Screw the rules, I have green hair!
- Pronoun
- he
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
It's just what it says on the tin; reposing the Pokemon by any means.Some people consider a repose to be scratching it in a new pose, some consider it to be transferring everything from one Pokémon to another, making it look like the first one in a different pose.
...EE! It's so pretty~~ *hugs it* thank you! you mind if I use it in ASB, as I'm planning on getting Ralem and it's basic form approved in it? You'd get credit and stuff of course.
Is this what you were expecting for the Gastrodon evo? I made the colors so both west sea and east sea gastrodon evolve into the same thing.
Aw, cute linoone! They are teh awesomesauce.
EDIT: Oh! I just thought of an awesomesauce spriting challenge thingy. You don't have to do it, but I think it'd be fun. Try to chibi-fy any Pokemon. You know, like make the eyes all huge and the body all squished and make it all cute and stuff.
Ummmm.....Huh? See, that's why I said I don't do any out-of-pokemon thing but kirby. I really don't know any. (except sonic, but I dislike sonic.) So, sorry, you said I don't have to do it, I actually got busy, and it's outside of pokemon and kirby... Sorry.