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The wish game

Granted but as you're about to get it, I come in with PhaRaoH and Krazzy and steal it in the name of the ANBU Clan!!!

I wish that PhaRaoH would stop blaming me for setting Flannery on fire!
Granted, but PhaRaoH is unamused, so she makes it turn into a giant cube that crushes yooooooou!

I wish to see the original files about which the Lavendar Town Syndrome conspiracy surrounds!
Granted, but your computer breaks and you had valuable work on it.

I wish that my other laptop that blue screened could be fixed...
Granted, however you'll be told in an alien language xD

I wish I had wings so I can fly to Arizona ^.^
I'm sorry, Zoltan is not available at this time, please try again later!

I wish for something other than Equestrian to be on the tele...
Granted. The Equestrian is gone and you now have only the watching paint dry marathon.

I wish for a sandwich, which is a type I like, and has nothing wrong with it, and won't cause anything else in my life to go wrong or for something unrelated but catastrophic to happen at any point around the time I'm eating it.
Granted. It comes in the form of a nuclear blast, which disintegrates you before your nerves can respond. Thus, you don't feel anything.

I wish for something positive to happen to the next poster, but without it harming me.
Grated, I get awarded a million pounds for being the next poster, however you can't have one pence of it, cos if you so much as stroked that much then every atom in your body would invert thus making for an interesting view...

I wish for a real "Meteor Black Dragon" Card in English as well!
Granted - because the default was changed from 0 to 8,825, so you get 9001. Unfortunately, you need 10000 to become a Metapod.

I wish I hadn't just added a misspelt word to my firefox dictionary.
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