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The wish game

Granted. It is extremely little. In fact, it is so small you can't even see it...

I wish I could magic my homework completed and correct and then go to bed.
Granted, but your teacher is an inspector who's role is blocked when she inspects something magic and when she inspects your homework, her role is blocked, which lets her know you used magic.
I'm creative.
I wish Silver's dad wasn't a *}!?x~ face.
Granted, but instead he is now a snorlax that farts flames.
In my neighborhood, there are some freaks who dress up as team rocket and then steal my stuff. (Not kidding)
I wish they would go away.
Granted! They blast off... Into your bedroom... Onto your lap... While you were sleeping... I don't have a dirty mind... Honest... Well, much...

I wish the gulf stream drift would jus piss off so we in Britain can learn what real snow is again! Maybe that will get rid of all the immigrents!

Am I turning politically incorrect?
Granted, but it eats all your food and then you have to eat it to survive the harsh winters of the land of nyan cat.

I wish people would stop making awkward rumors about me and everglider.
Granted. They now make awkward rumors about you and the more pinkish space jellyfish from Star Trek.

I wish there wasn't so much creepy organic technology in Battlestar Galactica.
Granted, but instead all the creepy technology is in pokemon.
(Mechamewthree, anyone?)

I wish for a 3dsixl with a shorter name and a my little ponymon game.
Granted, but it is so big you have to jump on the buttons very hard to do anything. And your game is a fake.

I wish there was fire in the land of Nyan Cat.
Granted, but it's a hacker in her account and she goes around trolling and gets banned forever.

I wish Nyan Cat Land would start fighting with Tac Nayn Land.
Granted, but you are killed in the crossfire.

I wish you would stop being rude and let me actually have fun when i play the silence and tell a lie about the above poster games.
Granted, but then you start taking all the fun from everyone else and they all hate you for it!

I wish Final Fantasy VI wasn't so underrated!
Granted, but a rainbow-powered cat flies away with it.

I wish the Cylon Imperial Leader wasn't organic.
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