An extremely equivalent exchange.
"No" Enigma calls, very aware that he has taken up too much time here. He shoves Soprano away powerfully, takes Aura by the neck and teleports away. In his wake, a powerful voice rings out:
"In the quiet of the Chansey Day Care centre, it's once owner lies dead on the floor. A rope hangs from the ceiling. On it, is your friend, Aura. Let her die. All around her, are hundreds upon hundreds of threads, all attached to eggs. If one vibrates, even slightly, the egg will shatter, killing the infant inside it. Don't come for her. Innocent lies depend on it"
And with that, the voice vanished.
"In the quiet of the Chansey Day Care centre, it's once owner lies dead on the floor. A rope hangs from the ceiling. On it, is your friend, Aura. Let her die. All around her, are hundreds upon hundreds of threads, all attached to eggs. If one vibrates, even slightly, the egg will shatter, killing the infant inside it. Don't come for her. Innocent lies depend on it"
And with that, the voice vanished.