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The wish game

Granted, but it takes you 413 hours to get it.

I wish I had something better to put in my signature.
Granted, but it is a virus. It infects TCoD and you get sued for site damage.

I wish I could make better sprites.
Granted, but you start using your powers to make people look stupid.

I wish there was a Golden Sun anime.
Granted, but it starts to hate you. It kills you with thunder.

I wish that you wouldn't get on my nerves as much as you do.
Granted, but it doesn't come with staples, cuz I used them to dangle string from the door frame to tease a certain Neko with...

I wish to find whoever told off the Neko for saying Nya in these Forum Games...
You found her, but she is not listenin' to ya!

I wish for a Tea Con. (TCoD convention!)
Granted, but you are squished with hugs from all of your lovely friends here.

I wish I could somehow get ten hours of sleep in the seven hour period of sleep time I actually have.
Granted, but now you suck at everything else!

I wish for a large amount of Microsoft Points so I can get the DLC for the Tomb Raider games!
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