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The Spriter's Showcase!

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Don't mean to sound like an idiot, but you've mentioned it twice now; what's AA?

Don't listen to this idiot; I remembered what it meant (anti-aliasing).
I like the one on the right better (I was staring at them for a while trying to figure out the differences LOL). That is one dandy sprite you made :P
I can't decide which really, and I guess everyone has their own opinion 50 50 on this sprite. Also I have been going through a milotic sprite phase and my pokeball in my sig is a Milotic (looks like she is bloody on the face...)
In my boredom I made this:

Chikorita/Nidoranf mix. The sprite to the left was colored with the FR/LG NidoranF sprite and the one to the right was colored using the Platinum sprite.
Hurrah for the random sprite generator!
I just learned how to splice, and I want some feedback. Should I continue practicing, or am I wasting my time. Please keep in mind that these are my first splices.

Wooperill (Wooper + Azurill)

Scytops (Scyther + Kabutops)

Skarmitar (Skarmory + Pupitar)

Ghastlypuff (Ghastly + Jigglypuff)

Ektini (Ekans + Dratini)

Species: the Star Weaver Pokémon

Flavor: This Pokémon is said to tend to the stars before every sunset, shining each one with its delicate brush-like hands.

Species: the Star Weaver Pokémon

Flavor: This Pokémon is said to tend to the stars before every sunset, shining each one with its delicate brush-like hands.

Phil, I hate you.

It looks epic; there's nearly nothing to crit.

Some more trainer sprites. Thinking of making a trainer card :V


remakes of
only made out of trainer sprites and not a pixel-over. They kinda reflect this funny thing one side of my hair has been doing lately since I haven't been blowdrying it. Takes too much effort


First face thing.
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