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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Mumei_tensai, just one question. Since you're asking this of everyone, why don't you just start a sprite contest somewhere for this? (Just a suggestion.)
PS. I have decided. I'm gonna try and scratch a Chibi Darkrai! :D
Bit of an overkill with DynaBlade there, pal.A while back, there was bandwagoning and everybody made a sprite contest. Then, Surskitty closed all of them but a select few that were original. I suggest asking Surskitty, but don't get your hopes up...
Edit: Also, can I have a splice of Ho-oh an Dyna Blade?
How so? The Dyna Blade sprite isn't that big.Bit of an overkill with DynaBlade there, pal.
A while back, there was bandwagoning and everybody made a sprite contest. Then, Surskitty closed all of them but a select few that were original. I suggest asking Surskitty, but don't get your hopes up...
Edit: Also, can I have a splice of Ho-oh an Dyna Blade?
I wish you could see how big my eyes got at reading that request. They're not closing. I am tearing up from the inability to blink. They.. must.. close. (I am completely serious.) Anyway, okay. Ho-oh Dynablade it is. Now, I only need to find a huge Ho-oh sprite.
I'm completely evil. >=D
But what's wrong withand a regular Dyna Blade?
(The ho-oh sprite is showing a red X for me) Nothing. I'll do it. Yes. Absolutely. It's just that DynaBlade is kinda big isn't he? Not complaining. Will do request.
The sprite is only slightly bigger, though.
Bit of an overkill with DynaBlade there, pal.
How so? The Dyna Blade sprite isn't that big.