*
*Screams in surprise as she's sinking in*

*Swiftly is on his knees, holding her hand with both hands, struggling to keep her up*
*Scream as they fall*

*Manages to grab ahold of Arctica around her waist (Tch, as if that will give her comfort)*
*Crashes to the ground, rendered unconscious*

*Falls with her, but manages to stay awake*
*Painfully stands up, looks at Arctica*
*Quickly is by her side, shaking her lightly*
*browses shelves*
*finds a book on dark magic*
*starts reading*
*Grabs book*
*Squeeze it in hand, bursts into flames*
*Ashes fall from hand as I walk over to Arctica to see if she's okay*
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